Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 232: Death of Junior Brother

Although Yan Renying was pressing so hard, Lu Yang still smiled.

"You can't kill me." Lu Yang smiled.

Yan Renying's palms were sweating, and his forehead was sweating. The whole person looked so tense, like a tight string.

Now no matter who it is, he can see that he is too nervous to control himself, and the sword in his hand is still pointing at Lu Yang.

The shopkeeper and the buddies of Chunhua Building were trembling with fright. They knew that this matter would not end so well.

Lu Yang still didn't move, his expression was still so relaxed.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a commotion outside, and someone was yelling in fear: "It's dead, someone is dead!"

Yan Renying wanted to turn around to look outside, but couldn't help it, he hesitated.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, who had sat steadily in front of him, had disappeared!

The actions of the two of them are more restless than his sword!

Yan Renying's face changed and became extremely terrifying, and he followed behind and swept out.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were standing in the middle of the street with their hands on their backs. There was no one else in the street.

All the pedestrians avoided, under the eaves on both sides of the street, staring nervously at the center of the street.

At this time, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng saw a white horse slowly approaching with a person on the horse's back.

The man was lying on the horse's back like an empty sack, motionless.

"It's dead, it's dead!" Someone exclaimed.

Who is that person? How did he die.

Seeing the costume of the man on horseback, Yan Renying's face turned pale, he flew forward and strangled the horse rope.

The horses stopped.

The costumes of the horsemen were almost exactly the same as Yan Renying.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng already knew who this person was and how he died.

Yan Renying hugged the cold corpse from the horseback. There were no wounds on the corpse, but there was a little blood on the throat.

The blood mark seemed to have been bitten by a poisonous snake. However, the bloodstain was not left by the poisonous snake, but the sword's edge!

It must be an extremely sharp and terrifying sword!

Lu Yang frowned and said, "Zhang Yingfeng?"

Yan Renying gritted his teeth and nodded angrily.

Lu Yang sighed and said nothing more.

Yan Renying asked suddenly: "Can you see that he died by whose sword?"

Lu Yang sighed and nodded.

He could see that in this world, perhaps only one person could use such a terrifying and sharp sword.

Ye Gucheng couldn't do it, his murderous sword would definitely not be so clean. Yan Renying looked at the sword marks on her junior throat, and muttered: "Ximen Chuuxue, Ximen Chuuxue."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "He must have found Ximen Chuuxue, but it's a pity."

It's a pity that he can't tell where Ximen Chuuxue is now.

There is no need to say this sentence, Yan Renying also understands the meaning of his words.

"It's another life and a blood debt!" Yan Renying's pale face was full of tears, and she shouted in a dumb voice, "Ximen Chuuxue, if you dare to kill, why hide in hiding and dare not come out to see people!"

The cry was so stern, it made people feel sad.

In that stern cry, twilight had arrived, and the world seemed to be filled with an indescribable sense of sadness and desolation.

The wind was blowing again, and the meaning of killing was so strong, Yan Renying held the body of his junior brother, jumped on the white horse, and ran away.

The horse came from the west, and now Yan Renying is also racing towards the west. Obviously he wanted to find a clue to the whereabouts of Ximen Fuxue from that horse.

Facing the evening wind, Lu Yang watched Yan Renying ride away while Lu Xiaofeng stood beside him, sighing.

Ximen Chuuxue really came.

Suddenly, someone behind him whispered, "I know that horse."

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng suddenly turned around.

The speaker Tsing Yi cloth socks, although his clothes looked simple, but he was full of style.

That was one of those people walking behind Li Yanbei this morning.

"I'm Zhao Zheng and me, and I'm on the Dongcheng pole. Everyone calls me Zhaoer Zhao." That humanity.

The pole up, also known as Tuantou, is the general manager of all beggars on the ground. The market forces are very powerful.

When Lu Yang heard him report his name, he also knew his identity, but he didn't have time to talk, and immediately asked: "Do you know that horse?"

Guan Er Zhao's voice was very low: "Only in the imperial city can there be such a good horse. No matter how big the net worth, other people dare not violate the ban."

The white horse symbolizes nobility, and such a white horse is supreme and noble, that only the royal family can have.

Lu Yang frowned and said, "Could it be that the horse ran out of the Forbidden City?"

Is Ximen Chuuxue hiding in the imperial city? So no one can find him?

However, how tightly guarded are in the imperial city, how could it be possible for idlers to hide?

Guan'er Zhao didn't dare to speak any more. This was the most taboo thing in the capital. How could he dare to speak too much?

Lu Yang thought for a while and said, "Can you let your brothers check it out to see where the horse came from and who saw it first."

Guan Er Zhao hesitated for a while: "This is not a difficult task, but, under the order of President Li, I will pick you up to the mansion of the thirteenth aunt."

Lu Yang said: "This matter is even more important, you just need to tell us where the thirteenth aunt's residence is, we can find it."

Guan Er Zhao hesitated for a moment: "Okay, just do that. I will ask Xiao Song, who is driving the car, to take you to Juan Lianzi Hutong, the mansion of Aunt Thirteen, the last one in that hutong."

Sitting in the car, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng's expressions were obviously relaxed.

Their hearts are all messed up, which is really troublesome. The problems seem to be more and more. One thing has not been solved and another thing has appeared.

Many things have completely exceeded their expectations. ..


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