Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1281: Couple games

"This... in order to let the senior know that I am not her prince!"

"No... she is my friend too..."

"Then why are you talking about her prince?"

"Since you are not his prince, why risk your death to save it?"

"Because his Langjun is a good friend?"

"For the sake of a good friend's wife, dare you to say you are a good person?"

Fuck me! Can you still speak well! Lu Yang was a little angry and cursed in his heart.

Lu Yang was a little dizzy, but Cheng Yaojia was impatient, and shouted to Huang Yaoji: "Senior, he is the one who is unwilling. Can Senior let us go down?"

Lu Yang was dumbfounded and glanced at Cheng Yaojia. Cheng Yaojia quickly said, "My son, calm down, expedient!"

Lu Yang nodded helplessly, it seems that this father-in-law is not easy to deal with!

The other side was quiet for a while, and Huang Yaoshi's voice came over again: "The old man hates the duplicity, you don't lie to the old man to survive!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and said to his heart, this is not something you don't want us to admit?

Lu Yang didn't say anything, but Cheng Yaojia said, "Senior let us go down. You can tell at a glance!"

The yellow pharmacist over there listened, but suddenly laughed, and laughed for a while before he said: "Girl don't mind, I just tried that kid to see if he dared to admit it. She really loves her reputation as you said. Be loyal to your lover."

As he said, he loosened his fingers and jumped down.

Lu Yang also gave a wry smile, released his fingers, and after his body drooped for a while, he continued to cushion his breath and land slowly.

As soon as he landed, Lu Yang began to mass the father-in-law. I saw that although his hair was slightly gray, he couldn't tell how old he looked. On the contrary, the grandmaster's grandeur suddenly appeared on his face.

Looking at his appearance, he was somewhat similar to Huang Rong, and he must have been a handsome and suave handsome when he was young. Although he is older, his face has more vicissitudes. It also looks more calm.

When Lu Yang looked at him, he was also looking at Lu Yang. The two looked at each other for a while, and Lu Yang said, "Thank you, your Excellency!"

Yaoshi Huang was startled slightly, then a smile appeared on his face, saying that this person really suits his appetite.

Although he is a great master and is old, he hates people calling his predecessors honorifics. Also disgusted with red tape. So calling him your Excellency to Lu Yang, not senior, feels very comfortable in my heart.

Seeing him smile, Lu Yang was also very happy. The reason why he called your Excellency was because he guessed Huang Yaoshi's character should not like others to be polite to him.

The two smiled at each other, and Huang Yaoshi said: "Although you and I meet each other, but I saved your wife, you should call me a benefactor!"

Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment, and wondered where did this come from. He looked at Cheng Yaojia, then at Huang Yaojia, and had no choice but to say, "Thank you for not killing the benefactor!"

He said he didn't kill, he didn't say save people, anyway, he was a benefactor, so you can call me!

Hearing what he said, Yaoshi Huang frowned, and said unwillingly: "I ask you, did you abandon this beloved woman because your father disagrees?" "This..." Lu Yang gnawed at Cheng Yaojia. Cheng Yaojia didn't dare to speak out, but only lip-synched: "The expedient!"

Lu Yang sighed and said, "I am confused!"

Yaoshi Huang snorted coldly: "It's good if you know your mistakes!"

Lu Yang sighed: "Now I understand that what parents' orders and what matchmakers say are all bullshit. As long as you truly love each other, it makes no difference whether you are married or not. Benefactor, don't you?"

Yaoshi Huang was taken aback for a moment, and his heart screamed badly. He had just forced him to admit his relationship with Cheng Yaojia, but he didn't expect to be inadvertently caught by him.

He smiled, and said to his heart, it doesn't matter, the old man still has something to do!

He turned his back and said to the two of them: "You think so, that you really love this girl, but the old man is not willing to trust others in his life. If you are sincere, the old man will have to observe for a few days. You stay here, knowing the old man I believe you and let you go!"

Fuck, if you never believe me, then your girl is going to be a widow!

Lu Yang felt depressed for a while, Huang Yaoshi seemed to notice a change in his face, turned his head and said solemnly: "What's the matter, you don't want to stay here with this girl Cheng?"

Where did Lu Yang dare to say no, he immediately said: "Senior's arrangement is just in line with Xia Xia's wishes. Xia Xia also wants to..."

As he said, he took Cheng Yaojia's hand and said with a look on his face: "I want to be with Cheng... No, I will take it with Yaojia for a few days!"

Cheng Yaojia knew he was doing a show, and couldn't help but blush on her face, and she became ashamed.

Lu Yang did feel a confession in his heart. My brother Lu, I am also trying to save your wife out, so don't blame me!

Yaoshi Huang heard what he said, snorted coldly, and whispered: "Since you love her, why do you call her Yao family? Are the words before you all bullshit?"

Lu Yang was taken aback, gritted his teeth and said to Cheng Yaojia: "Lady!"

Cheng Yaojia's face blushed, and she was so timid: "Maniday!"

Yaoshi Huang laughed, and said, "Follow me!"

Lu Yang really had a trick to stun the old man, taking Cheng Yaojia to escape, but this person was his father-in-law after all, even if he did not know his identity at this time. But he is always going to get angry if he is tricked.

The three of them returned to the broken house, and Huang Yaoshi pointed to a room and said, "You can rest here!"

Lu Yangen let out a cry, then he was taken aback, and said in doubt, "Senior, we two sleep in the same room?"

Pharmacist Huang was even more surprised than him, and asked in doubt: "What? Are you young couple going to grab a room with the old man?"

Lu Yang suffocated and became dumb. The only person in the world who can make him so helpless is Huang Yaoshi!

He smiled bitterly, and reluctantly asked Cheng Yaojia to clean up: "Lady, please come in!"

Cheng Yaojia's face blushed, and she went into the play very quickly, and smiled slightly at Lu Yang: "You don't need to be polite, you please first!"

Lu Yang glared at her fiercely, but he said with an affectionate look on his face: "The lady shouldn't be polite. If the grandfather is wrong first, you should ask first!"

Cheng Yaojia was not afraid of it, but blinked mischievously. She has been very strict in tutoring since she was a child, and her master is an old fashioned one. ..


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