Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1291: Love four

Cheng Yaojia figured out this misunderstanding, and it was easy to handle it.

Where does he know that what a woman does is always in front of her heart. If Cheng Yaojia hadn't fallen in love with him, he wouldn't have determined that he was his person.

The three of them talked all the way, and they turned to Cheng's house. Father Cheng is also interested, all arrangements are for the future uncle, even the room is placed in the backyard where the female family lives.

Seeing Cheng Yaojia leave, Lu Guanying was always in a daze. Since Cheng Yaojia rejected himself, his brain has been in a half-dazzled state, and his thinking has become unclear. Only Cheng Yaojia was in his eyes, and he couldn't even listen to what others said.

Sometimes she saw her blushing, and sometimes she saw her smiling, Lu Guanyingzhong only felt that those smiles were given to him by her, but whenever he wanted to pull her hand like before, there was always a force to hold him.

He watched Cheng Yaojia leave in a trance, he was awakened suddenly, but Yi Ren had already gone.

Lu Chengfeng saw him desperate, and he didn't want to say more, so he ordered someone to send him back to the room to rest for a few days.

Lu Guanying slept in confusion all night, all in his dreams were Cheng Yaojia, he wanted to cry but didn't dare, he wanted to get angry and didn't know who to find. Just get up in the middle of the night for a drink, and go out after getting drunk.

No one thought he would come out alone in the middle of the night, and no one stopped him along the way. I went to the place where I used to date Cheng Yaojia, where I lay down, I hope Cheng Yaojia will show up.

However, he waited all night, and no one showed up. The next day he was still reluctant to leave, lying in the grass and touching Cheng Yaojia's name.

Until noon, he was a little hungry, so he wandered back.

At this time, Lu Chengfeng was not at home, and only Lu Guanying's uncle was at home. He was sad when he saw that Lu Guanying was completely lost in his former appearance, and even looked like a beggar. He asked Lu Guanying to wash, and arranged for him to go to the room, but he did not dare to tell Lu Chengfeng. I had to secretly send a letter to Cheng Yaojia.

At noon, Lu Guanying woke up and continued to drink. After drinking for a while, suddenly a servant sent a letter. Lu Guanying opened it, as if he was alive in an instant. Although Cheng Yaojia had only a few words in his letter, he kicked into his arms like a treasure, washed up, ate something, and went to the place where they were dating.

When they arrived at the place where they were dating, Cheng Yaojia had been waiting there, staring at the lake in a daze.

As soon as Lu Guanying saw her, he walked forward without feelings, grabbed her hand and said, "Yaojia, you are finally willing to see me!"

Cheng Yaojia felt sad when he saw that he was so many years old overnight, she said helplessly, "Guanying, don't be like this!"

Seeing her saying this, Lu Guanying said in his heart like Wanjian. He said with difficulty: "Yao family, if I am wrong, you can beat and scold me. Don't be like this, okay, I'm damned, you also want to Give me a reason to die!"

Cheng Yaojia listened to him saying that, wanting to go all the way, she couldn't help but shed tears. She touched her tears and said helplessly: "Guanying, I know your love for me, but we can't go back to the past! Because , I am different!"

After hearing her words, Lu Guanying hugged Cheng Yaojia and said emotionally: "Yao family, I like you all the way you become. I love you all my life!"

The lover in the past was so emotional, Cheng Yaojia was also a little touched, but she pushed away Lu Guanying and lowered her head and said, "Guanying, I didn't want to tell you! But I can't bear to see you like this. You don't know, I am already His people!"

Lu Guanying was shocked when she heard it, and lost her voice: "He! Who is he?" Then she suddenly said, "It's Lu Yang!"

Cheng Yaojia turned around, couldn't bear to look at him, and nodded silently.

Seeing her acquiesced, Lu Guanying was stunned for a while, then looked up to the sky and laughed, his voice contained sorrow and anger: "What a little supernatural power, what a chivalrous person, what a righteous man!"

Hearing his voice, Cheng Yaojia felt grief and indignation, and turned around and whispered softly, "Don't blame him, this incident is not his fault!"

Lu Guanying smiled coldly: "You are a weak woman, and he is a little supernatural power. You said it was not his fault, is it God's fault? Now it seems that his wives must have been tricked by him. That's it!"

Cheng Yaojia couldn't help being a little angry when she heard it. She kissed her. After all, Lu Yang still thought that he could reconcile with him. You are sad, so why do you blame others.

After all, someone in your family came to help, and he drove away the fake Qiu Qianren for you. Mei Chaofeng is here, and he also helps. The last person was saved by you. My wife was still handed over to you, and was lost by you. Do you feel guilty when you say this?

She sighed and didn't want to get angry, so she had to say: "I know you are sad now, but don't wrong the good guy. After all, he still thinks more for you!"

Lu Guanying was also desperate to see her defending Lu Yang in this way. He stared at Cheng Yaojia for a while, and suddenly his expression became agitated. He grabbed Cheng Yaojia’s hand and said: "Yaojia, I don’t care. No matter what he does to you, I don’t care. As long as you pay Love me, I am as good to you all my life!"

Cheng Yaojia looked at him for a long time before slowly saying: "If you tell your father, his undocumented daughter-in-law is no longer innocent. If he disagrees, will you still marry me?"

"I..." Lu Guanying was overjoyed in her heart. I still wanted to export, but got stuck halfway.

Yes, will his father agree to marry a woman who has had a good time with others into his own home? Even if he agrees, will his uncles agree?

If they disagree, am I going to elope with Yao's family?

Suddenly, his face changed, and he resolutely said: "I will! I will agree no matter what they are, the big deal is that we elope!"

Cheng Yaojia smiled and said, "I want to marry your Lu Family, don't run away!"

"Yao family! Why are you so mad!"

Cheng Yaojia pulled his hand away, turned around and slowly said, "We have been feuding each other under their nurture, and we have been secretly meeting each other for a few years. Should I still secretly live the rest of my life? I will live a life like this. Enough!" In fact, at this time, she was pretending to be Lu Yang. ..


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