Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 90: Four lunatics

Even they themselves don't know what they are waiting for.

Just as they waited quietly, suddenly the stone platform was slowly deepening.

After a while, they found that they had reached a hexagonal stone house.

There is a stone table in the stone house with three bowls of wine on the stone table, and there is also a big character "drink" on the table.

Lu Xiaofeng laughed: "It seems that as long as you are obedient, it is good."

"What's the benefit? Is it asking you to drink?" Huamanlou smiled.

"It seems that you know me best. This time, someone really invited us to drink. Maybe, next time we will prepare meat for us to eat." Lu Xiaofeng smiled.

"I just don't know how the wine and meat taste, whether it tastes good or not." Lu Yang smiled.

"Wine is a good Luzhou Daqu that has been kept for many years. It seems that the boss Huo Da's hands are definitely treasures." Hua Manlou sniffed.

"It's really good wine, such a good wine, don't waste it, come and drink." Lu Yang laughed, "We three of us have a bowl each, which is just right."

"Good wine is not for smelling, but for drinking, well, dry." Lu Xiaofeng smiled.

Huamanlou sighed: "Forget it, this kind of wine is too strong, I'm afraid I'll be drunk after a bowl."

"Well, you don't drink, we drink." Lu Yang smiled.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng filled half of their bowls in one breath.

Suddenly, Huamanlou's lips turned pale and her face changed.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng had already noticed his changes.

Lu Yang asked, "What's the matter with you? Does it feel wrong?"

Huamanlou said in shock: "There seems to be a special fragrance in this room, don't you smell it?"

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng glanced at each other and shook their heads.

Huamanlou's face was so strange, he suddenly stretched out his hand, picked up the bowl of wine, and drank it in one breath.

After drinking a full bowl of wine, Huamanlou's original ashes-like face recovered a little bit of anger.

Lu Xiaofeng smiled: "It seems that this wine can cure illness."

After Lu Yang finished drinking, he realized that there was a word thrown under the wine bowl.

The three men lifted the bowl and threw it to the ground.

Suddenly, they realized that the stone wall slowly moved away, and there was a secret door behind the stone wall.

From the hidden door, you can see dozens of stone steps leading to the ground.

Below this is the hinterland of the mountain, Lu Yang looked at it, but only saw jewels coming from there!

The entire belly of the mountain is empty!

The three people walked down the stone steps, and saw that the space of tens of meters in radius was full of knives and swords.

One of the more eye-catching is the full box of gold!

Lu Yang, Lu Xiaofeng and Huamanlou have never seen so many weapons and jewels in their lives.

However, it was not these swords and jewelry that surprised them even more.

Among the swords and jewels, there are middle men and four elderly people.

Their faces were so pale that they knew at a glance that they hadn't seen sunlight for many years.

All four of them were dressed in brocade-embroidered gold rolling robe, with a jade belt around their waists, all of them were actually dressed as emperors.

There are four chairs carved with golden dragons in the center, which seem to be the emperor's dragon chairs! .

An old man sat in a chair in a daze, as if thinking about something.

An old man was squatting on the ground planning to take a cross, muttering words as if he was calculating the wealth here.

An old man faced the bronze mirror and counted the white hair on his head.

Another old man was pacing with his hands on his back.

The stepped old man saw Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng and Huaman came in.

He immediately walked up and said with a straight face and sternly: "Who are you? How dare you break into the lonely palace without being notified? Do you know that this is the charge of Ling Chi?"

His face was so serious, it seemed that he was a bit imperial, and he didn't seem to be joking with the three of them.

His expression was as if the emperor was treating his subordinates.

Lu Yang was stunned, looked at him, and couldn't help asking: "You said this is the palace, are you the emperor? What kind of emperor are you?"

The old man said: "Gujia is the thirteenth Jinpeng King of the Jinpeng Dynasty. I don't know that there is more than me here."

Just as the old man said, the other three old people rushed over immediately.

They all rushed and said: "You must not listen to this madman's nonsense. Gujia is the real King of Golden Peng, he is a fake."

"He is a fake..."

"All three of them are counterfeit."

The four old people actually said the same sentence, and each of them blushed.

The bit of the king's style that was hard to see just now disappeared just like that.

Lu Yang and his party were dumbfounded when they looked like that.

Lu Yang felt that these four old people were all lunatics, and they were extremely mad.

Don't be entangled by these four lunatics, let others be treated like lunatics.

This is the idea of ​​the three.

Before discussing, they all stepped back.

The best way to meet a madman is to hide and get away quickly.

Even if the world's most precious jewelry and the world's most fragrant wine are in front of them, they don't want to suffer.

No one wants to stay here for a while, for fear that he will go crazy just like them.

The three of them turned around, only to realize that the door on the stone steps had been closed.

At this time, the four lunatics had already surrounded them.

They had seen that Huamanlou was a blind man, and ignored him, but surrounded Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

"Look at, who of us is the real King Peng King? You must speak with your conscience."

The four old men rushed.

One by one, their pale and aging faces showed crazy and hideous expressions.

That expression seemed to be wrong, they were about to swallow their lives.

crazy! It's crazy!

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were so angry and funny. Facing such a situation, they no longer knew how to react. ..


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