Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 113: Huo Tianqing's death

Especially Shanxi geese, their complexion is so gray.

He sighed for a long time and said, "If the old man Tianqi is alive, alas!"

"We are still friends." Lu Yang sighed, "No matter what Huo Tianqing did and what punishment he was punished, you are you."

"We are friends." Shanxi Yan nodded, and a line of old tears streamed down his cheeks.

"The teacher is unfortunate. As disciples, we are only sad." Mr. Fan Da said, his voice choked.

Shanxi Yan and his party walked out without looking back.

Lu Yang looked at their backs and remained silent for a long while.

It's dusk, the blue wind view is outside, the blue wind view is on the green hill, and the green hill is already beyond the setting sun at dusk.

At this time, there is no fog, only faint white clouds, like fog.

The white clouds looked like fog.

A gust of breeze blew, and only the faint crow was startled between the pine trees, and the slanting sun in the western sky was so pale.

The twilight gradually enveloped the earth, and Lu Yang faced the vast twilight of the mountains, but his mood was heavier than the twilight.

Hua Manlou's face was also a bit heavy, he sighed: "Huo Tianqing hasn't come yet?"

"He will come." Lu Xiaofeng said sadly.

Lu Yang didn't make a sound, but stared at the setting sun blankly.

"Unexpectedly, he was already a famous person, but he did such a thing." Lu Xiaofeng sighed.

Lu Yang just sighed, "But he just did so, and he was in a place where he could not recover."

Lu Xiaofeng sighed: "Perhaps that is the case, everyone's favor made him too proud, and it made him want to surpass everyone, even his father."

"People are like this. Once the door of desire is opened, it will never be filled." Lu Yang said.

"Pride is originally a very stupid thing." Lu Xiaofeng sighed, "and his pride just made his face exposed."

Lu Yang was silent for a long time, and suddenly asked, "If you were me, would you let him go?"

Lu Xiaofeng sighed for a long time, "Fortunately I am not you, and fortunately I am not you either."

Huamanlou said: "At this moment, what is the difference between you and not letting go?"

Lu Yang didn't answer.In fact, by this time, he has not let go or let it go.

Because the loser has already lost his life, no one can survive, this is the world of Wu.

Everyone was silent for a while.

At this moment, they heard the sound of opening the door, and Qingfengguan's famous Shen Da door opened.

As soon as a slit was opened, a child in yellow clothes came out carrying a lantern, followed by a Taoist in yellow robe.

That person is not Huo Tianqing.

The Taoist man wore a loose Taoist robe, his sleeves were extremely fat, his hair was gray and his face was thin.

His expression is so serious and his steps are light, but he doesn't seem to be a martial artist at all.

The man looked at the three of them, walked closer to Lu Yang, and said: "The benefactor is Lu Yang's son."

"It's right here, don't know what the length is?" Lu Yang replied.

The Taoist replied: "The poor Tao is Qingfeng, and it is the presiding officer of this little Taoist temple."

Lu Yang said: "Is the Taoist Chief Huo Tianqing's friend?"

Qing Feng said: "Pan Dao and Huo Shizhu are chess friends. Every month Huo Shizhu has to stay here for a few days and play a few games."

Lu Yang said: "Where is he now?"

An extremely strange expression appeared on Qing Feng's face. He said, "The poor road is here to bring the donors to see him."

Lu Yang asked: "Where is he?"

Qing Feng said slowly: "He has been waiting for a long time in the impoverished cloud room now, and he specially ordered me to take you to see him when I see you."

The small courtyard of Qingfengguan was so quiet, only a little dust was blown up by the light wind.

In the half-open window, there was a mist of cigarettes, scattered with the wind.

The door did not close, the three of Lu Yang passed through the small courtyard, and when Qing Feng opened the door, they would see Huo Tianqing.

However, Huo Tianqing will never see them.

When they entered the room, they saw Huo Tianqing die on the bed in Taoist Qingfeng's cloud room.

In front of the table in front of the bed, there was an extremely delicate Panlong cup carved from jasper, and there was still some residual wine in the cup.

Lu Yang could tell at a glance that the wine was poisonous wine.

Huo Tianqing's face was dead gray, and the dry blood stains could still be seen in the corners of his eyes, nose and mouth.

Lu Yang looked at Huo Tianqing's body with a deep heart.

Taoist Qingfeng saw Huo Tianqing's body and felt extremely painful.

He looked bleak and solemnly said: "When Lord Huo Shi came, I thought he was here to play the remnant game that was not finished yesterday, waiting for him to have some new wonderful moves to resolve the crisis, but he said that he was not in the mood to come today. Play chess."

Lu Yang said: "He doesn't want to play chess, he just wants to drink?"

Taoist Qingfeng nodded and said: "At that time, Pang Dao had already noticed that his expression was wrong, he seemed to have a lot of thoughts, and he was still sighing and talking to himself a lot."

Huamanlou sighed: "What did he say?"

Qingfeng Taoist said: "He seems to be saying that life is only a few years old and will die in an instant. Life is really inexplicable. He also said that there is Huo Tianqing in this world, why are there Lu Yang, Lu Xiaofeng and Huamanlou? This life is a loser."

Lu Yang smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say, but couldn't help asking: "Did you prepare this wine for him?"

Qingfeng Taoist said: "Wine is indeed owned by Taoist temples, but the wine glass was brought by Huo Shizhu. He has always been a hobbyist and has never used objects that others have touched."

Lu Yang picked up Huo Tianqing's wine glass, put it in front of his nose and smelled it. He frowned and said, "The poison is on the wine glass."

"It seems that he is ready." Lu Xiaofeng looked at Huo Tianqing's body with a long sigh...


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