Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1589: Surprised Princess

After hearing this, the princess was surprised and said: "Are all four of them?"

Seeing his surprised eyes, Yang Kang smiled and said, "Yes!"

The princess was amazed at this, even she couldn't help being amazed. It's amazing that there are so many beautiful women with colleagues in the world. Then she thought of another question. I heard that Emperor Jin had only a son. Where did the prince come from?

Yang Kang seemed to see the question in his eyes and smiled slightly: "Let's go over!"

The two people walked towards Lu Yang slowly. Lu Yang who was chatting seemed to be aware of something, and immediately raised his head and saw the two people.

Seeing him raise his head, Guo Jing also raised his head and saw two people.

Lu Yang showed a brilliant smile, stood up and walked over and said, "Kangdi, when will you be able to arrive, I didn't expect you to come first!"

Yang Kang smiled and said, "I just came here just a few days ago, and I don't want you and Guo Jing brothers to fall long ago!"

When the two men were talking, Mei Chaofeng and several women walked over. After hearing Yang Kang's words, the princess knew that this man was the maid of those women. I couldn't help but looked at him curiously, and thought, he was no different, why the prince respected him so much, and that woman, each of whom was stunning in the world, seemed to be very submissive to him!

Lu Yang didn't seem to be conscious of her eyes, and smiled slightly: "By the way, did the Jiangnan Qixia and Quanzhen Qizi fall down?"

Hearing what he said, Yang Kang looked ugly for a while and said, "The Seventh Son of the True Realm has fallen, and I have done anything with them!"

Lu Yang was taken aback and asked in doubt, "What happened? Yang Kang laughed bitterly and said the matter. As he said, he saw that Lu Ang's face was difficult to look."

Yang Kang knew that he was angry, so he said immediately after he finished speaking, "In fact, it's not a big deal. Besides, I'm fine now, brother don't be angry!"

Lu Yang knew that he was comforting himself, but it was still that An Nai couldn't contain his anger. He smiled coldly and said: "These stinky Taoists, if they dare not trouble me, they will come to you. It seems to be giving them a lot of face. Up!"

The crown prince was stunned, and said to her heart, the name of the seven sons of Quanzhen is like a thunderous ear. When their master was there, even the emperor of Dali was a guest of honor. It seems that this man has no respect for them. He is Who?

But Yang Kang smiled and said, "It's just a few stinky Taoists, why bother with them!"

When Guo Jing saw that Lu Yang was on fire, he was also comforted by Jiangnan: "Kangdi is right. Although the Taoists of Quanzhen Sect are a little bit temperamental, they are all narrow-minded people. Don't have trouble with them!"

Lu Yang sighed when he heard what they said, and said with a wry smile: "I am not angry with them, but because they have done too much. Today they dare to retaliate against Kangdi because they cannot understand me, and tomorrow they dare to retaliate because they cannot understand me. Hurt my relatives and friends. Sun Buer might be impulsive about this kind of thing, and Wang Chuyi wouldn't know how serious it is. If he dares to condone Sun Buer, he knows what he will face!"

Yang Kang heard this and quickly said: "Brother don't get me wrong. Chief Wang didn't know that Sun Buer was going to kill me. On the contrary, he had a very good attitude towards me. It seemed that he meant to reconcile with Big Brother!"

Seeing his nervous look, the princess was even more surprised, and the look in Lu Yang's eyes changed. After listening to Yang Kang's words, Lu Yang looked better. He smiled coldly and said: "I expected the same, but I can let go of Quanzhen Sect. Sun Buer still has to be punished appropriately, and can't indulge him to indulge regardless of good or bad!"

Yang Kang felt relieved after hearing this. He glanced at the princess next to him and changed the subject: "By the way, I haven't told my eldest brother that I am married!"

Lu Yang's eyes lit up, and he smiled and looked at the princess and said: "This is really a younger brother and sister. I guessed it just now. Come on, where did you abduct such a beautiful younger brother and sister!"

The princess was praised by him, her face flushed, and she immediately said, "I feel like you have seen the uncle!"

Lu Yang listened for a moment, and said dumbly: "Your name is Jueli, who are you Duan Pianli?"

The prince was taken aback, and said in surprise: "It's my aunt, does my uncle know him?"

Lu Yang laughed, and Guo Jing also remembered that there was such a woman. He laughed and said, "On the shore of Penghu that day, my eldest brother saved your aunt!"

After hearing this, the princess was stunned for a while, then her eyes were red, and when she was short, she bowed to the ground.

Lu Yang quickly supported her and said, "What are you doing!"

The princess said with excitement: "It turns out that the savior mentioned by my aunt is my uncle. When I came, he also asked me to visit the Central Plains. I must find my uncle!"

Lu Yang laughed and pulled her up and said, "You are welcome, since you are married to Kangdi, it is our family's recognition. What did you say about this."

He smiled, and said to the women of Mei Chaofeng: "Come on, these are your sister-in-laws!"

Several women immediately went forward to meet the princess after hearing this. They were all smart women. Seeing that she was still moved, they immediately pulled her to say some caring words.

Several men in Lu Yang took the time to chat together.

Yang Kang said halfway, and suddenly said, "By the way, I forgot to tell you that my mother and sister Mu Nianci have lived in the palace!"

Lu Yang was taken aback, and said in surprise: "What's the matter, father-in-law agreed?"

Yang Kang nodded and said: "Yes, when I got married, my father personally invited the mother and them, he...he also participated. My father said that he used to be sorry for the Yang family, but even though he hurt the Yang family , But gave the Yang family a throne. From now on, the world of Daikin belongs to me, which means it belongs to the Yang family!"

Lu Yang nodded, frowning and said, "However, the character of the father-in-law does not necessarily care about this."

Yang Kang listened and smiled: "His temper, the emperor father can't deal with it. The emperor said that if I become the emperor, the life of the Han in the Dajin territory will be better. After all, I am also a Han!"

Lu Yang understood it immediately after hearing it, and said to his heart, Wan Yan Honglie really understood it. ..


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