Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 87: dead

Lu Yang sighed and said, "If you say you don't know, you definitely don't know."

"But you should know who wrote this letter." Huo Tianqing said.

Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "I only know that this letter will definitely not go to Boss Yan after he wrote it in the coffin and put it in his spiritual position for you to discover on purpose."

Huo Tianqing's eyes softened: "You should know that Boss Yan is dead, Duguhe is dead, who would not want you to take care of this."

Lu Yang sighed again and said, "But I just don't know at all."

Huo Tianqing said, "But at least you know someone."

"Who?" Lu Yang asked.

Huo Tianqing said: "Me."

Lu Yang laughed.

But Huo Tianqing didn't smile, but sank his face and said, "Since Shangguan Danfeng won't be here, if you don't care about these things, the wealth of the Pearl Light Precious Qi Pavilion is not mine."

Lu Yang smiled and said: "But I also know one thing, the head of the Tianqimen will never do such a thing."

Huo Tianqing stared at him, finally smiled at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly said, "Do you want to have a drink?"

Lu Yang said: "Yes."

"Of course there is me." Lu Xiaofeng held up a wine glass and drank slowly.

No matter where he is, he can always find a good wine, and he doesn't need the host to entertain him, he starts to drink it himself.

The wine is filled with blue and white porcelain jars, and when poured, it is colorless and ignorant, almost like white water.

But after using the new wine, the fragrant and mellow wine immediately filled this small and delicate room.

Lu Yang took a sip slowly, with a look of intoxication, took a long breath, and said, "This is the real daughter red."

"Sure enough, it's a good wine. I've never drank such a mellow good daughter red." Lu Xiaofeng said contentedly.

Huo Tianqing said: "You all know the goods."

"And me." Huamanlou also smelled the wine, sat down at the table, poured three glasses in one breath and drank it.

Lu Yang smiled and said: "So next time you have such a good wine, you should still invite us to drink, at least we know how to taste your good wine."

Huo Tianqing smiled and said, "I don't always have this kind of good wine."

Lu Yang said: "Oh, then we are even luckier to taste this good wine."

Huo Tianqing said: "This wine was given to me when I visited a neighbor last time."

Lu Yang sighed: "I envy you, such a good neighbor is now harder to find than good wine."

Huo Tianqing said: "But he is also a very weird person, and you must have heard of him."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "I know a lot of weird people, I don't know which one you are talking about."

Huo Tianqing said: "His name is Huo Xiu."

Lu Yang, Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou lost their voices at the same time: "Huo Xiu? How could he be your neighbor?"

Huo Tianqing said: "Although he doesn't live here very often, he has built a small building on the mountain behind here. He has to live here for a month or two every year."

Lu Yang's eyes suddenly lit up and said, "Do you know what he is doing here?"

Huo Tianqing said: "Except for drinking, he seems to have done nothing."

Lu Yang thought deeply, but didn't say anything.

Huo Tianqing didn't pay attention to his expression, and said: "So as long as you can tell good wine, he almost has it. Although I don't like to drink, even after I got to his small building, I don't want to come out again."

Lu Yang suddenly said: "Do you know what wine tastes best?"

Open Air Green Road: "I don't know."

Lu Yang said: "Stolen wine."

Lu Xiaofeng laughed loudly: "Brother Lu treats me best, his wife is good to others, and wine steals the fragrance of others, so happy and happy."

Huo Tianqing also smiled and said, "You want me to accompany you to steal wine there?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Not bad at all!

Huo Tianqing said: "There is only one type of person in this world who can't drink even a drop of wine. Do you know who it is?"

Lu Yang said: "I don't know."

Huo Tianqing said: "It's a person without a head, so if you still want to drink with your head, you'd better not make this idea."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Stealing wine is the same as stealing a book. It is an elegant thief. Even if someone is caught, there is no danger of losing his head."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "You and Huo Xiu were still a family five hundred years ago. What are you afraid of?"

Huo Tianqing said: "But he himself personally told me that there are 108 kinds of agencies ambush in his small upstairs. If it weren't for the guests he invited, it would be difficult to get out alive, no matter who broke in without permission. ."

Huo Qing sighed and then said: "Although I am greedy for those jars of good wine, but I dare not go without permission. Those institutions don't know people. The surname is Huo, Lu, Lu, and there won't be any. A little difference."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Even a few jars of wine are protected by 108 kinds of organs, so that no one is allowed to steal it. It's no wonder he can become the richest man in the world."

Lu Xiaofeng sighed and said, "I have four eyebrows, but two have been missing. It doesn't matter, but there is only one head. That can't be less."

Huo Tianqing smiled and said, "Perhaps, isn't he to prevent others from stealing those good wines?"

Lu Yang's eyes lit up: "You mean, don't you think there are definitely other secrets upstairs?"

Huo Tianqing smiled: "Anyone knows something secret, he is, so am I, and so are you."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "But the only ones who can keep a secret are the dead."

"Huo Xiu is not a dead person, so there must be a day when a secret is exposed in the water." Lu Xiaofeng smiled.

The most terrible thing is of course the dead, no matter how beautiful and lovely this person was when he was alive.

As long as they die, people become terrible.

Although no one can escape death.

Therefore, Shi Xiuyun's body will also be covered with a piece of white cloth, and even his face will also be covered. ..


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