Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1561: family

Qiu Qianchi nodded without understanding, "It's right to follow you anyway!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and said in his heart, if you don't understand, you won't understand, but you have to pretend to understand.

He began to continue telling the story, and after three dozens of white bone spirits, Qiu Qianchi didn't speak anymore. He had fallen asleep leaning on Huang Rong. Huang Rong was also a little sleepy, but she still listened patiently.

Master Yideng has been immersed in the story. And Hong Qigong was lying on the spot and fell asleep!

After waiting for Huang Rong to fall asleep, he interrupted Lu Yang with a light, he said with a smile: "Lao Na is familiar with Buddhism, but the story of the son is a joke, although it looks like a joke, it really makes people feel very emotional!"

Lu Yang nodded, knowing that he thought of the struggle between Taoism and Buddhism in his heart. In the late Tang Dynasty, Buddhism was advocated. Starting from Zhenguan, Wu Zetian suppressed the prosperity of Taoism. The Li family originally came from the Western Regions, so Buddhism prevailed in the Western Regions. This is the territory of Taoism, and the Quanzhen Seven Sons are particularly prestigious in the martial arts of Jianghu, so there is no development of Buddhism here.

In this story, the Jade Emperor is the **** of Taoism, and Tathagata is the **** of Buddhism. The story is joking about Taoism and Buddhism too high, so Master Yideng will be emotional.

He smiled and said, "The master has nothing to do with the world, so how can you feel emotional?"

Master Yideng smiled and said, "I admire Buddhism in Dali. When Wang Chongyang came to my palace as a guest, I was criticized by the ministers of the Central Government. But I have a very good relationship with Wang Chongyang, and they didn't say much. Afterwards... Lao Na did not become a Buddhist until he saw through Hong Chen. He really thought that Wang Chongyang was just a chessboard of formation!"

He thought for a while and looked up at the starry sky and said: "Xi Ren has passed away, and Lao Na also sees through Hong Chen. The Zhong Shentong and Nan Di no longer exist. Lao Na doesn't know, the decision back then was right or wrong!"

Lu Yang listened for a moment, and then he understood. He chuckled and said, "Master, why bother, Buddhism and Taoism are all about helping others in their cultivation. As long as the heart is kind, what is the difference between Buddhism and Taoism?"

Master Yideng's eyes lit up when he heard it, and turned to look at Lu Yang.

Lu Yang met his gaze, and his eyes became clear. Master Yideng chopped him for a while before he laughed and said, "Master Lu is really convinced by the martial arts!"

Lu Yang laughed, then lowered his head and took a sip of tea. "I'm here for the sake of martial arts and great harmony. What does Buddhism and Taoism have with me."

Yi Deng smiled slightly, and his face became a little tired. He nodded to Lu Yang and said, "The son and the two wives go back to rest, and the Seventh Bus will be enough for Lao Na!"

Lu Yang looked at his tired face and thought for a while: "Master!" When he opened his mouth, he hesitated. Master Yideng seemed to know what he was going to say, but he did not speak, looking at him calmly.

Lu Yang hesitated for a long time before he sighed and said, "Master, I think so, they may not think so, just in case..."

Master Yideng put his hands together and laughed loudly: "Don't worry, son, I still have some friendship with Wang Chongyang. They care about my love and may not embarrass you!"

Lu Yang nodded and stood up and sighed leisurely: "I am not worried. There are many disciples of Quanzhen Sect. They account for half of the northern martial arts. I really don't want to have conflict with them. Especially among the seven sons of Quanzhen, the king has a long friendship with him. Yes, it's also very embarrassing..."

Master Yideng didn't seem to be worried, he laughed and said, "Gongzi Lu is a fan of the authorities, and Lao Na is a bystander. In fact, the key to solving this matter lies with him!"

Qiu Qianchi nodded without understanding, "It's right to follow you anyway!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and said in his heart, if you don't understand, you won't understand, but you have to pretend to understand.

He began to continue telling the story, and after three dozens of white bone spirits, Qiu Qianchi didn't speak anymore. He had fallen asleep leaning on Huang Rong. Huang Rong was also a little sleepy, but she still listened patiently.

Master Yideng has been immersed in the story. And Hong Qigong was lying on the spot and fell asleep!

Lu Yang was taken aback, and said in amazement: "By Xia's side?" He squeezed his chin and thought for a while: "There are no related wives in the next few wives. Although Qian Chi is Qiu Qianren's younger sister, the relationship between them is not very close. Besides, Qiu Qianren is half a Taoist priest, and has nothing to do with Quanzhen Sect! I really can't think of anyone in the next..."

When he said this, his eyes lit up suddenly and he blurted out: "Master means Zhou..."

Master Yi Deng laughed, interrupted him, and yawned: "Master, go and rest! Old Na is also sleepy!"

Lu Yang was naturally happy when he received his guidance. He laughed and said, "Master, please do it yourself!"

With that, Huang Rong in the left hand and Qiu Qianchi in the right. He moved so lightly that the two girls didn't even wake up.

Back in the room, Lu Yang put the two girls on the bed, sat down leisurely, took a sip of tea, and smiled slightly.

He is cooperating with Tantric Buddhism, bringing the largest gang in the rivers and lakes into close contact with Tantric Buddhism, and at the same time letting the four countries believe in Buddhism together, which has a great impact on Quanzhen Buddhism. There are many heroes of Quanzhen Sect, especially the Seven Sons of Quanzhen, whose status in the arena is not low. But they are Taoists after all, and of course they hope that Taoism will develop.

And Lu Yang's actions threatened them very much, even if they were open-minded, they might not have a grudge in their hearts. The less they were moving, the more worried Lu Yang would be, in case the Seventh Son of the Quan Zhen had any action to delay his plan.

So he wanted Master Yideng to help him. Master Yideng was a good friend of Wang Chongyang. He was one of the four masters. He was highly prestigious and could help him with a bunch of people.

But Master Yideng pushed this incident to Zhou Botong, but Lu Yang was not unhappy. Zhou Botong was indeed the best candidate for this incident. He was more playful and would not think too deeply, but Quanzhen Sect They all respect him very much, so with the old naughty boy, you can successfully prevent the Seven Realms from looking for trouble.

In this way, he can smoothly promote Buddhism. Once he gains a foothold in the Western Regions, he is re-developing Taoism, or anything else. ..


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