Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 197: Catch the culprit

Lu Xiaofeng did not expect this.

The man in Tsing Yi stared at Lu Yang, staring for a long time before he suddenly laughed.

The laughter was so clear and sweet, like a Huang Ying: "Lu Yang deserves to be Lu Yang, I'm really convinced now."

It turns out that this big guy who beats the gong is the real Aunt Gongsun, and the three who fly out are fakes!

"How did you see it?" No one could think of how Lu Yang could see it.

Lu Yang smiled and said: "When the girl in red was angry, I didn't pay attention, but when the girl in Ouyang got angry, I felt something was wrong."

"Oh, why?" Aunt Gongsun asked.

Lu Yang said, "Because she is definitely not the kind of person who gets so angry when I say a word."

Aunt Gongsun said: "We went in with three people, and when we came out, there were also three people. Then how do you know that I am not among those three?"

Lu Yang said: "I don't know."

Lady Gongsun said: "You don't know?"

Lu Yang said: "Yes, but, I only know that a big man with a beard shouldn't have such a fragrance on his body."

Aunt Gongsun sighed and said with a wry smile: "It seems that I shouldn't stand so close to you. A woman standing next to you is indeed quite dangerous."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Especially a woman who smells like you."

Aunt Gongsun laughed: "But I didn't expect that you are not only good at kung fu, but you are actually like a puppy. Not only can you use eyes, you can also use nose, and the nose can't stand up. Looks like."

Lu Yang said: "This is what I learned recently from others."

Aunt Gongsun asked, "Learned from Huamanlou?"

Lu Yang said: "Yes."

Aunt Gongsun sighed and said: "It seems that no matter what strengths others have, you learn quickly."

Lu Yang said: "I have always been a person who studies with humility."

Aunt Gongsun nodded: "The modest person is indeed very blessed."

Lu Yang said: "So, you should listen to my persuasion with humility now."

Aunt Gongsun said: "We are already listening."

Lu Yang said: "Now, you have fallen into my hands. If your sisters want nothing to do with you, you'd better stay here and listen to the news."

Lu Yang slowly flashed past the faces of Erniang, Sanniang, and others.

He sneered and said: "If someone dares to act rashly, it means they want you to die soon. After you die, who of them can be the boss of this place, and I can see that your power is not Generally, many people will be jealous."

Aunt Gongsun smiled and said, "You can rest assured about this, no one here will miss me to die."

Sanniang's face was green. She looked at Lu Yang and said bitterly: "Could it be that you are planning to really follow him like this."

Aunt Gongsun smiled faintly: "You should always know that I will definitely not be a believer."

She sighed again, and then said: "More importantly, now even if I don't want to go with him, there is no other way. As long as this person grabs a woman, it seems that he won't let go even if I let him die. ." Lv Yang smiled leisurely: "Especially a woman who is so fragrant and beautiful like you."

Aunt Gongsun said: "Now I also hope you are careful about one thing."

Lu Yang asked: "What's the matter?"

Aunt Gongsun said: "Be careful of your hand, don't be cut off by others."

Meng Wei was always awakened from sleep. A person called the three-headed snake by the people of the rivers and lakes could not sleep too much.

It's called a three-headed snake, but it certainly won't have three heads and can't stand a head drop.

Moreover, in his case, if he died of sleep, he would not wake up in the morning even if he had thirty heads.

But when he woke up tonight, there was already someone standing by his bed.

The man looked at him with bright eyes.

At this time, the night was still very deep, and there was no nodding in the room, he could not see the man's face at all.

He felt cold sweat coming from his palms now.

He just looked at this person who appeared suddenly, this person did not move, he did not move.

Meng Wei snored deliberately in his nose, and he suddenly shot! Want to pull the knife under the ribs.

But the man speeded up even more. With just a move of Meng Wei's hand, the man had already grabbed his shoulder.

Meng Wei has never encountered such a strong hand. If those hands hold his throat, he has no doubt that he will immediately stop breathing.

In fact, his breathing almost stopped now, and he said in surprise: "What do you want?"

The man answered quite simply and clearly: "Ask for money."

Meng Wei said without hesitation: "How much do you want?"

"One hundred thousand taels." That person's appetite is really not small. "If you can't take out one hundred thousand taels, I will kill you immediately."

Meng Wei didn't hesitate: "I can get it."

That humanity: "I will get the money now."

Meng Wei said: "I will give it now."

The man suddenly smiled: "Unexpectedly, Meng Bantou would be so generous."

At this time, when he laughed, his voice had also changed, and that voice was quite familiar.

Meng Wei said in surprise: "Lu Xiaofeng?"

Another person smiled and said, "I am Lu Xiaofeng."

Meng Wei sighed for a long time and couldn't help complaining: "Daxia Lu is true too. This joke is really funny, but it almost killed me half my life."

Lu Yang's laughter apologized incomparably: "I didn't want to make such a joke with you, but today I am in a very good mood."

Meng Wei's eyes lit up suddenly, and he preemptively said: "Could it be that you have caught the Embroidery Thief?"

Lu Yang did not deny it, and asked Meng Wei: "Where is your boss Kim?"..


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