Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 140: Really troublesome

Xue Bing smiled: "If she doesn't need it, she can't buy more? Does she have to buy a lot of black silk thread and red satin to attract people's attention so that you can catch her? Do you think she is just like you? Big fool?"

Lu Yang could not speak.

Xue Bing said: "This kind of thing must be a very secret thing. How could she leave such obvious clues for you to find? And even if you leave a little clue, when you go to find it, she must have already I burned Furui all the way up. I will never leave a trace for you to find."

Lu Yang was stunned for a long time before he sighed and said, "In this way, I do look like a fool."

Xue Bing said: "And also a big fool!"

Lu Yang said: "So in other words, there is no need to go to the capital at all!

Xue Bing said: "If you go, you will definitely go for nothing."

Lu Yang said, "Since you can't go to the capital, why did you take this road just now?"

Xue Bing said with a smile: "Because I know that there is a place in front where the wine is very good, I also know that you will definitely invite me to drink two drinks, so that you can run so much less, you will definitely thank me. "

Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "It turns out that although I am stupid and like a thief, there is at least a little good to be liked. At least I am not stingy and know how to thank people."

Xue Bing said: "If a man has this benefit, many girls will like him."

Lu Yang pushed the window of the car. The small river in the distance can already be seen.

In the willow forest by the river, there is a green cloth wine flag hanging diagonally with "Qingliu Restaurant".

Xue Bing's eyes lit up and said, "This is the place where good wine is sold, and the food is pretty good."

Lu Yang said, "Indeed, this place does seem to be quite elegant. Drinking wine will definitely make you feel very happy."

Xue Bing said: "The wine is also very good, great! I especially like the snacks here, and the wine is great."

Lu Yang looked at her bright eyes and couldn't help but smile and said, "When did you become a drunkard?"

Xue Bing said: "It's only this period of time. Recently, the old lady has not let me drink. The more she doesn't let me drink, the more I want to drink." She suddenly came forward and bit Lu Yang's ear hard. He almost bit off his ear in one bite.

Lu Yang wanted to cry out, but he didn't dare to cry out. He knew that this was another little fairy. The more he screamed, the heavier he might bite.

When she left her ears, Lu Yang rubbed her ears and said, "Do you like to bite men's ears?"

Xue Bing pursed his mouth and smiled: "Only yours."

Lu Yang smiled bitterly: "It seems that I still have one thing you like, but it's good this time."

Xue Bing smiled: "If anyone else bites your ears, I will cut off her ears first, and then take yours.

Cut down and drink together.

Lu Yang was afraid to answer.

This place is indeed very elegant.

The creek is crooked and the green coconut smokes, especially at dusk. The green water reflects the red clouds, and the face is also red as a peach blossom.

Passing through the willow forest, there are a few thatched huts and wine tables on the sandy bank outside, and there are still a few unnamed flowers planted beside them.

Xue Bing suddenly discovered that Lu Yangfeng was definitely not here for the first time. He even knew where was convenient.

But when I was in the car just now, I pretended that I didn't even hear this place.

In fact, she should have imagined, how could someone with such a good wine and fun as his Lu Xiaofeng not even know such a famous place.

"This guy has actually learned to act stupid again, so how can I get it? After that, it will be more unpalatable to fix him." Xue Bing sighed, this man is like a fish, it is not easy to catch him.

Maybe she should think of several better ways to deal with him.

The buddy had walked over. He looked like a countryman, with rough hands and a very loud voice.

"What do the two guest officers want?" The sound shook the table.

Xue Bing said: "You will first bring us seven or eight catties of the best bamboo leaf greens, with four plates of cold dishes, four plates of hot stir-fry, and then go to the back to kill a live old hen and stew."

In fact, she doesn't eat too much, girls, she will definitely care about eating.

It's just that she likes to watch. When many people drink, the dishes are served. Miss Xue likes to watch the table full of good dishes and drink.

The guy glared at her, and suddenly said coldly: "The three people want so much wine and food, are you afraid to hold it?"

Xue Bing was stunned. She had never seen such a man.

The guy sneered and said: "Women eat too much, and they won't be able to marry in the future. They will never like big fat women."

Xue Bing was even more surprised: "Who are you? Do you know them?"

The buddy's eyes turned. He lowered his head and said a few words quietly in her ear.

As Xue Bing listened, her eyes opened wider and wider, and suddenly she laughed "puchi".

Xue Bing also took the guy's arm, and whispered a few words in his ear, the two of them seemed to be very affectionate.

Of course, she was not the only customer in this place, and it was not only Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng. The guests at other tables had their eyes straightened.

How could such a beautiful woman who is quiet and delicate, so close to this rough boy?

Although they were strange, Xue Bing didn't care, and of course the guy didn't care.

Lu Yang also had a straight face, and seemed a little unhappy.

However, Lu Xiaofeng looked elsewhere, as if he did not see the general situation in front of him.

Xue Bing's eyes were like water, and said: "There will be wine to drink soon, aren't you happy?"

Lu Yang sneered and couldn't help but said: "When did you learn to be so close to men in the crowd?"

His tone was a little sour and it didn't sound like a taste.

Xue Bing seemed to say strangely: "Man? What man?"

Lu Yang said with a stern face, "Is the guy not a man?"

Who would be happy to see the woman she brought so affectionate with other men?

It's the same even if there is no particularly close relationship yet. ..


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