Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 123: arrangement

Everyone is getting more and more confused.

"Poison in wine?" Huo Xiu wanted to vomit.

"Don't waste good wine." Lu Yang smiled, "I don't need to poison you at all."

"What's in the wine?" Huo Xiu asked puzzledly.

"There is nothing in the wine." Lu Yang smiled.

"Nothing?" Huo Xiu looked at Lu Yang blankly, wondering what exactly Lu Yang was playing.

Lu Yang sighed, "Why doesn't anyone believe me when I tell the truth?"

"Because you are the number one **** in the world," everyone laughed.

"I just want to tell you one thing." Lu Yang said lightly.

"What's the matter?" Huo Xiu's eyes widened.

"Do you want to continue to drink and eat meat every day and live a life like a fairy?" Lu Yang said.

"Thinking." Huo Xiu's voice became excited, his face lighted up.

"You understand what I want." Lu Yang smiled faintly.

"Impossible!" Huo Xiu's expression suddenly changed, as if he had seen the scariest thing in the world, "Then you might as well kill me."

"Your life is worthless." Lu Yang smiled.

"No, it's impossible." Huo Xiu shook his head like waves.

"Well, Zhang Fang." Lu Yang said.

"Yes." Zhang Fang came closer.

"From today onwards, you call a few gangs of people every day and take turns here to drink and eat meat, every day, including at night." Lu Yang said.

"Yes." Zhang Fang said.

Lu Xiaofeng sighed suddenly: "I always thought that I was the most asshole, and I still have some dissatisfaction with you. From now on, I won't be convinced."

"Vicious, really vicious, even more vicious than me," Shangguan Xueer said.

"There are even more vicious ones." Lu Yang sneered. "I don't have a lot of patience. From today, none of you are allowed to do business with him. Only Zhang Fang is the only one, Zhang Fang, every time you Give him a steamed bun and a glass of water in two days, and the price is 10 million taels. If you want meat and wine, 20 million taels of meat and a glass of wine. If anyone dares to give him a grain of rice and a drop of water, I will let him He and Huo Xiu were company, locked in an iron cage together."

"Yes." Zhang Fang said.

Everyone suddenly felt that it was cold and afraid to speak out, but said, "Yes."

Lu Yang stood up and said faintly: "I can give you a time to consider. If you dedicate all your wealth, I can protect you in your old age. At least, you will drink and eat meat every day in the dart board. Free and easy.""What if I don't agree?" Huo Xiu's tone trembled. He had seen the murderous look in Lu Yang's eyes.

"In a month, I will let Zhang Fang kill you, and hold your head to make your people obey. If anyone dares not follow, I will let them disappear from the world forever." Lu Yang smiled coldly.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked, especially Shangguan Xueer's face pale with fright, and her lips were a little blue.

"Zhang Fang, I think, with the strength of the Tianxing Escort, it is not difficult to find a few people." Lu Yang asked.

"I think if the Skywalk Escort cannot find anyone, then absolutely no one can do it." Zhang Fang said.

"If you die, the first thing I do is to get rid of Tsing Yi Tower. As long as Tsing Yi Tower falls, whoever dares to hide your remnants, I see, and you know that I have always been so generous, not as stingy as you. , I think, if I pay them ten times or twenty times, do you think they will die loyal to you?" Lu Yang smiled coldly.

Huo Xiu's face became so pale.

"As long as I want to do, there is absolutely nothing I can't do, Huo Xiu, you can think about it, whether you lose your life after suffering here for a month, feed the corpse to the dog, or enjoy the prosperity of the afterlife, you think Think about it." Lu Yang said to Huo Xiu with a smile.

"Well, you won, don't think about it." Huo Xiu is like a **** that loses in a fight, "I agree to all, no matter what you want."

"This is good, and you don't suffer so much. Anyway, your money is endless. You still enjoy your life. Why not do it?" Lu Yang.

Huo Xiu smiled bitterly: "Lv Yang, you are really a born evil star. I think you are more than enough to be the emperor."

"I am too lazy, I don't want to do things that are too tired, as long as I am happy." Lu Yang laughed.

"I have promised you, why didn't you let me out?" Huo Xiu said.

"I am the same as you. There is no thing that is completely certain. I will not do it. After the Skywalk Escort has completely accepted your wealth, I will let you out, and then take you to the Skywalk Escort to enjoy it. You have With so much money, those servants will definitely treat you like an emperor." Lu Yang laughed.

"Count you cruel." Huo Xiu sighed. "I was completely defeated. It seems that you are the only person in the world."

"Thanks for the reward." Lu Yang smiled, "Well, Zhang Fang, send a few people to serve him well these days, don't neglect him, as long as he fully cooperates, let him live a life like a god. Go down and receive Huo Xiu's wealth as quickly as possible."

"Yes." Zhang Fang went down to make arrangements.

Huo Xiu sat there cross-legged, without saying a word, as if he was thinking deeply about something, perhaps he was annoyed by his failure.

Lu Yang asked: "The boss really decided to stay here?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "What he decided must be true."

A mysterious smile appeared on Xue'er's face. He said: "He said to the proprietress that he wants to stay here to use this place and use the resources here to create several amazing things. However, only I know why he stayed."

Lu Yang asked: "Why?"

Xueer blinked her eyes and smiled more mysteriously: "That's a secret."

Lu Yang asked: "What's the secret."

"Since it's a secret, how can I tell you? I told you, how can it be a secret again?" Xueer said with a smile.

Lu Yang stared at her for a long time, then suddenly sighed and said, "No matter how you look at it, you really don't look like a child..."


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