Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1538: Dharma Golden Wheel

Then countless people rushed out from the darkness, one by one, they were powerful and they were no opponents at all!

After a short charge, the people who did not escape finally shined. The oil drum was lit. In an instant, the dark night sky suddenly became as bright as daytime!

For a time, countless wailing and painful voices thought of...

Situ Ha'er could not even dream of it. The outside of Hacheng who originally sang in the Sanskrit pitch became a **** on earth.

The Buddha statue is some distance from the city of Harbin, so even if someone hears the wailing sound, they think it is the wind on the grassland.

The wind here is unusually strong at night, and often accompanied by wailing sounds.

The painful voice made those people more frightened, but the old man's face was very excited.

Killing is horror for others, and enjoyment for them. They can cut apart a pregnant woman alone and take out their children to play with!

They can put on the most kind smiles, throw a child into the fire, and smile at his painful voice.

Finally, the calm down believers began to organize effective attacks. In this human defense, no one was thinking about escaping. The reason they broke through was that even if one person successfully escaped, they spread the matter in the Western Regions, this big Buddha. , Will also be a symbol of sin.

However, Mongolian men seem to have expected that they are best at hunting, and naturally know that the weakest prey can also be strong.

They were not worried, but made way for them, because the front is another fire scene!

Before the believers who managed to escape had time to be happy, they found themselves jumping from one **** to another.

The fire continued until early in the morning, and when the sky was about to dawn, there was already a scorched earth in front of the Buddha statue.

Lu Youtian didn't dare to pass. In fact, the entire gang of beggars had already escaped far in the middle of the night. They were no longer sniping those who fled. In fact, they hoped that someone would escape successfully.

Lu Youtian watched the fire gradually go out from a distance, and when he was about to take the gang to leave, a carriage slowly walked over.

Lu Youtian recognized that it was Mei Chaofeng's carriage at a glance, so he greeted him immediately.

Mei Chaofeng's martial arts does not require a carriage, but she is so beautiful, in the free land of the Western Regions, it is easy to be admired by others.

She didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, so she kept walking around in the carriage.

Before Lu Youtian collapsed the carriage, Torrey had already drove over from behind him on horseback. After falling down, Torrey immediately dismounted and took a look at Lu Youtian. Lu Youtian immediately said: "Mother!"

Mei Chaofeng opened the curtain, looked at the fire scene, frowned slightly and said, "Whoever thought of using fire!"

Lu Youtian really didn't want to say that it was his own way, so he said, "It's Prince Torre's way!"

Torrey listened, thinking that he was deliberately giving credit to himself, and he couldn't help but get a better impression of him in his heart. Mei Chaofeng nodded, glanced at Torrey and said, "Yes, the prince is really smart. No one thought of this way!"

Torrey laughed, scratched his head and said, "This...Me too, I suddenly thought of it!"

Mei Chaofeng smiled and said, "No matter what, the prince has helped a lot this time, I will speak nicely to the prince, wherever he is!"

Torre is not stupid. Hearing what she said, he immediately said, "I hope Brother Lu doesn't mind the things I offended before. It's all this family that doesn't take credit for anything!"

After hearing this, Mei Chaofeng smiled, did not speak much, but said to Lu Youtian: "Burning this night, the taste is still there. You can barbecue here overnight. By the way, don't Mongolia have a campfire party?"

Torrey listened and smiled, scratching his head and said: "You can't find so many cattle and sheep for a while, but you can put more ingredients, and the taste can be a little stronger."

Lu Youtian's heart was vomiting, he didn't dare to look at Torre, they could still eat such a **** on earth!

Torre didn't feel anything, and immediately ordered all soldiers to make corrections, and then prepare breakfast.

The next day Situ Har rushed over early in the morning, and the smell of Mongolian barbecue even the city smelled, and he was angry when he smelled it. When I came here to see the sight of the Buddha statue, I became even more angry.

But he didn't dare to get angry with Torre, so he went to beg Torre to leave like Grandma Gao.

Where did Torrey give him a good face, he dragged it for a while, and then left after the soldiers had processed the corpses.

Situhal saw a piece of scorched earth and stomped his feet angrily.

Mei Chaofeng came after a while, and depending on the situation, she became a little angry, and ordered Situhal to clean up immediately!

Soon the surroundings of the Buddha statue were cleaned up, and the work continued.

Torre took tens of thousands of ashes and found a place to bury it, and then he continued to stand by here.

Situ Ha'er then prepared a battalion commander here to personally supervise the construction of the Buddha statue.

He did it all morning and fell asleep leisurely. He didn't know that at this time, in Qiha city, a secret meeting had begun in an ordinary house.

"Why haven't they come back! More than 10,000 believers just disappeared like this!" said a man dressed as a monk.

Another person dressed as a monk thought for a while and said: "I heard where the Mongols were stationed overnight, and I have scrupulously known our movements. It may not be impossible for those people to retreat temporarily!"

Hearing this, the monk changed his expression and said angrily: "It is unreasonable to do things for the Buddha, so he is still so unsure. When we go back, we must find out the identities of those people and punish them severely!"

Another monk sighed and said, "Now the Buddha's status is not as good as before. This Buddha statue has not been built yet, and a large number of believers have rushed over. has complained to the Buddha many times!"

The monk heard a cold snort and filled with righteous indignation: "It's just a heresy. The Buddha is still too benevolent. I think the prince led his army to destroy the country and directly destroy the Buddha statue!"

Another monk stared with both eyes and said, "Is the Mongolian army displayed? Don't say where the Song Dajin is displayed." ..


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