Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 137: Xue Shenzhen

The girl with a small wine vortex smiled and quietly said to Xue Bing: "Although this person looks like a thief, his mouth is sweeter than honey."

The other girl also smiled quietly: "If it's not sweet, how could the lady be so gentle? It seems that the lady has longed for him."

Xue Bing glared at them and said with a blushing smile: "It's really talkative, you should have your mouth sewn up. Who said I yearn for him."

Her expression resembled anger and smile, ashamed and soft, so beautiful that the sunset lost its color.

Lu Yang smiled and said: "With such a beautiful view and such a beautiful woman, we should have come a few times. We should have come long ago, and it is best to never leave here."

Xue Bing Yanran smiled: "Is this what you mean?"

Lu Yang said: "Of course yes, otherwise, you can touch my heart."

"Okay, let me touch it." Xue Bing suddenly flew forward and really rushed towards Lu Yang.

Lu Yang opened his arms to welcome her arrival.

Xue Bing's expression suddenly changed. She originally thought that Lu Yang would definitely suffer a loss this time, but she did not expect that the short knife in her hand would be firmly clamped by Lu Yang.

"I can't think of such a beautiful girl, but her heart is so vicious." Lu Yang sighed.

Xue Bing Yanran smiled: "It's not that there is no way to take you, you are really an enemy."

"If I can't catch it, what should I do? You don't have a sweetheart." Lu Yang smiled.

"If you can't catch it, then you are not Lu Yang, who is the most famous in Jianghu recently." Xue Bing smiled. She didn't seem to care about Lu Yang's words.

"A beautiful girl like you, even if she is stabbed, will fall down happily." Lu Yang smiled.

Xue Bing pursed his lips: "That life is gone, how can I be happy?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled: "But, you two really match each other."

Xue Bing's face became even more red: "You friends, who are you looking for? Didn't you come to me?"

Lu Yang sighed and said, "I really hope so."

Xue Bing smiled: "You just pretend to come to me specifically, and just do other things by the way."

The little dimple girl asked, "You didn't come to see the lady, who did you come to see?"

"It's not a miss, of course I am looking for an old lady." Lu Xiaofeng said.

Xue Bing said strangely: "What else do you want to play? What are you doing with her old man?"

Lu Yang said: "We have something very important to ask her old man."

Xue Bing said: "I allow you to trouble her old man, it's the same if you ask me for anything."

Lu Yang said: "But it's a pity that you will never understand this. You can only find her old man."

Xue Bing asked strangely: "What do I not understand?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Embroidery."

Xue Bing became even more strange: "Embroidery? Do you want to learn embroidery too? When did you become a tailor?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Could it be that only a tailor can learn to embroider?"

Xue Bing smiled: "I don't believe you can learn to embroider if you kill me. Then you won't be a pair of live treasures."

Lu Yang can only admit: "It is true, but we really have very important things to ask her old man, so you can take us to see her."

Xue Bing said: "Don't forget, I am also a descendant of "Mrs. Xue, the needle god", why didn't you come to me for advice?"

Lu Yang sighed: "We all know that you have never been willing to take embroidery needles. You said that as long as you pick up the embroidery needles, you want to sleep."

Xue Bing smiled: "Unexpectedly, you still remember this sentence."

Lu Yang smiled and said: "It is absolutely hard for you to forget what such a beautiful person said. Can you take us to see the old lady now?"

Xue Bing was smiling but not smiling: "I just didn't take you there, and see what you can do to me."

Old lady Xue is seventy-seven this year, and no one can tell that she is already a seventy-seven-year-old woman.

On less bright occasions, many people would think that she is only twenty-seven-eight at most.

Her attitude is dignified and perfect, her eyes are still bright, and her demeanor is still moving.

Especially when she sees the young people she likes to see, her eyes will even show a kind of girlish tenderness.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng are the young people she likes.

Lu Yang liked her very much when he saw her, and Lu Xiaofeng liked her very much.

They always hope that every woman at her age can still be as beautiful as her, and they always hope that the world becomes more lovely.

Old Mrs. Xue was looking at them, smiling and saying: "You should come to see me from time to time, a woman my age. There is no danger to you anymore, you at least need not be afraid that I will pester you and force you Marry me."

Lu Yang sighed deliberately, "I want to come often. But Xue Bing always doesn't want me to come."

Old lady Xue said: "Oh?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "She would not bring me here today."

Old lady Xue said: "Why?"

Lu Yang blinked her head: "I don't know why she is. I guess she may be jealous."

Old lady Xue laughed happily, her eyes started to sparkle, and the wrinkles on her face seemed to be less.

Lu Xiaofeng immediately took the opportunity to hand over the piece of red satin and said, "You have to see something like this."

Old lady Xue only glanced at the corner of her eyes, and her face immediately showed disdain. She shook her head and said: "What's so good about this? When I was six years old, my embroidery was better than him."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "We are not asking you to look at the embroidered flowers above, but to look at this, satin and silk thread."

Old Mrs. Xue said, "I have seen these things thousands or hundreds of times. Do you want me to see them?"

Lu Yang said, "It's just because you have seen a lot, that's why you have to take a look at it with your own eyes. Where did this satin and silk thread come from? Which one sells it?"

Old Mrs. Xue took the satin, just touched it with her fingertips, and immediately said: "This satin is the goods of Beijing Furuixiang. The two stores sold by Fuji are the same owner, they are next door..."


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