Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 230: Two predetermined coffins

Lu Xiaofeng's words became even more angry: "That snake is obviously well-trained, and will only attack when it hears the sound of bamboo blowing."

This cave dwelling is so dilapidated and gloomy, and the snake is so small, that Master Sun will of course not be able to see it when he enters from the sun.

Taoist Mu also remembered the sound of blowing bamboo: "The sound of blowing bamboo, is it the person who is plotting against Master Sun?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "It must be."

Mu Dao said humanely: "Then why did he kill Master Sun?"

Lu Yang replied on behalf of Lu Xiaofeng: "Because he was afraid that Grandpa Sun would tell his secret." He sighed, "I knew so, I shouldn't ask this question."

Mu Dao said: "What kind of person is that person? What secrets does he have that I don't want people to know?"

Lu Xiaofeng clenched his fists tightly and said, "No matter what kind of person he is, no matter what secrets he has, I must find out."

Lu Yang nodded: "To hurt our friend is to hurt us, and we must not let him go!"

Taoist Mu sighed for a long time. Now, he finally understood why only Master Sun could find Dazhi and Datong, and why Dazhi and Datong never wanted to see people.

However, no one can imagine how many secrets there are in Master Sun that others don't want him to tell.

Those secrets have been buried underground forever along with his body.

Can Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng dig out those secrets?

The coffin shop is full of the smell of shavings. The smell is a bit fragrant, but if you smell it in the coffin shop, it will not make people feel comfortable.

There are two good nanmu coffins in the store, which seem to have been repainted recently.

"I will choose this one." Lu Xiaofeng chose one of them.

Lu Yang nodded. Master Sun is their friend. Of course, what they choose for their friends is the best.

No matter what it is, it is the same and the best, and the coffin is no exception.

"I'm sorry, guest officer, these two coffins have already been predetermined." The shopkeeper of the coffin shop was named Chen.

Maybe he has been working in the coffin shop for a long time, so even if he is smiling, the smile looks full of horror.

Lu Yang said in surprise: "Someone ordered the coffin?"

Shopkeeper Chen nodded and said: "It was a customer who had ordered it to be used on the night of September 15. The villain was also surprised. He seemed to know that two people had to die that night."

September 15th! Two people must die! Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng's faces changed.

"Who set the coffin?" Lu Yang asked.

Shopkeeper Chen said: "He has paid up the two coffins, but he refused to give his name."

Lu Yang asked: "Then what kind of person is he?"

Shopkeeper Chen said: "That's an old man with a hunchback."

Lu Yang didn't ask any more, and didn't need to ask any more. Obviously, in this case, no one would use their true colors to decide the coffin.

More importantly, no matter who it is, you can dress up as a humpback old man.

Lu Yang chose another coffin and prepared to leave.

Shopkeeper Chen said suddenly: "But the customer asked us to carve our two names on the two coffins."

Lu Yang suddenly turned around and asked urgently: "What kind of names are they?"

Shopkeeper Chen said: "The two names are very special, one is Ye Gucheng, the other is Ximen Chuuxue."

Mu Dao Ren was also a very happy person at first, as if he had never seen him look sad.

Now, his face is very heavy.

Neither of them will win. The ones who can win are the hunters who are waiting to see.

Among those hunters, someone unexpectedly ordered a coffin for them.

Mu Dao Ren Mian smiled strongly: "Maybe, this is just someone's prank."

Lu Yang also smiled: "It's very possible."

A group of people walked on the street, all with a smile on their faces.

They walked in the remaining light of the setting sun, and the breeze was blowing their clothes, and the pedestrians on the street looked hurrying and full of life.

The heaven and the earth seem to be harmonious and full of vitality.

However, there was a shadow of death in each of them. Everyone understands that this is not a prank.

Taoist Mu looked at Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng and said, "You have seen Ye Gucheng?"

Lu Yang said: "Yes."

The Taoist Mu asked: "Then he looks like he was seriously injured?"

Lu Yang did not answer directly. Calmly said: "He pierced Tang Tianrong's shoulders with a single sword."

Of course, a severely injured person could not pierce the pipa bones of Tang Tianrong, one of the four masters of Tang Sect, with a single sword.

The Taoist Mu thought deeply: "However, the honest monk will never lie, and he is indeed injured. Then who will detoxify him?"

Lu Yang didn't answer this sentence, and Lu Xiaofeng couldn't answer either.

This question may only be answered by asking Ye Gucheng.

Lu Yang stared at the white cloud in the sky, and suddenly said: "Actually, I had heard of Ye Gucheng very early, and I wanted to go to his Baiyun City to take a look, but I never had a chance to go."

Wood Road Humanity: "I have been there."

Lu Yang said, "It seems that it will be a good place. When the Spring and Autumn Festival comes, it will be beautiful and full of flowers."

Mudao Humanity: "There are not many flowers there. Ye Gucheng is not an elegant person who likes to enjoy flowers and drink wine."

Lu Yang said: "Does he like women?"

Taoist Mu thought for a moment and said, "It is absolutely impossible for a person who likes women to practice such solitary and arrogant swordsmanship."

Lu Yang didn't speak anymore, but his expression on his face was extremely strange. Every time his expression was like this, he must have something strange in his mind.

Indeed, these things are very strange, there are many things that cannot be figured out.

Little by little, there were many doubts.

I figured it out in one place, but there is another place that makes people unclear. ..


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