Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 134: Flyback

Lu Yang frowned and said, "The treasure house of the palace is naturally tightly guarded. How can he get in?"

Jin Jiuling smiled bitterly: "No one knows how he got in, and no one can guess."

Lu Yang said, "He didn't even leave any clues?"

Jin Jiuling said: "There is no point, I went to check it, and I couldn't find any useful clues."

Lu Yang said, "What kind of person would he be?"

Jin Jiuling said: "It is said that he is a man with a big beard and wearing a big padded jacket on a hot day."

Lu Yang said: "What else?"

Jin Jiuling said: "He is a man, not only can he embroider, he embroiders very well!"

Lu Yang said, "Do you know so much?"

Jin Jiuling said: "I only know so much, and others do the same. There is absolutely no one who knows more than me."

Lu Yang said: "What is the origin of his martial arts?"

Jin Jiuling said: "No one knows!"

Lu Yang said: "Don't even Jiang Chongwei notice it?"

Jin Jiuling sighed and said, "Even the old rivers and lakes like Changwantian didn't see how he shot them, let alone Jiang Chongwei?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Jiang Chongwei's hard work with iron palms can be said to be the number one in the Southeast. There is no way to resist it?

Jin Jiuling sighed, "Yes, but he didn't even have a chance to fight back!"

Lu Yang frowned, and said, "How can such a powerful character suddenly pop up like this?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "It seems that this opponent is quite involved."

Master Bitter Gourd said coldly: "Since you don't want to join forces with Jin Jiuling, why do you ask so much?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "What does it matter?"

Jin Jiuling smiled bitterly: "Of course it doesn't matter, but I know, now you know everything."

Lu Xiaofeng stared at him and asked, "Why are you telling me all about this?"

Jin Jiuling said: "Because you are asking!"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "There is no other reason?"

Jin Jiuling said: "No."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Aren't you waiting for me here on purpose?"

Jin Jiuling couldn't help smiling again, and said, "How do I know you will come?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "You didn't mean to look for me?"

Jin Jiuling said: "No."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Very well, then I can drink without worry."

Although he was saying that it was good, it was ugly. He couldn't even drink the wine, and he didn't move while holding the cup.

Lu Yang looked at him without speaking, how could he not see the thoughts of Master Bitter Gourd and Jin Jiuling?

Jin Jiuling suddenly laughed and said: "Since you are here now, I have something to ask you!"

Lu Xiaofeng's eyes lit up immediately, and he smiled: "I knew you must have something to ask me!"

"But, that matter must be something you don't know, or it's difficult to answer." Lu Yang smiled.

Jin Jiuling said, "There are few people who can find out this embroidered thief and uncover these secrets."

Lu Xiaofeng's eyes brightened.

Lu Yang knew that he was already in the trap. Who else could solve this problem besides him and himself?

But he deliberately asked: "I don't know who you are talking about?"

Jin Jiuling said: "Sikong wins the stars!"

Lu Xiaofeng was stunned and said, "Who are you talking about?"

Jin Jiuling said: "Sikong picks the stars..."

Lu Xiaofeng's mouth closed, and he didn't even want to talk to him.

Jin Jiuling seemed to be a little unaware, and then said: "Sikong picks stars and is known as the king of stealing kings. He is indeed a rare wizard in the rivers and lakes for a century. If anyone in the world can find out how the embroidered thieves entered the treasure house of the palace, this People must be Sikong picking up stars. Only stealers will know how to better enter the heavily guarded treasure house without being discovered."

Lu Xiaofeng had already started drinking, and didn't even bother to listen.

Lu Yang smiled secretly, this Jin Jiuling is really an old fox.

Jin Jiuling went on to say, "If you want to solve this case, you must find Sikong and pick the stars. It's a pity that he has always been a dragon, but you may know his whereabouts, so..."

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help but said, "So you want me to find out his whereabouts?"

Jin Jiuling said: "That's what I think."

Lu Xiaofeng suddenly put down his wine glass and said, "You told me so much nonsense, just to find him through me?"

Jin Jiuling sighed and said, "Apart from him, who else can I call for help?"

Lu Xiaofeng jumped up with anger, pointed to his nose, and said loudly, "I, why can't you find me? If you want to find him, how clever is he?"

Jin Jiuling smiled, shaking her head and smiling: "You can't do it!"

Lu Xiaofeng jumped higher: "Who said I can't?"

Jin Jiuling said: "This kind of thing is definitely not something you can do!" He was actually still shaking his head.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Why can't I do it?"

Jin Jiuling said lightly: "Because this case is really tricky, and you seem to look down on me and don't want to cooperate with me to find the murderer together. I think Sikong might be willing to win the stars!"

Lu Xiaofeng yelled, "Who said I don't want to control it? I just want to show it to you. Isn't it, Brother Lu, we swear we must find that man."

Jin Jiuling said: "I still bet you can't solve this case!"

Lu Xiaofeng patted the table and said, "Okay, what you want to bet on, I will bet with you!"

He hasn't finished saying this, he has found others laughing.

Everyone is laughing, the kind of laughter is like seeing someone step on **** and feel complacent.

Lu Yang sighed secretly. Although he wanted to manage this matter, he didn't want to take the initiative to ask for Jin Jiuling's help.

Moreover, he couldn't understand Jin Jiuling's behavior. The more contrived, the more annoying.

Jin Jiuling is just such a person, because he likes to be pretentious and like to be pushy. ..


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