Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 125: misfortune

They didn't wait long, and Huamanlou came back.

Lu Xiaofeng immediately asked: "How was the result?"

Huaman Louban frowned, and said angrily: "I am a lunatic, and you are also mad."

Lu Yang asked: "It's really nothing like that?"

Huamanlou said: "They do have a secret. The secret is that the boss and the proprietress accepted a goddaughter."

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were stunned.

Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "We were brushed by that little fairy again."

Lu Xiaofeng also sighed and said with a wry smile: "We are fooled again."

Huamanlou also sighed and said with a wry smile: "We know that the little fairy is lying, why do we even want to be fooled by her?"

Lu Yang sighed, "Because we are not only bastards, but also big fools."

He raised his head, and suddenly saw Shangguan Xueer rushing over.

She ran out of breath, even panting, so that she could hardly speak.

Seeing that the three of Lu Yang were there, she barely calmed down and asked, "Have you seen someone passing by?"

Lu Yang said: "We didn't see anyone passing by just now, only an old woman was picking wild vegetables."

Shangguan Xueer jumped up excitedly: "That old lady must be my sister's pretense."

Lu Yang said in surprise: "Your sister? Shangguan Feiyan?"

Shangguan Xue'er nodded, her eyes glowing: "I just discovered that she is not dead at all. She would have been very good at pretending to be dead. After you just left, I saw her."

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng didn't wait for her to finish talking, they turned their heads and left, and they even pulled up the flowered building.

"This time, no matter what you say, we don't plan to listen anymore." Lu Yang said, this time, he made up his mind to no longer believe Shangguan Xueer's words. He walked so fast.

Shangguan Xue'er stood there foolishly, looking at their backs, and sighed softly.

"Why didn't you believe me when I was telling the truth?" she murmured.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were full of flowers, and they went back to the full floor of Huamanlou, drinking and chatting.

At this time, it was already scorching hot, and the sun was like a fire, basking on the yellow dust billowing avenue, making it even more steaming.

A homing pigeon landed in front of the window of Huamanlou, and a note was tied to the feet of the homing pigeon, and the imprint was a specific mark of the Skywalk Escort.

Lu Yang received the letter and opened it, his eyes changed like this!

Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou couldn't help but start to see his expression.

Lu Yang's face was very ugly, and he handed the note to Lu Xiaofeng and Huamanlou.

They took a look at the note, and their faces were even more ugly.

Lu Yang slammed a punch on the table: "We must make them pay!"

The three rushed back to the main board of the Skywalk Escort. They hadn't even entered the door. Zhang Mu, the main dart head of the Skywalk Escort, and the young dart head greeted us.

This is the first time that the three have come to the General Bureau, but the Escort Bureau regards Lu Yang as the leader.

Seeing Lu Yang's arrival, everyone said in unison: "I have seen Brother Lu."

Zhang Mu is a very capable person, he looks so solemn, and he is absolutely calm when things happen.

And Zhang Fang is passionate.

Since Lu Yang entrusted Huo Xiu's wealth to the Sky Escort, the Sky Escort is now the world's number one Escort.

Needless to say, wealth.

After they arrived, they saw the leader who had happened, and the sky was everywhere.

The majestic Chang Mantian in the past has become a blind man!

Lu Yang comforted him: "It's okay, it's just a small loss. For us, it's just pulling the hair on the head, don't worry about it, but the other party is so poisonous, I will definitely not let him go, and breathe out for you. of."

Chang Mantian choked up: "Brother Lu, that person is really too cruel, you must avenge us, kill him, no, also stab his eyes, abolish his martial arts, let him taste the blind again taste."

Huamanlou embraced him and comforted him: "With Big Brother Lu here, you will definitely not suffer this sin in vain."

Lu Yang nodded: "Whoever dares to move the Skywalk Escort is to move me, Lu Yang, I must make him pay!"

Chang Tian's voice choked up, and blood was leaking from his eyes wrapped in thick gauze.

"Don't be excited." Lu Xiaofeng patted him on the shoulder, "Skywalk Escort will be the master for you, and Lu Yang and I will be the master for you."

After the last battle, Duguhe, Yan Tieshan, Huo Tianqing, Huo Xiu and the others were punished one after another, and the name of Lu Yang has been spread across the rivers and lakes.

Some people say that Lu Yang is a god, and some people say that Lu Yang is a devil.

There are different opinions, but one thing in common is that Lu Yang is definitely the number one person in the world.It is said that Lu Xiaofeng and Ximen Chuan together are not his opponents.

They went to see Huo Xiu again, and it seemed that Huo Xiu really had a comfortable life here.

His look improved a lot, and he was drinking wine and eating meat leisurely.

His body seems to be blessed, he is a bit fatter than before.

"It seems. Your life is really good." Lu Yang smiled.

"Thanks to you, my life is really comfortable now." Huo Xiu said with a smile, looking like it came from the heart.

"I took your wealth, do you still thank me?" Lu Yang sat down on his side, poured a glass of wine, and drank his belly.

"Haha, now I am still so free. I have wine and meat, and I don't have to worry about it. I don't have to worry about others making money and killing. For so many years, I only have this time to sleep a good night." Huo Hugh sighed,

"Life is like this many times. Without desire, it is easy, without burden, but comfortable." Lu Yang said.

"Yeah, so I feel very happy now. If you could show up earlier, I can enjoy more time." Huo Xiu laughed.

"Actually, I also envy you." Lu Yang said, "You don't have to think about anything, you just enjoy life. And I have to face so many problems..."..


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