Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 204: Someone who shouldn't have appeared

Jin Jiuling smiled triumphantly: "Yes, I said earlier that I would never do anything that is not completely certain."

Aunt Gongsun said: "You are right, no one will find here, and I can't move, so you are willing to admit this matter."

Jin Jiuling smiled and said: "Because I am a very kind person, I don't want people to die. I am still a silly ghost. I don't know anything. I went to see Wangye Yan with a lot of questions."

Aunt Gongsun said, "Aren't you afraid that Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng suddenly broke in?"

Jin Jiuling said: "Although they are a pig, they run very fast."

Jin Jiuling took out a fire-printed bamboo tube from her arms: "This is the news I just received. He is probably already _"

"How is it?" A lazy voice sounded.

"We are not right. Before we come in, we should knock on the door." Another familiar voice sounded.

"Yes, especially when he is so proud and happy, we shouldn't have given him a cold note." The lazy voice said.

It was Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng who stood at the door! Neither a **** nor a pig.

How could Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng suddenly appear here?

Jin Jiuling couldn't believe it, this was obviously beyond his expectation.

Jin Jiuling could not help but said something stupid: "You should have been eight hundred miles away."

As soon as he finished speaking, he regretted it. Originally, he was still laughing that Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were pigs, now it seems.

He is the stupid, the stupidest stupid, the stupidest pig, especially this sentence, it even more reflects that he is a pig. .

Lu Yang smiled and said, "It seems that it should be so."

Jin Jiuling took out a bamboo tube and looked at: "I just received the Flying Pigeon from Nanhai. You should."

Lu Yang said: "Of course I know."

Jin Jiuling said: "You know."

Lu Yang said: "Those pigeons are indeed trained by you, and the fire marks and letter paper on the bamboo tube handed to Meng Wei are also true, but this time the person who put the pigeons is not Meng Wei."

Jin Jiuling was already stupid and didn't understand.

Lu Yang said: "Did it say that Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng had already passed this place and headed westward."

Jin Jiuling stammered a little: "You, how did you know?"

Lu Xiaofeng actually laughed, "How did we know? How could we not know? I originally wrote this letter."

Jin Jiuling was even more surprised: "You wrote it? When did you write it?" Lu Xiaofeng said: "Just the night before."

Lu Yang said: "I specially asked him to imitate Meng Wei's writing and write such a picture."

Lu Xiaofeng explained: "The night before yesterday, I specially asked Meng Wei Feige to pass a book to you, and I asked you to meet at the Snake King's Lao. You should have known it."

Jin Jiuling nodded.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "When he wrote that letter that night, I had seen his handwriting and wrote it down. Fortunately, his handwriting is not difficult to learn."

Meng Wei's writing is really bad. It is difficult to learn well, but it seems that the writing of the cup is not much worse.

Lu Yang smiled and said: "When Meng Wei went to release the pigeons, I took the opportunity to let Lu Xiaofeng take one of his bamboo tubes and a piece of letter paper. When he returned to the bed, I let Lu Xiaofeng touch one of his homing pigeons."

Jin Jiuling's face had turned blue and became particularly ugly.

Lu Xiaofeng said: "That night, I found the people from the Skywalk Escort, and asked them to speed up and give the pigeons and letters to a friend in Nanhai within the specified time, and then I asked that friend to release them one after another today. That's it."

Lu Yang explained with a smile: "Because we have already approved you, as soon as we see us, we will definitely find a way to distract us, and then you will find a chance to kill Aunt Gongsun. Of course, it was you who got you. After what you want."

Jin Jiuling couldn't help but said: "You are also right, I will definitely let Meng Wei wait to report your whereabouts over there?"

Lu Yang said: "The South China Sea is where we must pass, and Meng Wei is the ground snake there. You are loyal to you, and you are a very cautious person. If I hadn't walked far away, how could you be assured, just like you Say, you are a very cautious person."

Jin Jiuling said: "But this place, it should be."

Lu Yang interrupted him: "This place is indeed quite secret. We shouldn't find it in the first place."

Jin Jiuling said: "Who brought you here? Could it be my subordinate? It's wrong. No one knows except the deaf, dumb, and blind old man at the door."

He added: "In order to ensure the secrecy of this place, I made him look like this here, and sent someone to watch him closely, making it impossible for him to come into contact with anyone, even if he came into contact with someone. An ant, I will also pinch that ant to death."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "It's the pigeon."

Jin Jiuling was completely stunned.

Lu Yang said: "The bamboo tube will make a whistle when facing the wind. Since this afternoon, I have been waiting for the pigeon on the tower. I know that the pigeon will be able to find you. It just so happens that my light work is okay. "

"Although I'm a little tired, I finally followed." Lu Xiaofeng also smiled, but his breath was a little heavier.

Jin Jiuling's face turned red, blue, green, and black, and countless expressions changed in a blink of an eye.

He looked at Aunt Gongsun, then at Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng and said, "Could it be that you have already colluded and let me show my true face?"

If this is the case, then Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng's scheming is really too heavy!

No, it should be said that they are so smart! Jin Jiuling thought that her plan was absolutely perfect and impeccable!

He was confident that there was absolutely no place to show flaws, everything was too unexpected for him, he couldn't believe it was true. ..


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