Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 161: Pingnan Palace

Seeing such a situation, Lu Xiaofeng quietly retreated, leaving only Lu Yang and Xue Bing.

Xue Bing vomited again.I don't know how many times this is. The drunk woman is really terrifying.

In addition to a bitter smile, Lu Yang was a bitter smile.

If a woman pretends to be drunk for some men, she is really drunk, and she is particularly drunk.

It is really a drunk woman, only a **** man can take advantage of it, and for Lu Yang, besides sighing, she sighed.

Lu Yang gently hugged her in his arms and stared at the drunk woman that way.

The flushed cheeks on her cheeks make her look even more lovely.

The streets paved with bluestone slabs looked under the stars. It's bright like a mirror.

Lu Xiaofeng waited in the distance, Xue Bing and Lu Yang slowly walked behind.

Xue Bing firmly grasped Lu Yang's hand and said, "Do you have to go? Why can't you not go?"

Lu Yang just nodded.

Xue Bing turned his head, because there were tears in her eyes, she did not want Lu Yang to see her worry.

Lu Yang said, "If you go with us, the chances of getting out alive will be even smaller. I will take care of you even more!

Xue Bing said: "But... I'm waiting for you outside alone, how can you make me stand it? I worry about you so much, it will be very sad."

Lu Yang said: "You can go find someone to chat, drink and drink"

Xue Bing said: "Who do you want me to chat with and drink?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "As long as you have a tongue who can talk and a mouth who can drink, you can find them to accompany you."

Lu Yang stubbornly said to Lu Xiaofeng: "Otherwise, you two will go drinking and chatting and wait for me to come back together."

Xue Bing sighed: "I am afraid he is more reluctant to stay than I am."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Then you have to find someone else."

Xue Bing turned his head, gave Lu Yang a fierce look, kicked his leg and said loudly: "Okay, I'm going to find another man to drink and chat happily, you can accompany that lunatic to die!

The wind is still the same light, the night is still the same, everything seems to be silent and so peaceful.

But in peace, there is an incomparable danger hidden, and the most peaceful place is often the most dangerous.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng knew that there might be ambush traps everywhere in this quiet night, and then it would be a crisis.

In this kind of wind, killing arrows may be shot at any time, turning people into hedgehogs.

"There are actually only more than six hundred and twenty guards in the palace, and they are divided into two classes at night."

"Each class has two hundred people, divided into six teams."

"These six teams of guards, some are patrolling around, some are guarding the king's bedroom, and some are lying in the courtyard."

"There is a team of guards outside the treasure house. There are fifty-four guards, each in groups of nine. Since wu, they have been patrolling around the treasure house in a staggered manner. There are only two tea time slots in the meantime."

Lu Xiaofeng looked at the situation in the palace and spoke softly to Lu Yang. Last night, Lu Yang was taking care of Xue Bing, and there was no time to study the map of Pingnan Palace.

Lu Xiaofeng explained to Lu Yang what the snake king had heard.

The snake king inquired so clearly about these things, and he obviously had his eyeliner in the palace. Such a person was really terrifying.

I just don't know, if you ask him for the secret of the palace, can he also get it out?

There may be many people who will not doubt this.

There is only one way to get into the palace, and that is from a small yard in the northwest. It seems that the embroidered thieves should also take this road.

This was where the guards stayed, and it was also the place where the guards in the palace were most negligent.

Most of the guards who had been handed in returned were exhausted and fell asleep on the bed.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng had crossed the wall and met, still feeling a little bored in their hearts.

He didn't want to say that to Xue Bing, but he had to say it, because he would never let Xue Bing come with them.

There is no doubt that Xue Bing's kung fu is indeed good, but it is not enough to get in and out of this palace freely.

Although he just wanted to prove whether anyone could break into the treasure house based on his own ability.

As long as he enters the palace, he is equivalent to breaking into the Longtan Tiger Lair, as long as he is found out, he may die by the sword at any time.

The guards in the palace would never listen to his explanation. He must not let Xue Bing take this risk.

As for Lu Xiaofeng, his own martial arts is outstanding, with him, the odds of winning will be even greater.

But why would he take this risk himself? This is not even clear to him.

Maybe it's just because he is a natural adventurous person. Maybe it's just because he is not only curious, but also eager to win.

This time, he has made up his mind to find out the embroidered thief and definitely not let her get away with it.

At least, her attack on Tianxing Escort is a challenge to Lu Yang! This is something he will never tolerate!

Here, Lu Yang has only begun to create a situation, and no one is allowed to sabotage!

There are rows of bungalows in the yard, and from time to time there is a snoring sound. Those are the sound of tired guards sleeping when they come back from work.

The large kitchen at the back was still lit, and it was obvious that someone was preparing dinner for the guard who was returning from work.

It was time for the first squad to defend the land and the second squad to change defenses, and the third squad of guards was sleeping deep.

These three groups of guards will not leave a little time gap, this point, the snake king has already found it very clearly.

And the guards are very vigilant, as long as there is a little bit of wind and grass, it is definitely a mess of arrows, and it is impossible to escape.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiao are not thief, because he does not steal.

But stealing a suit of clothes from a group of sleeping young people is not difficult for them.

Of course, this kind of disgraceful thing was done by Lu Xiaofeng.

Lu Xiaofeng's hands and feet were very light, and he successfully stole two sets of guards' clothes without disturbing anyone at all.

The two walked to the hidden place, put on the clothes of the guards, and hid their original clothes tightly...


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