Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 102: Liu Yuhen's Heart

Liu Yuhen is definitely an important role in this matter.

Maybe, in this matter, he absolutely acted as an accomplice.

He was indispensable for killing King Jinpeng and Shangguan Danfeng.

His sword is faster than his voice.

The window was shaken away with a bang. Liu Yu's people and his sword flew in at the same time. Pounced straight towards Lu Yang.

His hair was dangled like a madman, and there was a fanatical look in his eyes. His people seemed far more terrifying than his sword.

Lu Yang didn't look at him, just stared at his sword closely.

Lu Yang wanted to see You's sword strength clearly, like martial artists.

Liu Yuhen's sword light was very fierce, and his sword moves changed so quickly. Every sword pierced a vital point that could be immediately fatal.

Lu Yang's gaze was always staring at his blade, like a child staring at a flying butterfly.

In Lu Yang's eyes, the terrifying sword light seemed to be juggling.

At that moment. Liu Yuhen stabbed seventeen swords in succession, the sword power was exhausted.

At this moment, Lu Yang suddenly shot.

His shot was so fast that Liu Yuhen didn't seem to see him doing it at all. He thought that Lu Yang would be stabbed by him.

Two fingers are gently clamped, no one can describe the rapidity of the two fingers.

There is no way to even imagine without seeing people.

There is no one who knows how to understand it.

Lu Yang's shot was so arbitrary, it seemed that as long as he shot, everything was under control.

Liu Yuhen stabbed eighteen swords again and again, but felt like a child playing a wooden sword in front of the public.

His sword has been firmly clamped by Lu Yang.

This sword seemed to have been inserted into a stone, and he could not pull it out with all his strength.

Liu Yuhen's sword was mounted on his right wrist, and the sword had become a part of his body.

He tried his best, but he still couldn't pull the sword from Lu Yang's fingers, let alone withdraw his hand.

On this wrist is an iron hook that can pick up all kinds of things.

When you want to kill, the hook is replaced with a sword. He was obviously ready to kill.

When Lu Yang looked at his painful and deformed face, he suddenly felt an indescribable compassion.

He said: "I don't want to kill you, you are also a poor person, you go."

Liu Yugen did not speak, but his answer was to show it with the iron ball on his left wrist.

The iron ball slammed down at Lu Yang with a fierce wind. If Lu Yang did not let go, his head would be smashed.

Liu Yuhen still has one hand, and another attack, and Lu Yang also has another hand, and another attack power.

Lu Yang's left hand just tapped lightly on the ferocious iron ball.

The iron ball banged and shattered!

Liu Yuhen was stunned, not to mention that Lu Yang caught the power of the hammer. is just the skill of pointing a broken iron ball, I am afraid that no one in this world can match it!

Liu Yuhen didn't know how to react.

But Lu Yang's blow was so light, and the iron ball shattered when he touched it so lightly, as if it were paper paste.

Lu Yang sighed softly and said, "If I let go, can you go?"

Liu Yuhen laughed suddenly, his laughter was full of contempt, contempt for Lu Yang, contempt for his own life.

He has never taken his own life and death to heart.

Lu Yang sighed and smiled bitterly: "Why do I always meet such stupid people, why..."

Lu Xiaofeng has been watching the bustle next to him and said: "It doesn't matter if the heart is dead, the body is not dead."

Liu Yuhen sneered: "You seem to know me better than myself."

"No one knows yourself better than you, but the most terrifying thing is that you don't know yourself at all." Lu Yang sighed.

"Why?" Liu Yuhen's head couldn't turn around.

"You used to live well in the world, why did you die? Good people, why did you die?" Lu Yang sighed.

"You don't understand many things at all, let's do it." Liu Yuhen sighed, his expression falling silent.

"I won't kill you." Lu Yang let go of him, "Or, let's make a deal."

"What deal?" Liu Yu looked at Lu Yang blankly.

"You are my slave." Lu Yang said, staring into his eyes.

"Then what do I have?" Liu Yuhen didn't seem to understand this sentence at all, nor did he understand what Lu Yang meant.

"A jar of wine." Lu Yang looked around and picked up a jar of wine with his hand.

"After drinking this jar of wine, from today onwards, you will be my slave. If I let you die, you must die. If I let you live, you must live." Lu Yang handed the wine to him.

"Are you drinking?" Lu Yang said.

Liu Yuhen took the wine and looked at Lu Yang, as if thinking about something.

Lu Yang remained silent, just staring at him.

Liu Yuhen suddenly raised his head, drank a jar of wine in one breath, and then smashed it on the ground.

The wine jar slammed to the ground with a bang, to pieces.

"Okay, a good bottle of wine, worth it." Liu Yuhen laughed suddenly, still smiling so ugly.

Liu Yuhen closed his sword and stood behind Lu Yang with such a submissive expression.

At this moment, Lu Yang suddenly heard a person's voice, that voice was so familiar!

Because the voice was originally the voice of Shangguan Danfeng, but it was clear that Shangguan Danfeng had become a cold corpse.

It is impossible for her to appear, but how could her voice appear here?

The sun has already set, the afterglow has gradually disappeared, and the room has become darker.

A ghostly person appeared at the door, it was such a beautiful and moving woman!

She is beautifully tender, beautifully sweet, and beautifully breathtaking.

Lu Yang couldn't help being stunned. If this was Shangguan Danfeng, whose body would be buried in the mud? ..


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