Martial Arts Conquer System

: Fifteenth and Twenty Break

As soon as he left, Yang Kang stood up. He did not speak, but winked at his lieutenant. The lieutenant nodded immediately and greeted his men to go back.

There are only Mongolian warriors left in the Battalion Commander of Da Song. They are the winners of this battle, but no one is happy to be a winner...

"Anda, you are here!" Torrey was overjoyed when he saw Lu Yang. Thousands of words hurriedly said: "Punma, how did the battle go, did we win or lose?"

He looked at Lu Yang with excitement. Yesterday, he made a decision to make himself proud in this life. It was also the smartest decision of his life.

Separate troops to attack the territory of the Song and Jin people, taking advantage of their attention on the battle of Hanzhong, to seize the Hulao Pass and the territory of the Song Army. As long as the two benevolence and righteousness seize one, Hanzhong's status is irrelevant!

He felt that this was the smartest decision in his life, so he eagerly shared it with Lu Yang.

However, he hadn't spoken yet, but seeing Lu Yang looking at him with a sullen face, Torre couldn't help being stunned.

Lu Yang looked at him and said coldly for a long time: "Have you attacked Song Army and Jin Bing?"

Torre nodded, and said triumphantly: "Yes! What do you think of my strategy? If they attacked their territory, it doesn't matter who owns Hanzhong!"

He still looked excited, thinking of his doctrine, he was really happy and anxious.

Lu Yang looked at him, but didn't mean to smile at all. He Yang Tianyi said: "I and the king of Hanzhong agreed to a fair duel in Hanzhong. Why did you decide to attack without authorization?"

Torrey realized that he was really angry. He was a little unhappy and said: "I am the general, and only fighting is my right. How can I say that I decide without authorization? Their only barrier is Guo Jing. Now Guo Jing is not there. When will they be attacked?"

Lu Yang shook his whole body and looked at him, saying every word: "If you are a general, why let me lead the warriors to a duel on the battlefield? Do you know that your actions can let the Jin and Song people unite and destroy them? The lives of my five hundred warriors!"

Torrey listened to this and curled his lips and said: "It's only five hundred people, what's the point of coming together with the world's major events!"

Lu Yang listened, haha ​​grew up, Torrey looked at him in amazement, and said in confusion: "Punma, what's the matter with you!"

Lu Yang lay down for a while, looking at angrily: "These five hundred people are all your brothers who were born and died! As for where and where do you live!"

After listening to Torrey, he finally became a little angry. He said angrily: "Lv Yang, don't forget, I am a Mongolian prince, and I don't need you to teach me to do things!"

Lu Yang looked at him and said coldly: "Okay! Did you tell me about your identity? Okay!"

Turn your head and leave!

Torre looked at his back in a daze, and said angrily for a long time: "Lv Yang, don't know how to promote, I..."

When he said this, he didn't know how to continue.

kill him?

Impossible, two hundred thousand army, he shouted, no one dared to do it.

Don't let my sister marry him?

Just kidding, the girl's private message to him, it's strange if she doesn't break with herself!

After a long time, he let out a long sigh, his face showing helplessness!

"This rebellious son!" Genghis Khan had just won Dongshan, and when he was officially happy, he suddenly heard the news and couldn't help being furious.

Zhebie was by his side. Seeing him furious, he immediately consoled him: "The big man doesn't need to be angry. This shows that he can see the situation clearly! This is the general talent!"

"Smart shit!" Genghis Khan didn't care about the face of his old friend. He angered: "He doesn't know, did Lu Yang take five hundred elite soldiers to bet against the Song people? He attacked the Song people and the golden people. , Where is Lu Yang and where? With his character, would he not be angry? If he is angry, he takes refuge in either Jinbing or Song people in a rage, who can stop him in the world?"

Zhe stopped listening. Only then did he realize the serious surname of the problem. He thought about it for a while and hesitated: "He is a Mongolian servant, he shouldn't..."

Genghis Khan sighed after sending out the goods, and sat down on his back, with a look of pain and said: "If he cares about his identity as a cohort, he would have taken refuge in me a long time ago. Why should he see the wandering of the three forces? This time the King of Dongshan rebelled. , Can't you guess what he did? Dongshan King rebelled because of the songs of Yanjing beggars, and these beggars are his people..."

Zhebie listened for a moment, and then he understood why Dahan had abandoned Hanzhong and attacked Dongshan. It turned out that he had long seen that this was a gift from Lu Ang!

He thought about it, after all, he didn't know how to persuade Genghis Khan.

Genghis Khan was so old that he felt fragile after being furious. But he still has to think, he has to think.

Lu Yang absolutely can't follow anyone. It is Genghis Khan who wants to follow.

He will be the master of the world, and the master of Lu Yang...

But how can it be done?

Suddenly, he raised his head suddenly, his eyes flashed with the same color and said: "Guo Jing's mother, still in our hands!"

Zhebie nodded and said, "Guo Jing's child's mother is still there, Dahan..." Suddenly he thought of something, and his face was embarrassed: "The Dahan wouldn't want to..."

Genghis Khan's eyes flashed a fierce history, nodded and said: "Grab her!"

Zhebie was shocked and lost his voice: "But sweating..."

Genghis Khan waved his hand: "I immediately ordered the detention of Hua Zheng and Guo Jing's mother, and kept me under strict control!"

Zhebie said in surprise: "Even the princess..."

Genghis Khan nodded and said: "Those who make big things don't stick to the trivial, I will compensate Huazheng in the future, but now, her life must be exchanged for Lu Yang's loyalty. This is a must..."

As he said, he closed his eyes tiredly and muttered: "This is a must!"

Zhe don't stare at him blankly, after all, he sighed in his heart, looking at the West, Torre ah Torre, I hope you didn't take things absolutely!

Hua Zheng has just returned to the Mongolian base camp, and she is about to prepare for the wedding immediately.

This wedding was the wedding of Da Khan’s daughter, and the Mongolians did not dare to disappear, so preparations for the wedding were more cumbersome than usual.

Huazheng, like a rag doll, began to be manipulated by the tribe. ..


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