Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1518: Three Army Banquet

But no matter how long it takes, it is worth it. The main general was destroyed by him, and other troops could no longer be effective. The Mongols withdrew from the battlefield, and he and Yang Kang were left!

However, he hadn't been happy for long, and suddenly he remembered a voice shouting around...

Guo Jing was shocked and couldn't help but said to the deputy: "But Jin Bing has returned!"

The lieutenant listened for a while, his face turned pale, and said in horror: "Oh, it's a Mongolian!"

Guo Jing was also taken aback, and immediately shouted: "Retreat!"

However, how could Lu Yang let him escape easily? The Mongol soldiers had formed an encirclement situation long ago. The Mongol soldiers were good at penetrating tactics. The Song army, which was originally well-organized, was sent to the rear to be attacked and soon collapsed.

The Mongolian soldiers are like wolves and tigers, relying on their legs to deploy cavalry tactics!

Song Jun killed all morning, he was exhausted, and now he encountered the Mongols who looked like wolves and tigers.

Guo Jing saw Song Jun fall one by one, he couldn't help but sighed: "Brother Lu, I lost!"

Lu Yang looked at him in surprise and saw the unbearable look on Guo Jing's face. He hehe smiled and said, "Yes, you finally understand what is unbreakable. Hanzhong will give me you and you will not lose, now take you. The soldiers return to this town, and I will bypass you!"

Guo Jing was overjoyed and immediately retired!

Seeing Lu Yang's good situation, the lieutenant unexpectedly let go of Guo Jing. He couldn't help but be surprised: "General, the Song army has been defeated, why not kill them?"

Lu Yang laughed and said: "The morale of the Song army is low now, and even the main general has conceded. It has no combat power at all, and it is not a threat to us. Our biggest enemy now is the Jinren. If the Song people are destroyed, the Jinren will definitely We started planning to deal with us. The key to fighting with 500 people is fast, and the battlefield is coming to an end soon. The situation on the battlefield is changing in a flash, so we just finished the battle, and we were a step slower to deal with the golden soldiers!"

Although the lieutenant was not stupid, he didn't understand. Lu Yang didn't bother to explain. After the Song army retreated, he immediately said: "All prepare, attack the Jinbing immediately!"

Here, Yang Kang heard the report from the detective that the Mongols surrounded the Song army, and it was predicted that the Song army would be defeated. He immediately asked the soldiers to correct them on the spot, preparing to attack the Mongols immediately after the Song people were destroyed.

However, after a short break, they suddenly stopped the Mongols shouting.

Yang Kang was shocked, and immediately ordered the soldiers to organize defenses.

However, the Mongols came too fast, and there was no formation at all and they were blindly rushing. However, this is the most effective way to treat the newly revised Golden Soldiers. The Golden Soldiers are busy organizing a formation at this time, but the enemy has no formation at all. It is a desperate fight, and their formation is immediately disrupted.

Yang Kang knew that the situation was gone. The two battles were already very exhausted. Although this correction was a little better, the Mongols suddenly killed the Dao. This situation scared the golden soldiers and enlightened them without fear. The key is The iridescent ranks of their father and king did not know how to inspire the courage of the soldiers.

The Mongols are different. They are already good at this kind of rogue style of play, and they have just won an exceptional victory, so they rushed to fight bravely with their homes, and immediately separated the golden soldiers.

Yang Kang doesn't have the kindness and righteousness of Guo Jing, and he doesn't care about the life and death of soldiers. He can only make a desperate move now.

After a while, he killed him in front of Lu Yang. Lu Yangzeng was surrounded by a few Mongolian men, but he did not do anything.

Yang Kang killed him all the way, and knocked down Lu Yang and said, "Brother Lu, the younger brother is still not convinced!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "What's the matter, don't you think I won't be glorious enough?"

Yang Kang shook his head and said: "The killers on the battlefield are not tired of deceit. Brother defeated me with a trick, but I am not afraid of losing!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Then why are you not convinced?"

Yang Kang said: "Guo Jing lost to me first and then to you, this kind of person, will I succumb to him in the future?"

Lu Yang smiled and said with a smile: "Kangdi, you only know that there are rights and struggles in this world, but you don't know that there are true feelings and narrow meanings in this world. The great heroes can gather the heroes of the world for your use, and you can let Putian Below are all your friends. The great man, he has the world in mind, and the world is convincing. Although you are smart and a hundred times stronger than Guo Jing, there is no narrow sense. After all, you are fighting alone. How can you fight alone? The world is the enemy?"

Yang Kang was shocked when he heard it, looked at Lu Yang, and said for a long time, "Big Brother, I understand!"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Just understand, Mingjin will retreat!"

Yang Kang nodded, and immediately retired.

The war of the three armies finally ended with the Mongols' victory, and the faces of the Mongolians were elated.

Jin Bing fell down one by one, as if the world had lost to the Mongols.

Seeing them like this, Lu Yang laughed. His smile was full of internal strength, which was similar to the true energy used by the 200,000 Mongols back then. The soldiers were frightened and shocked.

They even forgot their success or failure, and looked at Lu Yang in surprise.

Lu Yang laughed and said to everyone: "Golden, Mongolian, and Song people! Heroes are short of breath, so there are disputes in the world, but a place to earn an inch of life. We are in the world, but a floating, life is only seen in the evening. However, we are killing each other with these days of life, asking you how to be worthy of the life given by God!"

He glanced at everyone and said: "The people here today are the heroes of our people. Regardless of success or failure, if you fight against Lu Yang here today, you are my friend. Whether you are enemies or friends. War is war, and if you don’t fight, you are friends! Although Mongolia won today, the world is not ours. Even if the world is ours, if the people of the world are not convinced, the world is still not ours! So, tonight, I, Song Jun Now that the Mongols and the golden people are predestined, if you give face, please stay in the Song Army Great Tent, and we will stay drunk!"

Everyone was stunned when he heard what he said, Song people, Jin people, Mongols, three mortal enemies, one drunk and Fang Xiu, they still can't accept this idea in their minds!

Yang Kang heard this and laughed and said: "I Wanyankang is from the Song Dynasty, but was raised by the Jin. The brother who is righteous is from the Song, but was raised by the Mongolian."


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