Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 158: Snake king

Xue Bing curled his lips and said, "This is not a street, but a dirty and small alley."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "This is a street, and maybe it is the most famous street in the city."

Lu Yang nodded and said: "Indeed, many delicacies do not necessarily come from big hotels or big halls, but from places that look small but are filled with fish."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Do you know what's on this street?"

Xue Bing said: "Some messy, dirty and broken shops, some messy, weird things, and messy people of all kinds."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Can't you see what those people do?"

Xue Bing said: "I don't even bother to look at them, I don't care what they do, what they do has nothing to do with me."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "You should watch it."

Xue Bing said: "Why?"

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Because you did not see that among these people, there are at least ten fugitives who are being hunted by the government, twenty thieves with the fastest hands and feet, and thirty thugs who fight and kill for others in dark alleys. If you offend them, don't do anything you want to do in this city."

Xue Bing said: "I understand, it turns out that this street is a black street, that is, the place where the dragon ball is mixed, and the three religions are nine.

Lu Yang said: "Yes, you are quite smart, and you understand it all at once."

Xue Bing said: "Then I also understand that the Snake King is the king of this street and the boss of those people. As long as he has a word, those people can do their lives for you at any time, so Lu Xiaofeng is looking for the Snake King."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "You are getting smarter and smarter. Smart girls are very cute."

Xue Bing blushed, so cute: "Aren't you looking for those people to fight for you?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "If it's a fight, Brother Lu and I can level the street, let alone you, a helper. How can I find someone else?"

Xue Bing asked curiously: "Then what are you doing with the snake king?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "I want him to replace me..."

He hadn't finished speaking yet, the guy had rushed back, and his attitude towards Lu Xiaofeng changed again.

This time, the guy's look became affectionate and respectful.

He said: "It turns out that you are here to find the Snake King. You are a good friend of the Snake King. He is very happy to find him." This time he didn't use jargon, Xue Bing understood.

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Does he remember me?"

The man said, "Of course he remembers. He said that you are the sharpest person in the world, and your temperament is worth making friends. You are a person of love and justice. Please follow me quickly."

Lu Yang and Xue Bing walked out behind them.

Outside the back door of the shop was a narrower alley, and the gutter was full of stench, and flies were flying everywhere.

Those flies come on to people from time to time, and make people feel annoying and can't drive them away.

At the end of the alley, there was another narrow door.

The guy opened the door and led everyone in. After walking in, he saw a large courtyard.

In the middle of the yard, there are about a dozen big men with naked torso sitting in the yard gambling money.

They bet they were sweating all over, as if they were fished out of the water.

There are dozens of bamboo cages piled up in the corner of the yard. Some cages are filled with snakes, and some cages are filled with wild cats and dogs.

A person was lifting a yellow dog out of the cage, and he slapped it into a large basin next to him.

The dog was fluttering in the water basin, kicking on all fours, but couldn't escape the palm of the man's hand. After a while, the dog stopped fluttering.

In this way, the man drowned the dog alive.

Xue Bing almost couldn't help but vomit it. She had never seen such a brutal and **** picture.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "This is a dog-killing expert.... No blood comes out. This kind of dog meat can only be supplemented and the taste is the best."

Xue Bing did not dare to speak. She was afraid that as soon as she spoke, she would spit out all the meat soup she had just eaten. Now she finally understood what the meat soup she had just eaten was.

If you tell her at the beginning, it is a dog meat soup, and she will not eat it if you kill it.

The two big guys who had been crossing their hands watching people betting money suddenly walked over to see Lu Xiaofeng and Lu Yang, and asked, "Are you here to find the King Snake?"

Lu Xiaofeng nodded, and the two big men looked at each other and suddenly shot together.

One person attacked Lu Xiaofeng, seeming to want to grab Lu Xiaofeng.

The other swept his legs one by one and attacked Lu Yang, seeming to want to kick Lu Yang's leg off.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng did not move. As soon as the hands of these two big men touched him and them, their own people were shot out and fell heavily to the ground.

The guy laughed and said, "I said your skills are sharp, but they still don't believe it. They want to try it. Is it a big loss?"

The big guys in the yard all turned their heads, staring at Lu Xiaofeng in surprise, and stepped aside.

The guy led them into a small grocery store again, up a narrow staircase, and went upstairs.

Before they walked to a small room, the narrow door of the small room was followed by a curtain made of black beans and acacia beans, which looked so ordinary.

"Snake King, it's inside, everyone, please come in." The guy withdrew.

How can a black street tycoon who can command so many market heroes live in such a shabby and old place? Xue Bing couldn't help but wonder.

The tycoon she imagined should be a magnificent living, living a life of wearing gold and silver, and embracing each other.

The big guys in the yard should be the bodyguards of the Snake King, but those people seem to be so ordinary.

This yard, it seems, is so ordinary, it doesn't look like a place for big people at all.

Xue Bing quietly pulled the corner of Lu Yang's clothes: "This is where the snake king lives?"..


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