Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 66: The death of Yan Tieshan

Yan Tieshan's face originally looked strange, but now, coupled with the weird and terrible, it looks even more frivolous.

Suddenly his extremely fat body turned around like a top, and as he turned, a brilliant pearl of light suddenly appeared in the jeweled treasure qi pavilion!

In the deep reflection of the pearl, dozens of strong winds rushed like a torrential rain.

Those strong winds hit Lu Yang straightly, Ximen blowing snow, Huamanlou and Lu Xiaofeng.

At that moment, there were bursts of sword aura flashing in that pearly light, there are really countless other mechanisms in the mechanism! It's hard to guard against.

The sword aura was so cold, the sword aura sounded like a bamboo blowing.

At this moment, Lu Yang moved!

His faint figure is flying in the air!

All of that pearly light suddenly disappeared, and that Linglie's sword aura also disappeared!

I saw that dozens of pearls fell from the air, but each one was cut in half by sword energy!

There are also several swords made of stainless steel that have been broken into several pieces, scattered around.

What a fast sword! I wonder if this sword is better than Ximen Chuuxue?

It turned out to be Lu Yang, who picked up a sword from the ground and shot down the attack from Yan Tieshan!

What a fast sword! Seeing that this blow failed to succeed, the figure of Yan Tieshan disappeared!

Lu Yang was gone now!

On the lotus pond outside the water pavilion, there seemed to be figures flashing, flying lightly on the lotus leaves.

Everyone can see clearly that they are two figures, but the two figures seem to be glued together.

The person behind that seemed to be the shadow of the person in front, and couldn't get rid of it.

The figures flickered and then flickered, everyone's eyes were blurred, and the two figures suddenly disappeared.

In the water pavilion, there was another sound of wind and clothes.

At this time, Yan Tieshan appeared in the water pavilion like this.

Lu Yang also appeared. He was sitting there just now, as if he had never left.

Yan Tieshan stood there just now, but her body was leaning on the high platform, panting violently.

Looking at his face, at that moment, he seemed to have grown a lot older again.

When she first entered the water pavilion, Yan Tieshan was like a middle-aged man, with a radiant face, a smooth and thin face, and no beard.

However, from the perspective of Yan Tieshan now, no matter what it is, he can tell that he is already an old man in his seventies or eighties.

The flesh on his face was loose, his eyelids drooped loosely, and his eyes became dull. He gasped, sighed, and said secretly: "I'm old... old."

Lu Yang looked at him, sighed, and said, "You are already old."

Yan Tieshan said bitterly, "Why do you deal with me, a dying old man like this?"

Lu Yang said, "Because this old man owed someone else's debt before, others would always catch up to collect the debt. No matter how old he is, he has to pay it himself. No one can pay for him." Yan Tieshan, "If it is really my debt, of course I have to pay it myself, but when have I owed someone else's debt?"

Lu Yang said, "Maybe Yan Tieshan is not in debt, but what about Yan Liben? Isn't Yan Liben in debt either?"

Yan Tieshan's face became terrified, and he shouted angrily: "Yes, I am Yan Liben. That's the former Chief Yan who cannibalize people without spitting out bones, but since I came here, I have been."

Yan Tieshan's voice suddenly stopped there, her distorted face suddenly returned to her calm.

His words just couldn't be said in the throat.

Everyone present saw a stream of blood spread from his chest, like a brilliant flower suddenly and completely open.

After the blood splashed out, he saw the tip of the sword exposed on his chest.

Yan Tieshan lowered her head and looked at the shiny sword tip, as if she seemed surprised and strange.

He couldn't believe that someone put him to death like this, his face was full of unwillingness.

But he is not dead yet, his chest is still undulating, coughing and bleeding.

There was a gurgling in his throat, staring at Huo Tianqing, but couldn't say anything, only a stream of black blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

His eyes were full of anger.

Huo Tianqing's face also became so ugly, he didn't expect things to get so bad, so fast.

He originally thought that with the strength of the Pearl Light Treasure Qi Pavilion, even if he could not completely wipe out the opponent, at least there would be no problem with protecting himself.

Countless masters added hidden weapons, but failed to inflict any damage on the other side, and instead fell a lot of people on their side.

The owner was caught by Lu Yang, but now he was killed inexplicably.

As the manager Huo Tianqing, the shock is far more than other feelings.

Huo Tianqing turned around and sternly asked: "Who is the one who killed him behind?"

"It's me!" came a clear voice like a silver bell.

That body is as light as a swallow. Suddenly, a person flew into the house from the window, a black shark skin tightly wrapped around her.

Slim and attractive, with water dripping on his body, he obviously just came out of the lotus leaf pond to the outside of the water pavilion.

Yan Tieshan reluctantly opened her eyes and looked at her in surprise. Exhausting all my energy, I could only say three words: "Who are you?"

She had torn off the headscarf of Shui Kao, and her pale and beautiful face was set off by her dark cloud-like hair draped over her shoulders.

But her eyes were full of hatred and resentment, and she stared at Yan Tieshan fiercely.

She sternly said: "I am Princess Dan Feng of King Great Jinpeng, the one who asked you to count that old debt."

Yan Tieshan looked at her in surprise. His body twitched forever, and he could never move.

But in those eyes that protruded out of the eyes, there was still a strange and weird look.

Is that surprising? Is it angry? Or fear?

Perhaps, more are unwilling, unwilling to fail, unwilling to lose everything like this.

Yan Tieshan, who had long lost her life, widened her eyes and refused to close it. ..


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