Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 171: Old woman's sword

Just as Lu Yang closed her eyes, the old woman selling chestnuts with sugar and fried chestnuts walked out of the shadows again.

Lu Yang's eyes were not completely closed. In fact, he was still squinting, but others couldn't notice it.

He remembered to ask the old woman if she had found the woman in red shoes.

But just when he opened his eyes a little, he suddenly realized that the old woman should have dim eyes, and she was flashing a sharp light like a blade.

Such an old woman should never have such a look in her eyes.

Lu Yang suddenly seemed to flash a flash of light in his heart, and he simply shut his breath.

The old woman looked at him. He looked at the chaff-fried chestnuts scattered on the ground again, and his dry mouth showed a horrible grin.

From the shadow of the tree, Lu Yang's face looked dead gray.

The old woman murmured: "Such a good candied chestnut, one can poison 30 people, isn't it a waste not to pick it up!"

She approached slowly.

Lu Yang found that although she was walking in an old manner, her steps were still so light.

The skirt she was wearing was very long, and it was dragged to the ground to cover her feet. What shoes would she wear on her feet?

Lu Yang suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the old woman, who was not surprised!

At least Lu Yang did not see her surprised look.

She could really calm down, and even narrowed her eyes and smiled and said, "It seems that there are no women wearing red shoes in this place. There are only a few wearing purple and yellow shoes."

Lu Yang also smiled and said, "There is also one wearing red shoes. I have found

The old woman said: "Master, you have found it? Where do you sit?"

Lu Yang said: "It's here, it's you!

The old woman looked at him in surprise and said, "Is it me? An old woman like me wears red shoes?"

Lu Yang smiled faintly: "My eyes can see through. I have seen the red shoes on your feet and the owl embroidered on them!"

The old woman laughed suddenly. Her laughter was like a silver bell, more beautiful than Yinling: "You didn't eat my sweet-fried chestnuts?"

"No." Lu Yang said

"Why don't you eat such good candied chestnuts?" the old woman asked

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Because I am a passionate person."

The old woman blinked and said, "Amorous people don't eat sweet-fried chestnuts?"

Lu Yang said: "Occasionally I will eat, but only the non-toxic one."

The old woman laughed again. The laughter sounded like a silver bell and said: "Well, Lu Yang deserves to be Lu Yang's. It's really amazing. I can't hide anything from you."

"How do you know that I am Lu Yang?" Lu Yang said

The old woman smiled: "Everyone knows that Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng are in the same pair, and Lu Xiaofeng with four eyebrows is on the other side, then you are Lu Yang."

Lu Yang laughed too, of course, he would not laugh better than the old woman.

Because he is definitely not smiling, he can't laugh. He knew that the old woman was going to make a move.

And this time, that blow would definitely not be good, he would not guess wrong.

Just when Lu Yang began to laugh, the old woman had already taken out a pair of daggers from the basket, with bright red forgings tied to the swords.

Just when Lu Yang saw the old woman take out these short swords, the sword light flashed, and the sword had already approached his throat.

What a quick shot, what a quick sword.

Lu Yang couldn't pick it up with his hands. Maybe the old woman's sword was poisonous.

It usually seems that he is a careless person, but when it comes to life and death, he will naturally be a cautious person.

This is the necessary skill to survive in the arena, and this kind of care is also one of Lu Yang's skills in the arena.

In this way, he will become the first person, superb martial arts is important, but a better mind is absolutely indispensable.

Lu Yang smiled, his body slid over like a fish, avoiding the old woman's sword.

His reaction was quick, and his movements were quick.

However, only then did he realize that he had despised the old woman too much.

No matter where Lu Yang avoided his body, the sword flashing with cold light immediately followed where it stabbed, not leaving his throat half an inch.

The old woman's sword light was like lightning, and her attack range was getting wider and wider.

The leaves next to him were destroyed by Senhan's sword aura, and those leaves fell one by one.

But the fallen leaves didn't fall to the ground, they were shattered by the sword light in a while.

Lu Yang smiled. Although he avoided easily, he could see that the sword of this old woman was really not simple.

He originally thought that Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng were the fastest swordsmen in the world, but he didn't expect this old woman to be inferior.

"In the past, there was a beautiful lady of the Gongsun clan, the sword dancing weapon moved everywhere, the viewer was as depressed as the mountain, and the world was low for a long time."

"Yao Ruyi shoots nine sunsets, like a group of emperors saolongxiang, coming like thunder to collect the anger, and letting it go like a river and sea...."

Lu Yang felt and knew that this kind of sword weapon was not exactly what Wu showed to others, and that sword weapon could also kill people.

He finally felt the fear of the Snake King now, and the Snake King was definitely not her opponent.

If the snake king faced such an attack, he could die by this sword at any time now.

The red satin drives the dagger, which is far more flexible than the hand, and the rapid change of the moves makes it impossible to think in a moment.

The difficulty of breaking the sword is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

It was indeed right to not let the snake king come.

Lu Yang could already feel the pain of the Snake King, watching his relatives die in front of him, but could do nothing. This was the disparity.

Lu Yang seemed to be completely compelled by the sword aura, and the people were forced to retreat again and again, so that they were stuck on the tree poles.

A grinning smile appeared on the corner of the old woman's mouth, and they seemed to have seen Lu Yang about to fall under her sword.

In the distance, Lu Xiaofeng had also hurried forward, but when he saw this, he smiled.

Although Lu Yang looked like he was desperate, he didn't worry about Lu Yang at all. ..


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