Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 153: Some truth

Lu Yang smiled bitterly and then said, "What Lu Dongbin wants is white peony, it will definitely not be black peony embroidered on satin."

Xue Bing saw Lu Yang's expression and knew that he really didn't know, so he explained: "Sikong Picking the Stars did not ask me to give the piece of satin to someone, but as long as I put it under Lu Dongbin's idol."

Lu Yang said, "Where is the idol?"

Xue Bing said: "It's in a small temple behind."

Lu Yang said: "How long have you been here?"

Xue Bing said with a sneer, "It didn't take long, just when you scolded me."

Lu Yang shut up and said nothing.

In the bamboo forest at the back of the nunnery, there is a small temple. There is a constant light in that temple, as if it has never been extinguished.

The lights filled the entire temple, shining on the face of True Man Chunyang who was always smiling.

Although he could not be offered to the main hall in front to enjoy the incense of the people, he was already very content.

Lu Dongbin is a clever god, and clever gods are just like clever people. They know how to be happy.

Lu Yang did not wait for Xue Bing to finish. Has rushed out and rushed here.

Sure enough, there was a piece of red satin embroidered with black peonies under the idol.

When Lu Yang got the satin, Jiang Qingxia and Xue Bing also followed.

Lu Yang looked at the satin in his hand, and said with a look of surprise in his eyes: "I didn't expect that the satin was still here."

Jiang Qingxia said: "Sikong must have won the stars because he didn't expect Xue Bing to tell you the details so quickly. Before he could take it away, you already came first."

Lu Yang raised his head, staring into her eyes and said, "Maybe it's not that he didn't have time to take it away."

Jiang Qingxia said, "Who else would he be?"

Lu Yang said: "It's you."

Jiang Qingxia smiled coldly and said: "Are you really crazy? What do I want this **** red satin for. Is this a treasure?"

Lu Yang said, "This is what I was about to ask you."

Jiang Qingxia's expression changed: "Do you think I instructed him to steal this broken satin?"

Lu Yang did not speak, but he could see that he was tacitly acquiescing.

Jiang Qingxia said, "If I asked him to send the satin here, how could he bring you too?"

Lu Yang said: "Maybe he was coming to meet in person, but he couldn't get rid of me, maybe he suddenly found out that he felt a little sorry for me, maybe he brought me deliberately, so that I would never think it was you. In short, Only he knows."

Jiang Qingxia's face flushed, "In this way, do you think I am that embroidery thief?"

Lu Yang still did not deny.

Jiang Qingxia suddenly sneered again: "You do look very smart, but it's a pity that you forgot one thing!

Lu Yang said, "Oh? What's the matter?"

Jiang Qingxia said: "You forgot that Jiang Chongwei is my elder brother, how could I blind my elder brother?"

After saying this, she turned her head and left, her expression just too lazy to talk to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang stopped her again: "Wait a minute!"

Jiang Qingxia sneered: "Are you going to say something?"

Lu Yang said: "There is only one sentence left."

Jiang Qingxia sneered and said: "Okay, I will listen to you again, if you say boring things again, I will never pay attention to you again."

Lu Yang said: "Jiang Chongwei does not have a younger sister, and you do not have an older brother, and your original name is not Jiang."

Jiang Qingxia's face suddenly turned pale, as if she had heard extremely terrifying things: " did you know?"

Lu Yang sighed, and said: "I didn't want to know, but God loves to joke like this, and let me know some things that I didn't know or didn't want to know!

Jiang Qingxia stared at him bitterly, "What else do you know?"

Lu Yang said, "Do you really want me to tell?"

Jiang Qingxia said, "Say it, I'll listen."

Lu Yang said: "You were originally Jiang Chongwei's wife who passed the house, but then you did not know why you became a monk. You deliberately pretended not to recognize me in front of him, just because you didn't want to irritate him or let him know..."

Jiang Qingxia's body had begun to tremble, and she suddenly cried out, "Stop talking!

Lu Yang sighed again and said, "I didn't want to say these things."

Jiang Qingxia's body was trembling, she gritted her teeth hard. Said: "Yes, Jiang Chongwei and I did book a kiss since we were young, but when we grew up and met, we found out that each other's personalities were too different and we couldn't live together at all, so..."

Lu Yang said, "So you became a monk?"

Jiang Qingxia nodded, and said sadly: "In addition to becoming a monk, what else can I do?"

Her eyes were red, and tears were streaming down her cheeks.

For a girl like her who has been a monk at a young age, there must be a tragic and bitter past that cannot be mentioned again.

Xue Bing also seemed to be crying too. She bit her lip and stared at Lu Yang and said, "You really shouldn't force her to say it."

Jiang Qingxia said loudly: "It's okay, I want to say!"

She wiped away the tears on her face and straightened her chest: "Although I am a monk, I am still young. I can't stand this loneliness, so I still want to make a breakthrough in this world. So I recognize a lot. The man recognizes you too."

Lu Yang sighed softly: "A person has become a monk. It does not mean that she is dead. Of course she can live the life she wants. She has the right to choose her own way of living."

Lu Yang's words are so considerate and make people feel that he is thinking of others.

This is what made Jiang Qingxia tempted.

Jiang Qingxia said: "If you think I don't want to let Jiang Chongwei know, then you are wrong. If you think my heart is twisted and become a thief, then you are wrong. If you think I don't want to Marrying him, that's why he has to blind him. That's even more wrong, he..."

She was about to continue speaking, but her voice stopped suddenly and she looked out the window in surprise. ..


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