Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1552: that whoever

If so, Master Yideng's face turned pale a little. He saw Huang Rong being persecuted by Xidu, and he had no choice but to take action, knowing that Xidu would not spare himself lightly since he shot this time. But he was already on the string and had to send it out. If Huang Rong was defeated by the Western Poison, he would naturally be under his control.

Euro Peak is vicious. God knows if he will kill Huang Rong after taking the Nine Yin Scriptures. If he really kills Huang Rong, how can he explain to his old friends!

What's more, there is also Lu Yang. Huang Rong is his wife. Ouyang Feng killed Huang Rong. Why didn't Lu Yang want to take revenge? In his anger, he was concerned about how many heads would fall.

Therefore, he did not expect that his martial arts would not be able to support even a quarter of an hour, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

He looked at Huang Rong and said, "Rong'er, go! I will drag this old poison first!"

He said a word, and took a few breaths. It seems quite strenuous!

Huang Rong was even more reluctant to leave after hearing his words. She hurriedly said to Master Yideng: "Master, you don't have to worry about me. This old poison is afraid of being married and won't hurt me! You go first, Rong'er naturally has a way. Deal with him!"

Master Yideng became even more anxious after hearing this. He took a long breath and adjusted his breath before saying: "Rong'er, don't worry about Lao Na. Lao Na is naturally measured. You are gone. With Lao Na's skill, there is naturally a way to get out! "

Huang Rong immediately said, "Rong'er won't leave, how can Rong'er let Master sacrifice for me!"

Master Yideng felt warm when he heard her words. He sighed slightly, and said in his heart, this girl really has a temper with his father and can't listen to other people's advice. From this point of view, it can only be a little longer. I hope the people of the beggars will see me and have gone. Tell Lu Yang!

Although the two seem to be calm, the internal power struggle seems to be not disturbed at first, but the two of them know the dangers in it. One carelessness may break the meridians, so they dare not be distracted.

What Huang Rong watched from the side was also impatient. She had practiced martial arts and naturally knew the danger of internal duel. While she was anxious, her thoughts turned.

But Ouyang Feng really has no flaws, it is difficult to distract him.

Yanran, Huang Rong thought of that woman. Since she can fascinate Ouyang Feng, she must be unique, but who is this woman? Who could make Ouyang Feng so concerned that he almost changed his temperament?

She thought about it for a while, but there was no result, so she sneered: "Ouyang Feng, you big liar, the woman you mentioned does not exist at all. I think you are simply an old poison that no one loves and no one cares about!"

How arrogant Ouyang Feng’s personality is. Knowing that he is dangerous now, he couldn’t help but get a little angry after hearing Huang Rong’s words. He snorted coldly, "Huangkou kid, don’t talk nonsense. As the master of Baituo Mountain, the old man is respected by thousands of people. , How come no one cares!"

Huang Rong smiled coldly and deliberately angered him: "It's really shameless. You are mean and vicious. Those people are naturally afraid of you, saying that they care about you, but in fact they want you to die!"

Ouyang Feng couldn't help being furious after hearing this, and his breath also changed. Master Yideng smiled in his heart and said, this girl is really smart. He seized the opportunity and suddenly pushed his finger forward, and the inside was enlarged!

Ouyang Feng was confused by his oppressed breath. Knowing that Huang Rong deliberately disturbed his mind, his clever name calmed down.

Seeing that Master Yideng finally gained the upper hand, Huang Rong continued to sneer: "You said it yourself. When you are angry, only that woman is willing to approach you. I think, he must be the woman who is easy to approach you on Baituo Mountain! The one who can approach you in the entire Baituo Mountain is your maid. You have no apprentice or wife, so wherever there will be a woman approaching you at will! So you must be lying!"

Ouyang Feng snorted coldly and said in his heart, since I saw through your scheme, how could I be fooled! He didn't look at Huang Rong, but focused on fighting Yi Deng!

However, Huang Rong laughed and said: "Pity you, the master of Baituo Mountain, there is no one who loves you. You deliberately fabricated such a woman to come out, but it shows that you still long for someone to love you in your heart. It's vicious, no one wants to talk to you at all. That woman exists, and Gu Ji doesn't bother to talk to you now. Maybe she ran with your enemy!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ouyang Feng couldn't help being furious when he heard these words. The woman was extremely important to him, and even at this critical moment, he couldn't help but speak!

Huang Rong was taken aback when he heard it, and when he saw his excitement, it was not a disguise. She was surprised: "Is there really such a woman? But who can approach you freely up and down Baituo Mountain? Since she can do this, her status in Baituo Mountain is naturally not low. I heard that you have always It is respected by the direct line, if you are not the direct line, you have no identity at all. Do you have a wife, can he still be your sister-in-law!"

She just said it casually, all as a joke, who knew that as soon as he said this, Ouyang Feng was shocked!

Yideng was competing with him, and instantly felt the confusion of Ouyang Feng's breath, without hesitation, he immediately took a step forward. Ouyang Feng was forced to retreat again and again, and there were signs of defeat.

Huang Rong was stunned when she saw it, and she didn't think it was his sister-in-law. Could it be that he had committed adultery with his sister-in-law!

This is not surprising, the people of the Central Plains are not easy to understand, but the Western Regions are very free. Mongolia is even more exaggerated. Usually when the father is dead, his wife will marry his son!

For example, an old man married three wives. If he died that day, as long as he was not the biological mother of his child, he would marry his eldest son. Even the mother of the second son must marry his eldest son.

Brother Ouyang Feng was killed by him, so it is normal for his sister-in-law to commit adultery with him.

When Ouyang Feng heard this sentence, he was naturally shocked. But Huang Rong didn't look at him, but thought of another question.

Who is Ouyang Ke!

Thinking of this, she asked with some doubts: "You Ouyang Ke is your son?"..


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