Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 187: A few acquaintances!

The girl in red rushed and said, "As long as it's not a piggy."

The fourth sister said: "She is just a little hen."

The girl in red was stunned again: "Am I a little hen?"

The fourth sister said: "If you are not a little hen, how can you keep laughing like this all day long?"

The red-clothed girl couldn't laugh anymore, her face just stopped on her face, as if she was frozen by the ice.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng couldn't laugh either. Of the three people who came last, they actually knew two of them!

One of them, of course, is Jiang Qingxia, which is not surprising to them.

But he hadn't dreamed that the "fourth sister" they called was actually Ouyang Qing!

The famous prostitute Ouyang Qing who was once so angry with them and looked down upon!

In their eyes, the sister Ouyang Qing who only loves money but not pretty!

I really didn’t expect that except for money, Ouyang Qing, who seemed to have no other hobby, would actually appear here!

Seeing that Ouyang Qing would appear with Jiang Qingxia, and seeing that her light work was not under Jiang Qingxia, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng felt that in many cases, they really shouldn't look at people from their usual experience.

Ouyang Qing and Jiang Qingxia are obviously the heads of this organization.

There are eight pairs of cups and chopsticks on the table, which means that there must be eight leaders in this organization, and now there are seven.

The purple-clothed female guest is the second child, and the one who has to wash her face for half an hour is Sanniang, and the fourth sister is Ouyang.

The shaved nun Jiang Qingxia was the sixth sister, and the little hen who would laugh all the time was Qiniang.

What about the aunt? Why hasn't Aunt Gongsun appeared yet?

What does this scabies-covered Atu have to do with them? How old is he?

Is Ah Tu ranked before or after the women here?

More importantly, this organization seems to be all red shoes. It should be a woman's organization, so why does Atu appear here again?

Seven people have already sat down, with a yellow cloth bag in front of them, only the chief is still empty.

Obviously it was reserved for Aunt Gongsun.

Atu suddenly said: "Six of your sisters, what are you bringing back this time? Or else you can take it out for me to take a look."

The red-clothed girl rushed and said, "This is a good suggestion. Since the third sister is the first to come, then we should first see what she brought back, right?"

Sanniang didn't object, she just slowly stretched out her hand to untie her burden.

Her speed is so slow.

There were three knots on her baggage, and she solved the first knot with half a cup of tea.

Erniang sighed and smiled bitterly: "You can stand it, but I can't stand it. Let's take a look at me first."

Both Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were excited and stared at Erniang's movements with widened eyes.

They have long been curious about it. What are they supposed to be in the baggage brought by those people?

Curiosity surpassed hunger and thirst. They seemed to forget that they hadn't filled anything all day and night.

What is the treasure in those secret yellow cloth bags? Are they paying so much attention to it? It must be something unusual.

They can't help but want to know and take a look. They are really more urgent than any.

Fortunately, the Erniang's movements were not slow, she quickly opened the baggage, and the baggage contained seventy or eighty large and small passbooks!

Erniang said, "My harvest was not good this year, and I took a rest for more than three months. So I only deposited one hundred and eighty-eight taels of silver in various banks, but next year I am sure I can double it. "

In one year, she had earned more than 1.8 million taels of silver, and she actually said that the harvest was not good!

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng sighed in their hearts, they really couldn't figure out what this Erniang did!

According to what they know, even the most powerful bandits in the underworld have less than half their income!

Even in the day-to-day escort, it’s hard to get so many silver coins!

They really couldn't think of any business in this world that could be better than doing robber income.

Is Erniang one of them? Except that the Embroidery Thief doesn't have her share, where does she get so much money?

Sanniang sighed softly and said, "Since there are only more than 1.8 million taels, then we will save money this year."

Erniang said: "How about you? How is your harvest this year?"

Sanniang smiled and said, "My harvest is pretty good. Recently, there seem to be more and more people who don't need noses."

No nose means shameless.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng understand this sentence, but how many shameless people have anything to do with her harvest?

Seeing this, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were even more confused.

At this time, they felt that these people were not only extraordinary, but also had a secret background.

Fortunately, Sanniang has finally solved the three knots on the burden.

There was still a layer of tarpaulin inside, she untied this layer of tarpaulin, and there was another layer of red satin inside.

Sanniang opened the red satin, and there were seventy or eighty noses of different sizes!

Human nose! Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng almost fell from the tree again.

How could the woman who looked gentle and gentle, and seemed afraid of trampling on ants even when she walked, connected with the man who cut off the nose of seventy or eighty people?

Sanniang said softly: "Since they don't need noses, then I will cut off their noses."

The red-clothed girl smiled and said: "This is indeed a very good way!"

Sanniang said: "But next year I plan to not use this method"

The girl in red said: "What method are you going to use next year?"

Erniang said: "Next year I am going to cut my tongue."

The red public girl said: "Cut your tongue? Why do you want to cut your tongue?"

Erniang sighed softly again, and slowly said, "Because I recently discovered that people in this world speak a lot."

Erniang's tone was still so soft, as if she was talking about a very relaxed thing. ..


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