Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 180: Three caves

The honest monk sighed and said with a wry smile: "I, Buddha, is merciful. Don't let the monk see her again, otherwise the monk will have ten heads. I'm afraid it will be broken."

It seems that the honest monk is really afraid of that glamorous Aunt Gongsun.

Lu Yang asked: "Then do you know where she is now?"

Monk Cangshi said: "I don't know."

If the honest monk said he didn't know. I just don't know, the honest monk never lies.

Lu Yang said, "Where did you see her last time?"

The honest monk said: "I can't tell you on stage."

If the honest monk says he can't tell you, he just can't tell you, even if you break his head, he won't say.

Lu Yang also knew that there was nothing to do, and it would be useless to force an honest monk.

Lu Yang could only stare at him fiercely, and suddenly smiled: "In fact, the monk doesn't have only one head."

The honest monk did not understand Lu Yang's words.

Lu Yang said, "Because the monk still has a young monk." Lu Yang laughed, laughing so hard that he could not stand up.

The honest monk was dumbfounded at first, with a look of confusion, but soon he was dumbfounded.

He knew that Lu Yang was mad at him for this reason, but he was still mad and almost fainted with anger.

Of course Lu Yang did it deliberately. Who would let him know the matter but refused to say it. As a good friend of his, he couldn't force him to think.

Jin Jiuling was watching and couldn't help laughing.

The honest monk sighed and said, "The monk doesn't lie, but I still have to tell you the truth."

Lu Yang finally held back a smile and said, "You said."

The honest monk said: "Looking at the three of you, you all have a look of bad luck. Within three days, someone's head will be broken."

Jin Jiuling was still smiling, as if she hadn't heard the honest monk at all, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng stared at him fiercely.

The figure of the honest monk was far away, and his voice was heard from a distance: "You will suffer if you don't listen to the honest monk."

Although Meng Wei has only one head, he is called the three-headed snake.

Among the nine public arrests, he has always been known for his most vicious methods, and he is also the most vicious against prisoners.

Of course, the three-headed snake also has several facets. For example, when he saw Jin Jiuling, he was not only respectful, but his smile was so light.

It is hard for Lu Yang to imagine that such a dear person would often pour cold water on people in a dark room, put sticks on them, and use various tortures.

Just because there are people like him in the world, everyone should know that a person must abide by the rules in the world.

The driver who drove the car for Jin Jiuling was the best driver-handle style in the area, and it was the fastest way to reach the goal.

Jin Jiuling's shot was extremely generous, and he gave some more rewards, and the coachman almost knelt to thank you.

As soon as the carriages enter the city, the local catchers will take them here, so the coachmen are no longer needed.

This is also a downtown area. When most people commit crimes, they really have this habit that is difficult to change. So there are very few unsolvable crimes in the world.

Meng Wei had been waiting for them in the teahouse on the corner of the street, and their goal was in the back alley.

At the bottom of the alley, there is a small house.

"He who came to rent a house is also a very handsome young man. The rent has been paid for one year in advance." Meng Wei said.

Lu Yang asked: "Have you heard anything inside?"

Meng Wei said: "No, I heard that no one has ever lived in that house."

Maybe they came faster than Aunt Gongsun. She killed the Queen Snake, and it was inevitable that she would have to delay some time, and she would also bring a wounded Xue Bing.

Jin Jiuling instructed: "Remove all the conspicuous brothers under your hand, and don't let anyone find out that someone is watching here."

Meng Wei said: "We have always acted very carefully. The brothers who have come here have all changed their appearances and will never be recognized."

Jin Jiuling sneered: "What's the use of changing up? Can others not see it? Don't forget, our opponent is a master who is proficient in disguise."

Lu Yang could tell at a glance, the guy in the teahouse, a fruit vendor across the alley, and the fortune teller and seven or eight tea shoppers next to him were all dressed up by their people.

After staying in the public door for a long time, every move will be different from ordinary people, especially the look and expression on that face, which can't hide from the old world.

Yuwei said, "I'll tell them to evacuate."

Under one of the eaves in the alley, there was a bald beggar with scabies and a broken pot in his hand.

When Meng Wei walked over, he actually stretched out a pot to ask for money, but he got Meng Wei's kick.

After a while, everyone was gone.

Yuwei came back to report: "I only left two people. When something happens, I can tell them to report information and run errands."

One of course is the hawker across the lane.

Obviously, the fruit stand has been there all the time. It only changed the individual, so it won't be so noticeable.

Who else would it be? Lu Yang looked around.

Jin Jiuling looked at the bald man and said, "Song Hong has been very good for a while. If you teach him more, he will definitely be a good player in the future."

Lu Yang suddenly understood that this beggar covered in scabies was also theirs.

When it is not yet Xu, the daytime is always longer in July, and there is no need to light the lights in the house. The slanting sun shines through the windows, shining on the dust of the house.

As expected, no one has lived in this place for a long time, and the furnishings in the house are similar to those in Pingcheng.

There are eight or nine sets of different clothes in the cabinet, and there is a small bed beside a mirror on the table. There is no special place or clues.

It seemed that they had come for nothing.

Although it is the same here as Heping City, it seems that it has been abandoned.

Aunt Gongsun is indeed the Third Cave of the Cunning Rabbit, and there are hiding places everywhere. I don't know how many Cunning Caves she still has.

To find her, it really was not an easy task.

This matter is really getting more and more interesting, Lu Yang secretly said. ..


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