Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 174: misfortune

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng walked into the yard.

There are only two bungalows in the yard with two people in the house.

And neither of them was Xue Bing, they were two men, one of them was actually Jin Jiuling.

Lu Yang was stunned: "Why are you? Why are you here? Where's Xue Bing?"

Jin Jiuling did not answer Lu Yang's question, but just stretched out his hand, holding a piece of clothing in his hand.

It was a light and soft white dress, so beautiful, it was Xue Bing's dress, and Lu Yang had recognized it.

Lu Yang's face has changed. Xue Bing's clothes are here, but people are not there. Of course, this clothes won't come here by himself.

Of course Xue Bing would not take off his clothes and leave it here, and walk out alone.

Lu Yang suddenly felt that his legs were starting to weaken, and he took two steps back and fell into a chair.

Lu Yang suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if he was heavily blocked by something.

Jin Jiuling's face was also very heavy, he hesitated for a moment, and finally asked: "Have you seen that this is Xue Bing's clothes?"

Lu Yang nodded. When he broke up with Xue Bing, Xue Bing was still wearing this dress.

"Her clothes appear here, so of course her people have been here before." Jin Jiuling said

"Then did you see her?" Lu Yang asked with a hint of hope, he hoped to hear a positive answer.

Jin Jiuling just shook her head and said, "When we came, there was no one here."

Lu Yang asked: "How did you find this place?"

Jin Jiuling said: "We didn't find this place?

Lu Xiaofeng thought about it and said, "Is it the snake king?"

This time Jin Jiuling nodded and said: "He is indeed a good friend of yours, and he has indeed done his best for you! He is indeed a true confidant."

Lu Yang did not speak, he was asking himself in his heart: "Am I doing my best for him?"

He didn't even know how to face the Snake King, although he knew that the Snake King would never say anything.

This is actually the most uncomfortable.

Jin Jiuling said: "Since this morning, all his brothers have started to look for Xue Bing for you."

Their method of finding people is indeed very effective, because their brothers have gone deep into every corner of the city.

Especially teahouses, pubs, inns, restaurants, and even food stalls selling boat sales and roast goose rice.

These are the places where people are the most diverse and the easiest to get news.

They start to inquire about these places first, if there are any suspicious strangers haunted recently.

Then, no matter what people have to eat and sleep, there is no in the inn.

They asked again if there were any vacant houses nearby for rent to suspicious strangers.

Three thousand people from the market, asking about one thing at the same time, of course, will soon ask for some clues.

Soon, they got the news that there was a small house behind the Mai's Bakery that had been rented to a beautiful young man three or four months ago.

Ask the landlord again, the landlord's reply is that the one who came to rent the house is a very beautiful young man.

The beautiful young man was very generous and paid a year's rent in advance.

But the strange thing is that he has never appeared again since that time, and the house has always been empty there, as if no one has ever lived in it.

There is absolutely no one in the world who would specially spend money to rent a house and leave it there forever. There must be some secret in it.

It's just that this secret hasn't been known to everyone yet.

Jin Jiuling said: "At dusk today, they asked about this matter, and immediately sent someone here to inquire. At that time, there seemed to be women moaning in the room, but they did not dare to act rashly, lest they startled the snake, and went back. Someone was found, but there is no one here.

Lu Yang said: "How did you know about this?"

Jin Jiuling smiled and said, "The brothers who followed me before have all been promoted and become famous."

He patted the shoulder of a person next to him, smiled and said, "This is Pingcheng's chief arrester-Lu Shaohua."

Only then did Lu Yang notice that there was a short, fine guard beside him, a man in Tsing Yi who was not old but had gray hair.

It was dressed like an ordinary business man, and looked very inconspicuous.

But his eyes are piercing, his nose is like a hook, and his waist is faintly bulging, and he knows that he is a practitioner.

Although the clothes still carry soft weapons such as this soft whip training gun, it may be a chain of fetters.

As long as a person who has been in the arena for a few days can tell at a glance that he must be a master of six doors.

"The Bald Eagle" Lu Shaohua is indeed the most difficult catch among the underworld friends in the southeast.

Jin Jiuling's friends are naturally not weak, and they are definitely masters.

Lu Shaohua smiled and said: "Although I ate public meals, I have always admired the snake king boss. As long as I can get by, I always try to give methods to his brothers, and I also respect him. of."

In fact, he knew it in his heart. If you want to keep the peace on the ground in this city, it's better not to mess with the brother of the snake king.

"But early this morning, all three thousand brothers under the Snake King were dispatched. With so many people, it will definitely cause an outrageous wave. The movement is quite big. I don't know what happened, but I can’t seem to have seen it and didn’t care, so I also sent my subordinates to find out.” Lu Shaohua said.

Everyone didn't have any grudges, but now that they are just looking for someone, even though the movement is too loud, they eventually come together.

With the participation of the catch fast, things are much easier.

Pingcheng is the largest port in Lingnan, where dragons and snakes are mixed, and all directions are chaotic.

Of course, there are still two ways to be the head of the catchers in such a place.

The most important thing is to be able to make friends with other people in a friendly way.

Lu Shaohua is such a person. When Lu Yang saw him, he felt that he liked him a lot.

People who eat public meals are actually very annoying, because they always feel that they are unkind and follow the rules. ..


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