When the Western Regions develop in the future, he will know that he is his master. At that time he will take the initiative to join us! "

Lu Youtian heard this and thought while thinking: "But the bones he left us are the hardest to chew. Although there are 36 countries in the Western Regions, the largest are only three countries. After the division of Tubo, the Tubo and Uighurs still There are the three largest ethnic groups of Tibetans, and there are three largest sects behind them. Among them, Buddhism is the largest. Among them, there are many masters, especially Tantric. Fortunately, our people have not conflicted with them."

Lu Yang nodded when he heard. He knew that Buddhism was indeed prosperous here. To be honest, the biggest obstacle in the Western Regions is Buddhism. Although there are many masters among them, they are not easy to move. They have many believers. If they are moved easily, it is not good!

Lu Yang thought for a while and said, "Don't care about this. We will clean up the remaining ones. We will break through one by one. This matter is not in a hurry. The Cheng family and the Sima family have not yet come. When they come, we will start. Preparation. Moreover, the Mongolians have just begun preparing the first shipment."

Lu Youtian nodded immediately and said, "The young man has a careful plan, and there is nothing to worry about if he is a small one!"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Don't have any conflicts with the Buddhists. Ouyang Ke might just watch us clash with the Buddhists and the fisherman will profit!"

Lu Youtian continued nodding.

The two were talking, when suddenly a white figure broke in and said to Lu Yang, "I finally found you!"

Lu Yang was taken aback when he saw her, and said in amazement: "Didn't I tell you not to worry? Why did you come so fast?"

Mei Chaofeng did not answer his words, but said anxiously: "Ouyang Feng, Rong'er has taken it away!"

Lu Yang raised his eyebrows, and said in amazement, "Is he taking Rong'er for the Jiuyin Scripture?"

Seeing that he was not in a hurry or slow, Mei Chaofeng became a little angry, and she angered: "What else can you do, your own wife was taken away, you are not in a hurry!"

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Don't worry, he won't hurt Rong'er. His aim is to be serious, Rong'er is very clever, but safe. The world is so big, they just find a place to hide, we simply look for it. There are no people. So it's no use worrying about it!"

Mei Chaofeng said angrily: "I naturally know that he won't hurt Rong'er, but he can't eat without suffering. Although he is afraid of you, he can do anything for the Jiuyin Scripture," she said, stomping her feet. : "You can sit still, people feel anxious when they think of Rong'er suffering!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "You sister is more anxious than my husband, nothing else, since you don't worry about Rong'er, I will set off immediately to find Rong'er, but you don't want to go, you still need your help in the Western Regions!"

"No!" Mei Chaofeng said immediately: "If Rong'er is not found for a day, I won't be able to calm down!"

Lu Yang stood up and walked to him, flicked his finger, and talked on his forehead.

Mei Chaofeng was caught off guard, oops, looked at him tearfully and said, "What are you doing!"

Lu Yang said in a huff: "You said you, patronize and worry, is Rong'er what you worry about? This is a man's business, don't worry about it!"

auzw.com Mei Chaofeng rolled his eyes and said: "Looking at your unhurried appearance, people are worried. You said you are half a man, so why don’t you care at all? How can I make people feel good like this!" She said, with a sad look on her face, she touched her tears and said: "You men, once you bite someone, you don't take it seriously. We sisters don't care about them anymore. How bitter people should be!"

When Lu Yang saw him like this, his head became big, and he said in a huff: "Rong'er has a yellow pharmacist and his apprentices. No matter how bad he is, there are beggars to help. What's the use of worrying about you. Don't forget, you too My woman, don't worry about these things, don't worry, I will give you a good place to Rong'er, and I will never let him be wronged!"

Mei Chaofeng snorted: "Better so!"

Lu Yang glared at her, and then hit her for a while, stamping her severely one level on her hip.

Mei Chaofeng was beaten up cleverly, and glanced at Lu Youtian, who had been in the position for a long time, her face flushed suddenly, and she said angrily: "What are you doing!"

Lu Yang stared at him fiercely and said, "If you enforce the family law, you can't talk to Xianggong like this in the future!"

Mei Chaofeng gritted his teeth fiercely and glared at him.

"Still staring!" Lu Yang stared at her threateningly. Mei Chaofeng finally softened, and said helplessly: "Msang Gong..."

Lu Yang just glanced at her and said, "You stay in the Western Regions with peace of mind. I don't worry if you are here without you. Where are you looking at Ouyang Ke, what about them?"

Mei Chaofeng said immediately: "Naturally follow Ouyang Feng?"

Lu Yang frowned upon hearing this, and said angrily, "No one listens to me, let you hurry up and you don't listen to them all. What's the use of him following Ouyang Feng, but it makes Rong'er even more dangerous. I said it all. Ouyang Feng won't hurt Rong'er, she kept going all the way to keep Ouyang Feng angry. Besides, Ouyang Feng wanted Rong'er, not Qianchi. If Qianchi angered him, he might not hurt him!"

Mei Chaofeng listened for a moment, and then understood Lu Yang's meaning, and his face was difficult to look.

Lu Yang sat on a seat, often sighing and saying, "Fine, I'll leave now. Don't go there, concentrate on cooking the Western Regions now!"

Mei Chaofeng nodded immediately and said: "By the way, Master Yideng..."

Lu Yang listened for a moment, before waiting for her to finish, he said, "Master Yideng also followed Ouyang Feng?"

Mei Chaofeng glanced at him and nodded in fear.

Lu Yang listened and pondered for a while and said, "This is better. It's just that Ouyang Feng is too tired to use Rong'er as a threat. Rong'er suffers even more. But with the master, he dare not hurt Qian easily. Ruler!"

After hearing this, Mei Chaofeng didn't know if he was talking good or bad, so he could only look at him.

Lu Yang thought for a while and said, "It shouldn't be too late, I will leave now, and you should also leave for the Western Region Base Camp!"..


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