Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1304: Heroes assembled

Lu Yang looked a little hard when he saw it. He looked around and saw that this was the road, so he had to say to Cheng Yaojia: "It's not convenient here. I will teach you in the woods..."

Cheng Yaojia's face blushed, and he knew it was inconvenient. The two went to the woods hand in hand.

After a while, a strange sound came from the deep forest!

"Ah! It's getting bigger, it's really getting bigger!"


"It's so hot, Brother Lu, is this unique inner strength?"

"Well, be lighter and slower!"

"What are you doing by scratching people's necks! People don't...well..."

"My good Yao family, don't bite your teeth!"

Today is the day for Lu Yang to go to the door to apologize. Early in the morning, he called Lu Guanying, a difficult brother, to Sima's house.

When the four of them arrived at Sima's house, they were taken aback by this place.

Sima Mansion is not very big, that is, it is a medium-sized house in Penghu. But in the eyes of ordinary people, they are rich and powerful. For Guiyuanzhuang, it is not worth mentioning.

However, at this time, the gate of Sima Mansion was busy and crowded. The wide roads were overcrowded, and even the hawkers were squeezed out. Various sounds come and go, and it is more lively than the vegetable market.

The whole street is now crowded with people of different colors. The key is that these people have different shapes, holding various weapons, and their faces are also very tough.

There are also some carriages that look gorgeous and unusual, surrounded by well-dressed guards. Obviously the owner is very special. But even with his special status, he was overwhelmed by the crowd at this time.

Lu Guanying glanced at Lu Yang subconsciously when the scene was as lively as the martial arts convention. Lu Yang also looked at him with a puzzled look at this time.

The two looked at each other, and Lu Yang wondered: "Brother Lu, has anything major happened in Penghu recently?"

Lu Guanying frowned and shook her head and said, "There is nothing on the ground in Penghu that my Lu family does not know. Even if something big happens, it will happen in my Lu family!"

With doubts written on their faces, the two people looked at the crowded scene and wondered how to get in.

Go to the main entrance?

The two people looked at the noisy and crowded scene and shook their heads. Even if this situation were not crowded to death, it would not be too early to wait until the door.

If you don't go to the main entrance, you are here to apologize. How can there be any reason to step in?

They were worrying, and they heard a voice saying: "Brother Lu, you are here!"

Although the voice is not loud, it is full of aura inside, so it sounds very clear. Lu Yang was overjoyed when he heard this voice, and blurted out: "Guo Jing!"

However, at the door of Sima's house, the noisy crowd heard this sound, but suddenly quieted down, and for a while, countless pairs of eyes swept over. Lu Yang was full of excitement.

But he reacted quickly and calmed down instantly. Seeing Guo Jing approaching with a few Mongolian men smiling.

Lu Yang laughed, and embraced Guo Jing's arm and said, "Brother, I want to kill you!"

Guo Jing also had tears in his eyes and said, "Brother Lu, I miss you too!"

Lu Yang glanced behind him and said, "Where are Hua Zheng and Nian Ci? And Brother Torre!"

Guo Jing smiled, and looked unnaturally to the crowd who was looking at them: "The two of them are afraid of crowds and want to let the younger brother come free. After all, the drag bear is a Mongolian prince and it is not convenient to come. They ask you. When to go back!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and said: "Alright, you will send someone back to inform them later, I will also go to Peach Blossom Island. Let Nian Ci go home first. Come, let me introduce you to some heroes!"

In front of the gate of Sima's house, everyone watched the two brothers meet, but no one said anything. While they admired Lu Yang, they couldn't see any difference in him. The sound and smile seem to be approachable, not much different from himself. Guo Jing looked sluggish, but his face was full of vigor, and he looked like a chivalrous person.

Lu Yang was introducing Lu Guanying and the others to Guo Jing. When he talked about Lianxi, he smiled and said, "This is the righteous sister whom I have worshipped, called Lianxi."

Guo Jing was taken aback, then respectfully said: "Sister Lianxi!"

Where did Lianxi receive such a big gift, his face flushed with shame. Then one thing made her blush even more.

When the heroes at the door heard Lu Yang's words, they looked at her. This unsurprising girl is the righteous sister of little magical powers. Going deeper, she is the righteous sister of Beibei Hong Qigong.

This status is not comparable to ordinary people. Lianxi doesn't know what this means, but Lu Guanying knows. As soon as he saw the group of heroes looking at me, he immediately blocked Lian Xi appropriately and avoided their sight, chatting with Guo Jing without any problems on his face.

The group of heroes was blocked by him, with various expressions on their faces. They haven't seen enough of this woman who suddenly became the five masters and two master sisters. Seeing that she is not amazing, there seems to be nothing special about her, everyone is puzzled.

Several people were chatting, but they heard someone yelling: "But is Master Lu here?"

As soon as Lu Yang turned around, he happened to see Sima City bringing a few people over in a spirited manner.

He is really happy, and he doesn't worry about whether to marry his daughter or not. When did their Sima family come to so many people? Look at these heroes of the rivers and lakes, they have not been seen for hundreds of years. All this brainstorm came.

This time, Sima Shifen didn't feel distressed anymore, and I couldn't live at home, so I decided to go to the inn. When the inn is full, live in residential houses. These heroes all came by themselves, and some also found their own accommodation. The entire Sima family is like a dance forest convention.

In fact, it stands to reason that Lu Yang didn't have such a great reputation. The little supernatural powers in the world may not be really small supernatural powers. But he hit the two masters of Quanzhen Sect with one palm, and they were like gods. Even if the Lu family didn't tell them, the news would always leak out.

Lu Yang smiled slightly and said, "Master Sima, we are here today to apologize, and I don't want you to be busy here!"

Sima Shifen was overjoyed when he heard what he said. Did you read it? People you can't see, now come to me to apologize!

After he laughed, he said, "Beggar, beggar, Master Lu is so polite. Fortunately, the old man, come here, please come in."

Lu Yang looked at Guo Jing and the others, and said, "Let's go!"..


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