Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 228: Master Guisun

The Taoist Mu also smiled: "Seeing this person is like seeing an honest monk. It seems that he is also quite good, and he is even more honest than the honest monk."

Master Sun murmured: "The road in Zuixiang is steady, and he can't go anywhere... The drunken place is huge, and the sun and the moon are long in the pot. Why should I be sober? Zui-li is even more beautiful."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled: "You are really a very blessed person, more blessed than any of us."

Master Sun said: "It's because I'm smarter than you."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Oh, how do you say?"

Master Sun smiled and said, "At least, I won't spend fifty-two pieces to ask questions that don't need to be asked."

This time, Gu Song did not laugh, he has never been a person who likes to laugh.

Mr. Gu Song said sternly, "Where are the two old men, Datong and Dazhi?"

Master Sun said, "Since I asked you to meet here, of course they are here."

Gu Song Jushi said: "Where are they?"

Master Sun pointed forward casually: "It's right there." He pointed to a cave dwelling.

Gu Song frowned and said, "What are they doing in that broken cave?"

Master Sun gave him a blank look and said, "Why don't you ask them yourself?"

Lu Yang endured a smile and said, "Does it cost fifty taels of silver to ask this sentence?"

Master Sun said: "Of course, no matter what you ask, you need fifty taels of silver, and..."

Lu Yang said: "And it's still the old rules. You can only wait outside, you can only ask outside, you can't pass."

Master Sun sighed and said, "It seems that you are still smart."

The cave dwelling was low and dark, and even a thin person like Master Sun would need to bend down to get in.

At the beginning, Lu Yang was still worried that his head was too big, maybe even bigger than the cave dwelling.

However, he got in anyway, it was like a dead man got into the grave, it looked so funny and terrifying.

Not long after, I heard the voice of Master Guisun from there.

"Start asking."

The first one asked was Mu Dao Ren, who apparently arranged this appointment.

But obviously, before he asked, Lu Yang had already guessed what he wanted to ask.

"In the September 15th battle, do you think it was Ximen Chuuxuesheng or Ye Gucheng?"

This question is something that everyone wants to ask. Many people want to break their heads for this question.

If this question really knows such an answer, then many people would rather spend dozens of times more than fifty-two.

"You only spend fifty taels, and you want to know the answer, it's too cheap." It was Dazhi who answered this question, and Lu Yang could tell the difference after hearing this voice.

"But I can still tell you." Dazhi continued, "Neither of them will win this battle."

"Why?" This is the second question. The Taoist Mu lost fifty taels of silver again.

"Two tigers fight, there must be one injury. Although this sentence is very old, it is not correct." Dazhi then replied, "The result of the two tigers' fight must be that both tigers will be injured and they can truly win. , But those hunters who are waiting by the side." Lv Yang listened quietly, his expression showing praise.

He feels that great wisdom is indeed worthy of great wisdom, and only those who really have great wisdom can know how to solve problems with such smart answers.

"Is Ximen Chuuxue already in the capital?" asked the Taoist Mu.

"Yes." Chase answered this time.

"Sure? Where are his people?"

"In a place where it is difficult for others to find, because he doesn't want to see anyone before September 15." Grand passage.

Lu Yang smiled bitterly, and even more helpless was the Taoist Mu. He couldn't say that this answer was incorrect.

This is a very clever answer.

The Taoist Mu felt that his two hundred taels of silver was really not worth it, and he didn't get what he wanted.

Everyone knows Dazhi Chase's answer.

For this answer that everyone knows, it actually spent two hundred taels of silver.

"Is Ye Gucheng injured by the arsenic of the Tang family?" Gu Song asked.

"Yes." Chase replied.

"The Tang family's hidden weapon of arsenopyrite, apart from the Tang family's unique antidote, is there any other way to save it?" Mu Taoist asked.

"Yes." The big passage. Gu Song sighed, as if he was lucky to Ye Gucheng.

But Lu Yang knew that he was not Ye Gucheng's friend, and Ye Gucheng didn't have many friends.

"Why do you keep hiding and don't want to meet people?" Mu Dao Ren asked suddenly.

"Because there is simply no one worthy of us to meet in this world." Datong.

The Taoist Mu smiled bitterly again, isn't the fifty taels of silver even more unjust?

He turned to Lu Yang and said, "Do you have any questions?"

Lu Yang felt that he didn't have any questions to find answers, but he saw Ouyang Qing outside the jewelry market.

Suddenly he remembered a few funny questions.

He felt that these things could possibly be explained clearly by Dazhi Chase.

"Is Ouyang Qing really still a virgin?" Lu Yang asked.

Everyone looked at Lu Yang with eyes wide open, and they all seemed to be taken aback by this question.

Indeed, no one thought that Lu Yang would actually ask such a question.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Brother Lu, you also asked this question too...too weird."

Lu Yang patted Lu Xiaofeng on the shoulder and said, "I asked this question for you. You will be required to pay the bill later."

Lu Xiaofeng shut up immediately. In such a situation, shutting up is the wisest thing, no matter what Lu Yang asks.

This question seemed to be difficult to answer. After a long time, the answer came from the cave: "Yes."

Hearing this question, everyone was already amazed, and now hearing this question, everyone has no way to describe the weirdness in their hearts. ..


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