Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 85: defeat

Facing Ximen Chuuxue, Duguhe still thought of Huo Tianqing, he suddenly felt so regretful.

This is the first time in my life that I really regretted this. It may be the only time and the last time.

Ximen blows the snow sword, and there is no one who retreats, only death.

There has always been a legend of Ximen blowing snow on the rivers and lakes.

Duguhe suddenly wanted to see Lu Yang, Lu Xiaofeng and Huamanlou in particular, but he knew that they would never come now.

He can only draw his sword, and he has no choice.

Suddenly, in the darkness, the sword qi rushed towards Yun Xiao, and the momentum was so forceful.

Duguhe's pupils were enlarged, that was such a terrifying sword aura! He has nowhere to flash.

Duguhe already felt that he was absolutely powerless to resist that force, and could only wait for his death, waiting for Ximen Chuuxue's sword to pierce his throat.

He had given up resistance, his desperate expression was evident, he closed his eyes and waited for death.

suddenly! That sword light stopped!

Everything fell to Ping Ji.

Duguhe opened his eyes, but saw that Ximen Chuuxue had a look on his face.

A figure stood in front of him, Ximen Chuuxue's black sword, the tip of the sword was firmly clamped between Lu Yang's two fingers!

"Why?" Duguhe said.

"Why?" Ximen Chuuxue said.

"Because I still don't want him to die." Lu Yang said lightly.

The lonely crane was horrified.

Ximen Chuuxue was horrified.

None of them knew how Lu Yang made the move just now.

Duguhe thought he was bound to die by the hands of Ximen Chuuxue.

Ximen Chuuxue thought that one of his swords must be the same as usual, a sword pierced into Duguhe's throat, letting blood flow in the sword light.

Last time, if he said that he only used seven points, he was caught by Lu Yang.

But this time, he definitely exerted great force, but he was still caught by Lu Yang!

Ximen Chuuxue suddenly drew his sword, and the tip of the sword jumped out of Lu Yang's hand!

Thousands of sword shadows flew all over the sky and rushed towards Lu Yang.

But soon, Jianying disappeared!

The point of Ximen Chuuxue's sword was still caught in Lu Yang's hand.

No one can tell the shock of this moment!

Ximen Chuuxue's pale face became paler.

Suddenly, Duguhe moved too: "Fuck, who asked you to help!" His double swords were dispatched, and they also attacked Lu Yang.

At the same time, Ximen Chuuxue also attacked again!

For the first time, the two men cooperated and attacked towards Lu Yang!

Lu Xiaofeng and Huamanlou were in the distance, exclaiming.

They did not expect that the two masters would shoot at the same time!

Ximen Chuuxue, Lonely Crane, all top players in the arena, and the power of two simultaneous shots, no one can doubt.

but! I only heard a "ding"!

I saw that Ximen Chuuxue's sword was in Lu Yang's hands, but Duguhe's sword was broken into pieces! Fell to the ground.

An indescribable look filled their faces, their faces as gray as death. Especially Ximen Chuuxue, this is the first time he has suffered such a big blow, and his face is as desperate as a dead man.

"He can't die yet." Lu Yang said.

"Why?" Duguhe said, "Why do you want to save me."

Lu Yang sighed: "First, you are already an old man. Do you have to let the old man pay for his past mistakes with his life?"

"Second, you have lost at least half of your skill now. If you let Ximen Chuuxue kill you, neither of you will be reconciled."

Ximen Chuuxue said in surprise: "Half skill?"

"Yes." Duguhe nodded and admitted.

"Why." Lu Xiaofeng asked unclearly.

"Because Huo Qing." Duguhe sighed.

Suddenly, Duguhe seemed to be many years old again.

A series of blows have left him wondering how to deal with it.

He suddenly knocked several heads towards Lu Yang.

Lu Yang hurriedly helped him up: "What is Old Dugu doing?"

There were bursts of tears in Duguhe's old eyes.

"I'm getting old." He sighed. He took out the head of Emei, the letter symbol, and handed it to Lu Yang.

"Seeing him is seeing the head." Without waiting for everyone to react, he had already fallen down, and instantly, his body became cold.

What a terrible poison, I don't know when it was taken.

"Poor old man." Lu Yang sighed.

"Compared with what he did, this is already very kind." Lu Xiaofeng smiled bitterly.

"What's more, if you don't kill him, it will be more uncomfortable than killing him." Huamanlou sighed.

Suddenly, Ximen Fuxue, who had been standing silently, picked up a broken sword from the ground and pierced it into his throat.

With a "ding", the broken sword flew out.

"Why?" Lu Yang said.

"Why?" Lu Xiaofeng was surprised.

It was Lu Yang who made the shot, using Ximen Chuuxue's sword to knock out the tip of the sword.

If it weren't for Lu Yang's move, Ximen Chuuxue would have blood splashed under the sword.

"I'm defeated." Ximen Chuuxue's voice seemed to be more than ten years old. This was the first blow in his life.

He could not bear such a blow anyway.

"You don't need to be like this." Lu Yang sighed.

"Yes, if it weren't for him, you would be dead. I didn't expect that you would not cherish your life so much." Lu Xiaofeng sighed.

"There is something more important than life, you don't understand." Ximen Chuuxue laughed suddenly, laughing so sadly.

"I know, but we are friends, aren't we?" Lu Yang smiled.

"Friend?" Ximen Chuuxue was taken aback.

I don't know where Lu Yang brought a jar of wine.

"It's a friend! Drink it all in one go, Ximen Chuuxue or Ximen Chuuxue, we are still good friends, just like Ximen Chuuxue and Lu Xiaofeng are good friends." Lu Yang laughed.

Ximen Chuuxue didn't seem to know how to respond, and mechanically took the wine in Lu Yang's hand.

Suddenly, he laughed again, laughing so that the leaves on the surrounding trees fell.

"Okay!" Ximen Chuuxue lifted the jar of wine and poured it into his mouth. The jar of wine poured into Ximen Chuuxue's belly like this.

"Friend?" Ximen Chuuxue said. ..


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