Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1586: Ouyang Xinlao

Ouyang Feng rushed all the way to the top of the mountain and finally came to his senses. He kept falling to the top, and everyone remembered it completely.

Once he was sober, his pace slowed down instead, and he began to walk up the mountain step by step. Has been to his original residence. The disciple of Baituoshan saw a crazy old man walking slowly towards his home with his hands behind his back, and they all came over to stop him. After seeing Ouyang Feng's appearance, they were all taken aback, and immediately knelt down in front of him and said, "Patriarch!"

Ouyang Feng nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Where is Kerr?"

The disciple immediately said, "The son is going to Qiha City!"

Ouyang Feng was taken aback for a while, and then asked in doubt: "Qi Hacheng? I don't remember such a place, what is Kerr going to do?"

The disciple lowered his head and shook his head to understand: "This disciple is not a Dao! The son did not say!"

Ouyang Feng frowned and said solemnly: "Well, go and prepare, the old man is going to take a shower. The old man...just came out of retreat, and he's covered in mud!"

That disciple didn't dare to look up at him, Ouyang Feng was so fierce, it was really not a joke. He nodded hurriedly and said: "Yes, the subordinates will go now!"

Ouyang Feng nodded and continued to walk into his room with a calm face.

Seeing everything he was familiar with, Ouyang Feng sighed and sat down leisurely on the chair. Then coldly said: "Come on!"

A domestic slave immediately said at the door: "Live at home!"

Ouyang Feng said coldly: "Where is the young man who came with me?"

The person immediately said: "The subordinates don't know, the subordinates will go and ask!"

Ouyang Feng nodded and said in a low voice: "Go and ask, don't say anything about this!"

The man nodded immediately and said: "Yes!"

He ran all the way to the bottom of the mountain, found two guards and asked: "Two, did the family come from here just now?"

The two guards shook their heads and said, "I have never seen the house, but a madman and a young man have been here."

The man was taken aback, thinking of the way he lived at home, he did look like a lunatic. But he can serve Ouyang Feng underground, so he naturally has some brains. He chuckled and said, "Oh, what about that young man?"

The two guards thought for a while and said, "He's gone!"

The man nodded when he heard. He knew that these two people did not know the identity of Ouyang Feng, and he was relieved. According to the temper of the family, he was afraid that someone like him would not survive. He didn't want to kill these two people for no reason. He thought for a while, and immediately continued to ask: "This young man, has said the identity of the old man!"

The two people thought for a while and said, "He didn't say!"

The man felt relieved after hearing this, and was about to go back. But I saw a person coming up from the mountain with a smile of joy.

The man looked intently, and it turned out to be his own son. He couldn't help but immediately greeted him and said respectfully: "Young Master!"

Ouyang Ke had just returned from Lu Yang, his expression was much better than when he had gone, he finally found a way to restrict Tantric Buddhism, and of course he was in a good mood.

Seeing the man, he chuckled and said, "You are the waiter by your uncle, why don't you wait on the mountain for your uncle to go down and do?"

The man smiled slightly and said in a low voice: "Report to the young master, the master is back!"

Ouyang Ke heard it, and his face immediately showed surprise, and said excitedly: "Uncle is back, what's the matter of waiting?"

The man whispered: "Just now, the Patriarch is bathing now!"

Ouyang Ke nodded immediately, not to mention how happy he was. He had just asked for a way from Lu Yang when his uncle returned. It's hard to say that the transfer was made today, and God helped himself.

He chuckled and said, "Don't worry," he said with a deep color of thought.

Seeing him thinking, the man didn't dare to speak, just stood by and watched quietly. After thinking for a while, Ouyang Kecai said, "What happened a few days ago at Baituo Mountain...Does uncle know?"

The man immediately shook his head and said, "I don't know where I live!"

Ouyang Feng smiled, nodded and said, "That's good!"

The two went up the mountain together, and Ouyang Ke asked the man to send himself a message when Ouyang Feng finished bathing.

After Ouyang Feng finished taking a shower, he put on new clothes and felt a little tired. He lay lazily on the chair and summoned the man to ask, "The son is back?"

The man nodded immediately and said: "Yes, the son just came back!"

Ouyang Feng nodded and continued to ask, "That person, has he gone?"

The man knew what he was worried about, and immediately said: "The young man has left. He did not say the identity of the house, and all the guards did not know. But the guards did not grow up. The man said that the owner of the family was the owner of Baituo Mountain. !"

Ouyang Feng nodded in relief, and the expression on his face relaxed. He knew that as long as he had this meaning, Baituoshan would automatically treat this topic as a taboo topic. It will always be a secret for Ouyang Feng to go crazy.

apart from……

Ouyang Feng flashed a murderous look and squinted slightly!

The man looked clever, his hands and feet immediately softened. He is not afraid that Ouyang Feng will kill him, because he is a person in this family who specializes in serving Ouyang Feng. He knows too much, and this matter is not a major event.

If the family had to kill their mouths, they would have killed them. But the Patriarch seemed to want to keep him, and one more person to share his secrets, he felt a little more relaxed.

After a long time, Ouyang Feng murmured: "What about Kerr, let him come!"

The man bowed his head and nodded respectfully, and hurried out. Only then did he withdraw silently, and soon Ouyang Feng heard a rush of footsteps, and Ouyang Ke came over with a look of excitement.

Seeing Ouyang Feng again, he was still quite excited. Ouyang Feng had stabilized at first, and he became excited again when he heard his voice.

He always thought that Ouyang Ke was dead, and this was crazy. Once he knew Ouyang Ke or, the stuffiness in his chest was relieved, and his heart felt much better.

But he still didn't say much, because he lives in the family and Ouyang Ke is the heir. It's like Wanyan Honglie loves Yang Kang, but he won't be too intimate.

Ouyang Feng chuckled and said: "Seeing that Kerr is safe and sound, my uncle is satisfied!"

Ouyang Ke took a moment to listen, and sat down to himself, surprised: "My nephew has always been fine, what does uncle mean?"

Ouyang Feng smiled and said, "In the past few days, it has been said that you were killed by Qiu Qianren!"..


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