Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 127: Embroidered beard

The main reason is that the rheumatism of Zong Biaoguan has become more serious recently, and he cannot play darts. The young master needs to take care of the affairs of the bureau.

Therefore, he had no choice but to hang up his 27-jin-heavy giant iron sword, and agreed to play the dart.

"Tian Xing Escort, Tian Xing." Lao Zi, the traveler, has been following the dart for more than 20 years.

Although he is not young, his voice is loud and aggressive.

When hitting the tip at noon, he drank a few taels of burning knives, and now he was just showing off his spirit, walking at the front of the team and shouting darts.

There hasn’t been anything wrong with the darts of the Skywalk Escort in recent years. Everyone seems to be a little lax, but it should not be underestimated. It is better to be careful.

Chang Mantian was tense. He took out a handkerchief and wiped his sweat. The years are really grueling.

Chang Mantian suddenly felt that he was really old. After this trip, it should be time for Feng Jian to return to hermit.

The weather was so hot, the sweat on everyone's faces was dripping from their faces like water.

If there is a shady place in front, it would be nice to take a rest.

Changman squeezed his horse's belly, patted the horse's back lightly, and the horse rushed to the front of the team, ready to take care of Lao Zhao.

Suddenly, everyone stunned him. They had already discovered that in the middle of the road, a person was actually sitting there embroidering. .

The embroiderer is a big man with a beard!

Chang Tian has been wandering around the world for more than 30 years and has never seen a man embroidering.

I have never seen anyone sitting in the middle of the road embroidering under such a poisonous sun!

They suspect that this is a lunatic. Indeed, he looks like a lunatic!

It was noon at this time, and the sun was extremely strong, even if you put an egg on the road, it might be cooked!

But the reason why people think he is a madman is that he is still wearing a large purple satin quilted jacket!

But what is also unbelievable is that other people wearing single shirts are all sweating profusely, but the bearded man has not even a drop of sweat.

Seeing this situation, Chang Mantian didn't take it lightly, but frowned and stopped the dart team.

Chang Mantian winked at Lao Zhao.

Lao Zhao has been a dart master for many years, since Chang Mantian's first dart walk, he has been a dart player.

Of course he understood what the old master meant.

Old Zhao coughed slightly, cheered up, and walked towards the bearded man.

The big beard was actually embroidered with flowers intently, just like a young girl with a spring heart, embroidering the dowry and preparing to get married.

He didn't seem to notice that seventeen or eight cars had stopped because of his weird behavior.

He embroidered a peony. Black Peony. The embroidery is actually much more delicate than other girls,

Old Zhao walked up to him and suddenly said loudly: "The flower embroidered by my friend is indeed very beautiful, but it's a pity that you shouldn't be embroidering here."

Old Zhao shouted all the year round, his voice was louder than the average person, and now he deliberately gave this person a slap in the face.

He thought the bearded man would definitely be taken aback.

But unexpectedly, Lao Zhao's voice was so sharp that he still didn't lift his head or blink his eyes.

He is still embroidering his flowers.

"Could it be that he is not only a lunatic, but also a deaf?"

Old Zhao thought to himself, he walked over and patted the bearded shoulder: "Friend, can you give way and let us pass."

Suddenly his voice stopped, and his face suddenly became pale.

Just now when he reached out and patted the shoulder of the bearded man, the embroidery needle in the bearded hand just lifted and pierced the back of Old Zhao's hand.

The hero of the rivers and lakes who won't even frown when he gets a knife is embroidered with needles. What can be considered a thing.

Old Zhao didn't care at all, but when he wanted to withdraw his hand, that hand couldn't be withdrawn!

Lao Zhao only felt that half of his body was completely numb. Could it be possible, what is the doorway on that embroidery needle?

Isn't it poisonous on the needle? Old Zhao stepped back in shock.

He looked at his hand, his hand did not swell up as he imagined, but he just didn't listen to it, and he couldn't lift it up.

Old Zhao was surprised and angry, and was about to attack.

At this time, Chang Mantian had already sensed that something was wrong, and he got off the horse, came over first, stopped in front of Lao Zhao, and stopped his attack.

Chang Mantian clasped his fists toward the bearded man and said, "Friend, the peony you embroidered is so beautiful."

The big beard didn't raise his head, he just smiled suddenly, but the laughter was not pretty: "I can embroider other things."

Chang Mantian said: "What else can you embroider?"

The bearded said faintly: "I can embroider blind people."

Chang Mantian sneered and said, "It's just that the blind man may not be good at embroidering."

The bearded man smiled and said, "The blind man is much better to embroider than the peony. With just two stitches, a blind man can be embroidered."

Chang Mantian said coldly: "How to embroider it?"

The bearded said: "This is how embroidering is done." He suddenly shot! That speed is so fast!

He stabbed Lao Zhao's face twice.

Lao Zhao screamed, covered his eyes with his hand, and fell to the ground rolling in pain.

There was blood flowing from between his fingers, it was from his eyes.

Chang Mantian's face changed drastically, and he held the sword.

The beard still sat there leisurely like that, he said calmly: "Look, isn't this a blind man embroidered with two stitches?"

Chang Mantian sneered: "My friend, what a quick trick, may I ask your name Gao."

The bearded said indifferently: "The name below is not worth mentioning, or not to mention it."

Chang Man's face suddenly changed: "It seems that you are looking for fault on purpose."

The beard was indifferent: "I'm here to embroider blind men. I embroider blind men the fastest. I can embroider thirty-six blind men with 72 stitches here."

And the guardian of Tianxing Escort, including Lao Zhao and Chang Mantian, was exactly thirty-six.

Although thirty-six are not many, they are also first-class hard-hands and are the elites of the Skywalk Escort.

Now, the three hard piercers have rushed over. ..


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