Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 117: serious

Huo Xiu sighed and said: "Lu Yang, Lu Xiaofeng, if Huamanlou can be buried on the first floor of Tsing Yi, it should be dead and no regrets. Unfortunately, there is one less.

"Ximen blowing snow?" Lu Yang said.

Huo Xiu said: "Yes, this is really a fly in the ointment." He sighed, seemingly regretful.

Lu Yang sighed and said, "It seems that Shangguan Feiyan still told the truth, that the first floor of Qingyi is indeed in this small building."

Huo Xiu said: "Of course it is a pity that the more people say that the first floor of Tsing Yi is here, you don't believe it."

Lu Yang said: "In that case, of course you are the master handle on the 108th floor of Tsing Yi."

Huo Xiu smiled slightly and said: "The music of the four words "Zong Diao" is indeed very nice. I like to listen to these four words."

Lu Yang said: "Could it sound better than your voice counting money?"

Huo Xiu said indifferently: "I don't need to count the money. I can't count my money. If I use the time for counting money, I might as well use it to make more money."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Now I really understand why you got rich."

Huo Xiu sighed: "Although you have understood, you can't learn it in your lifetime."

Lu Yang sighed: "I can't learn at least one thing. I don't want to bring wealth into the coffin."

Huo Xiu laughed on his back: "Okay, it's really good."

Lu Yang said: "Very good?"

Huo Xiu smiled and said: "I heard that you have never had less silver tickets on your body. No matter where you go, you will carry a thick stack of silver tickets, and you will only get five thousand taels of silver tickets."

Lu Yang smiled bitterly and said: "The five thousand taels of silver bills, I'm afraid it has already arrived in your pocket."

Huo Xiu smiled and said: "Since you don't want to take the money into the coffin, after you die, I will definitely take out all the cash notes for you."

"You even want money from the dead?" Lu Yang said.

"No matter who owns money or whatever, I want it. This is one of the reasons why I got rich." Huo Xiu laughed.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "That's a pity, we are all alive now."

Huo Xiu said indifferently: "But now you are in the tomb I carefully set up for you."

"Are you sure to kill all three of us?" Lu Yang smiled.

"I think he hasn't woken up from his dream last night, right?" Lu Xiaofeng smiled.

"I'm not sure I can kill you." Huo Xiu said lightly, "but I'm sure I can make you die here."

Lu Yang said: "Oh, then I would like to see and see."

Huo Xiu said: "No matter who it is, as long as you enter the grave, don't even think about going out alive."

Lu Yang looked at Huo Xiu, his eyes glowed like a blade.

Huo Xiao smiled slightly and said, "Are your hands itchy?" "Itches indeed." Lu Yang smiled.

"It seems that I haven't moved my hand for a long time." Lu Xiaofeng also smiled, "It will be strange if I don't move."

Huo Xiu said leisurely: "But I am not interested in doing things with you. I don't like taking risks. I only like to do things with complete confidence. Moreover, I don't like doing things with a few dying people."

Huo Xiu's hand lightly pressed, and suddenly, he heard a bang, and a huge iron cage fell from there.

The iron cage covered the stone platform and completely locked Huo Xiu inside.

Lu Yang frowned and said jokingly: "When did you become a bird, why did you put yourself in that cage?"

Huo Xiu said: "Do you think it is funny?"

Lu Yang said: "It is indeed quite ridiculous."

Huo Xiu smiled and said: "After I leave, you won't find it ridiculous anymore. If a person knows that he is about to die of thirst and starvation, he will no longer find it ridiculous no matter what or what. "

Lu Yang said: "Are we going to starve to death?"

Huo Xiu sneered and said: "After I leave, the only thing you can eat here is the meat from your body, and the only thing you can drink is the blood from your body."

"You are now in a cage, how do you leave?" Lu Yang said.

Huo Xiu smiled and said: "There is only one way out here, which is under the stone platform where I am sitting. However, I can assure you that after I leave, I will not forget to block the way out."

There was no change on Lu Yang's face, but Lu Xiaofeng's face changed.

Lu Xiaofeng grinned reluctantly and said, "I don't seem to come in from this only way."

Huo Xiu smiled and said: "The door you come in can only be opened from the outside. Of course, I can assure you that no one will open the door for you outside."

Lu Yang said: "What else can you promise us, just say it all together."

Huo Xiu said: "I can guarantee that you will die of thirst and starvation within ten days, but I have always been a very cautious person, so I will definitely wait a month or two before coming back."

Lu Yang said in surprise: "Will you come back?"

Huo Xiu smiled: "I will definitely come back, I want to come back to get your cash ticket."

Lu Yang laughed suddenly and laughed loudly.

Huo Xiu laughed too, but in that smile, there was an incomparable sarcasm: "Now if I were you, I would definitely not be able to laugh. I would definitely think about the inefficiency of saving energy and die slower."

"Unfortunately, you are not me." Lu Yang said lightly.

Huo Xiu said: "Fortunately, I am not you."

Lu Yang smiled and said: "It's just because you are not me, so you still don't know it. What is left in my pocket is just a big hole."

Huo Xiu sighed and said, "It seems that you are more stingy than me, and you are determined not to let me take advantage even if you die."

Lu Yang said: "You finally figured it out."

"Fortunately, I still have a bargain to take advantage of, and I will definitely not return empty-handed." Huo Xiu smiled...


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