Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 217: Ambushed

After Li Yanbei called him, he didn't stop to wait for him to follow, and he didn't even look at him.

Li Yanbei said with a sullen face: "Don't you know that something big will happen here. Before the fifteenth, you will definitely not be able to accept any more large-scale business?"

Sun Chong tremblingly said: "Yes."

Li Yanbei roared: "Then last night, why did you sell all the sixty-six ghost knives, fifty swords, and all the bows and arrows in the library?"

Sun Chong lowered his head, his face turned terrified.

Obviously, he did not expect that Li Yanbei would get the news so soon.

He bowed his head and said, "The profit of the business, and the business is still there."

Li Yanbei sneered: "Moreover, business is always business. If you have a profit, you have to make a profit, right?"

Sun Chong dared not answer any more, his head almost fell into his crotch.

Li Yanbei's face had already begun to look angry. He clenched his fists: "Do you know, who is the buyer? Why did you buy so many weapons at once?"

Sun Chong hesitated and shook his head, but the eyeballs looked around.

At this time, they had already embarked on the narrow cherry street. It was still early, and the shops on both sides had not yet opened.

But at that moment, in the narrow alleys on the left and right, two awning carts suddenly rushed out to block them.

Watching closely, the awning covered on that car suddenly opened, and there were a dozen big men in black hidden in each car.

Each of those big men in black holds a strong bow in their hands, and each bow is fully drawn with arrows on the strings, ready to go.

Sun Chong wanted to rush to the car, but he couldn't move because he had been clasped by Li Yanbei's wrist and his whole body was paralyzed.

Sun Chong's face changed horribly, and he opened his mouth and shouted: "No." But before he finished shouting, the bowstring sounded and arrows shot out like locusts.

Li Yanbei flew into the air, leaped into the air, and raised Sun Chong's body to meet the chaotic arrow.

At that moment, Sun Chong turned into a hedgehog.

Li Yanbei screamed and wanted to rush into the black caravan.

But Li Yanbei never expected that after that row of archers fell down after shooting, there would be a row of archers behind!

Twenty-eight strong bows are full of strings, and the arrows are all on the strings.

Li Yanbei's body immediately stiffened.

Those who followed him were cut off by the third big formation a mile away, and a row of archers were aiming at them, making them afraid to move.

Now even if Li Yanbei made a sound of steel bars, there was no way to stop that round of chaotic arrows!

It seems that this is a carefully planned attack!

It took 20 years of hard work, no less than a hundred hard fights, to get where I am today.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he would inevitably fall into the trap laid by his opponent.

It seems that today is more fortunate.

Li Yanbei's eyes seemed to be bleeding, he was still a wild wolf, staring fiercely at the archers in front.

However, this is a beast that has fallen into a trap. As long as he thinks about the bowstring, he, the master of the capital, will be pierced by arrows.

Li Yanbei squeezed his fist tightly, even if he was dead, he still had to pull a few pads, so that his opponent could not look down upon him.

At this critical moment, from a roof beside the street, a very sharp wind suddenly sounded.

I saw a burst of blue light flashing across the bowstrings of those archers.

I heard a series of "Boom Boom Boom", like a silver jade bead falling on the plate.

The strings of the twenty-eight powerful bows were cut by two blue lights at the same time!

Hearing another clang, the blue light was nailed to the door panel on the right side of the street, and everyone looked at it, but it was only two coins!

Who is it that has such an amazing true power that can cut 28 Jixian continuously with copper coins!

The complexions of those archers completely changed and turned pale, they knew that they had encountered stubble today!

They stared at the people who appeared, suddenly turned over and jumped out of the caravan and fled into the narrow alley.

Li Yanbei did not chase them.

These are just ordinary thugs, without any skill, they are not Li Yanbei's opponents, and they are not worthy of Li Yanbei's shot.

After so many years of wandering around the world, he had long understood that killing would never establish prestige, and would definitely not be respected by the other party.

He roared in a deep voice: "Listen, don't worry, I won't embarrass you, you can leave slowly, go back and tell your master, and say, since Li Yanbei is not dead today, he will look for him immediately. If you calculate this account, you will double back from him at that time!"

There was a round of applause on the roof on the left.

A person jumped down with a smile: "Hall Master Li is very grateful, he is indeed Li Yanbei who is full of benevolence and righteousness. The Skywalk Escort is taken care of. I am grateful."

Beside him, there was another beautiful woman who was beautiful and beautiful despite her plain clothes.

"Lu Yang? Next to this is Xue Bing, the granddaughter of Mrs. Xue, the needle." Li Yanbei laughed.

"Do you know it's me?" Lu Yang said in surprise.

"How do you know me?" Xue Bing said in surprise, she had to admire Li Yanbei's eyesight.

Of course, to be known as Kyoto, the natural ability to recognize people will not be inferior to those of ordinary masters.

"Money darts need extreme **** power." Li Yanbei smiled and said, "The one who can cut 28 bowstrings with two copper coins at the same time, in the world, only Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng are both perfect, while Lu Xiaofeng has four. You don’t have eyebrows, so you're another outstanding Lu Yang."

Lu Yang nodded, admiring his analytical power.

"What about me?" Xue Bing said.

"Many years ago, I was fortunate to visit Mrs. Xue. At that time, you were young. Now, although you have grown up and become a big eighteen woman, I can't forget the unique mole on your forehead. "Li Yanbei smiled.

Xue Bing smiled. Since she was a child, a small mole has grown on her eyebrows, which makes her incredibly enchanting.

Grandma also said that this will make her more attractive to men. ..


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