Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1550: Old love

As he said, looking at the distance quietly, it seemed that his thoughts followed back in time.

Huang Rong rarely sees when he is emotional, and when he can't think that this cruel man also has such tenderness, he can't help but look at Ouyang Feng in surprise.

Ouyang Feng was immersed in his thoughts, but did not notice her surprise.

He continued to faintly said: "It was a summer, and the old man was at a critical moment in his practice, but he has been practicing hard for several months and still has not made any progress, so his temper has become very big!"

As he said, he glanced at Huang Rong as if threateningly, and said, "The old man had to kill several people every day for a few days, and he was in a better mood. Except for the old man practicing kung fu, he didn't want anything!"

Huang Rong didn't have the look in his eyes, and snorted, but didn't fight back. I can see that this story also attracted him.

Ouyang Feng continued: "You should understand this. Your father is a master like me. Once a master encounters a bottleneck, his temperament will change and he will not look like his original self!"

After hearing that, Huang Rong nodded in agreement, and unexpectedly agreed with Ouyang Feng and said, "Well! Daddy became really scary for a while. He was cold all day long and lost his temper at every turn. I didn't understand at that time. , I realized that when he grew up, it turned out that he encountered the bottleneck of martial arts!"

Ouyang Feng nodded and said: "This is a trivial thing that happened to your dad. Even though his character is withdrawn, he is not a cruel person, but it is different when it happened to me, so the whole Baituo Mountain was immersed in a depressive atmosphere in those days. Everyone shuddered when they saw me, and out of her..."

Speaking of that woman, Ouyang Feng had unlimited tenderness in his eyes.

Ouyang Feng said quietly: "She is not afraid of me, nor will she look at me differently, but surprisingly, I have never been angry because of her. When others dare not approach me, she has been taking care of me carefully and even started to work. What the subordinates do."

As he said, an expression of happiness appeared on his face.

Huang Rong looked at the tenderness on his face in surprise, and was really surprised. Ouyang Feng has always been known for being cruel and cruel. I didn't think Ao would have such a time. I don't know who that woman is, if she is still alive!

Ouyang Feng did not see her eyes, but said to himself: "In those days, we chatted together. She always smiles in front of me, never talks to my strong, but just listens to me in silence. Complaining, complaining about this, complaining about that. Whenever I say anger, he always comforts me gently. When I have a bad temper, she will patiently persuade me!"

Ouyang Feng lowered his head and smiled bitterly: "I thought it was my most painful day, but I didn't expect it to be my happiest day!"

Huang Rong was also a little moved when she saw Ouyang Feng stopped and said unconsciously: "What happened later? Did you get married?"

As soon as his words were uttered, Ouyang Feng's face turned from a tender man to cold.

He raised his head again and said in a low voice: "Of course not. I also thought that such days would continue like this. I knew that one day, an enemy of mine would come to Baituo Mountain to seek revenge! She was afraid of my impulse and wanted to dissuade that. The enemy, who knows, that enemy was so excited that he..."

As he said, his eyes became sore.

Huang Rong felt lonely after hearing this. Of course, she knew that the woman must be dead, otherwise how could Ouyang Feng be alone and indifferent now!

She smiled and said: "You don't have to be so sad. Sometimes two people watch together not forever, but now. I believe she must be very happy when she is with you, or she won't die for you. of!"

Ouyang Feng heard a sudden cold snort, and said in a cold tone: "Whether there is anything, she still can't come back! But officially because of this incident, I realized the certain situation of martial arts, which is ruthlessness and desirelessness. At the realm of, Kilometer finally reached a new level again.

"After that day, I was alone and killed all the enemies!"

Huang Rong shook her whole body when she heard it, and seeing Ouyang Feng's eyes return to the way she was before, she was a little bit shivering: "So you have always been cruel!"

Ouyang Feng glanced at her with a sneer and said: "Don't tell me the truth, I ask you, if Lu Yang was killed by someone, what would you do?"

"I..." Huang Rong said immediately, but when he thought of someone killing Lu Yang, he suddenly stopped.

Huang Rong was stunned for a moment, but she couldn't answer.

What if someone kills Lu Yang? What will she do?

Seeing that she was speechless, Ouyang Feng sneered: "What's the matter, there is nothing to say, right? This is the person! Never blame others for their mistakes!"

When Huang Rong heard this, she was a little dissatisfied and said, "I will naturally kill that person for revenge, but his family is not wrong!"

Ouyang Feng heard this and laughed and said, "But if you killed their family members, don't they seek revenge from you? If you don't kill them today, they will definitely kill you in the future!"

Huang Rong listened for a moment, and then angrily said: "Let them come, grandma is not afraid!"

Ouyang Feng glanced at her, shook his head and said, "As far as I can tell, Lu Yang wouldn't like you like this. He likes your cleverness now, but may not like it in the future. Have you ever thought about what you should do in the future? "

"In the future!" Huang Rong said with a sulky expression: "He naturally still likes me!" But obviously, she has no confidence!

Ouyang Feng smiled and said: "He likes you now, and he will like the woman who makes him feel at ease in the future. But you can't. You said he likes you. Do you want a good reason?"

Huang Rong was taken aback, her face began to look ugly. He was struggling when suddenly a laugh came from a distance.

"Brother Ouyang, why should you embarrass a little girl's house. Her family will naturally take care of her family's affairs!"

With the effort of speaking, an old monk did three steps from a distance, and he fell forward in a while.

Ouyang Feng looked at the man and snorted coldly: "Brother Duan, you followed me and us all the way, but you want to rob this girl?"..


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