Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 234: Bizarre whistleblower

Aunt Thirteen Yanran smiled: "She is in the kitchen with another person, making her best dessert for you, the buttered snails."

Ouyang Qing would actually make snacks for Lu Xiaofeng, which is truly a wonderful thing in the world.

Who is the other person? Lu Yang couldn't help thinking, it should be Li Yanbei's guest.

In other words, it's normal to find a distinguished person to accompany the guests.

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "She didn't want to poison me to death, right?"

Aunt Thirteen said: "Do you think she wants to poison you?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "I have offended her once, and many of them can't be offended once, otherwise, she will hate you for the rest of my life, and for the rest of my life to trouble you."

Aunt Thirteen said: "Do you think she is such a person?"

Lu Xiaofeng didn't answer, and if he didn't answer, he would naturally admit it.

Aunt Thirteen stared at him without blinking.

Women shouldn't look at men with this kind of eyes, especially when they are in front of their husbands.

Lu Xiaofeng's face turned a little red, as if he felt embarrassed. But Aunt Thirteen was still indifferent.

Li Yanbei couldn't help but asked, "What are you looking at?"

Aunt Thirteen said: "I'm watching, will he be a fool."

Li Yanbei said: "He will never be."

Aunt Thirteen said: "He does not look like it at all, but he is a fool."

North Li Yan said: "Oh?"

Aunt Thirteen sighed and said: "I was going to leave. I knew he was coming, but suddenly changed my mind and stayed. I never wanted to go to the kitchen. I knew he was coming, so I was busy in the kitchen. After a day, if a woman treats you this way, do you understand what it means?"

Li Yanbei sighed: "At least, I understand that she will never hate me."

Lu Yang also smiled: "If there is such a woman, you should marry, if it is such a man, you should marry."

Aunt Thirteen sighed and said, "Even you all understand, but he doesn't seem to understand at all. You said, is he a fool."

Li Yanbei smiled and said, "When you say that, I also think he looks a bit like him."

Lu Yang laughed: "In the beginning, he was such a dumb person, especially women, let alone in front of the women he liked."

Lu Xiaofeng was stunned. He fully understood this meaning, but he had never even dreamed of it.

Li Yanbei smiled: "Actually, you can't blame him. How can a man guess a woman's heart? What's more, he is also a fan of the game."

Aunt Thirteen said: "Actually, I don't blame him either. I'm just fighting the injustice for Xiao Ouyang. It's not like Brother Lu, who knows how to hurt people."

Lu Yang's eyes widened: "Have you seen me?"

Aunt Thirteen smiled and said, "It's just someone who said that."

"Who is that?" Lu Yang couldn't help asking.

Aunt Thirteen did not answer him.

Li Yanbei laughed and patted Lu Xiaofeng on the shoulder: "If I were you, when Xiao Ouyang comes out, I will definitely>"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a strange sound of bamboo blowing in the wind.

The voice was so familiar, it was exactly the same as the voice heard when meeting Grandpa Sun. Lu Yang's face changed, and he said in shock: "Hurry up and save Ouyang."

Before he had finished speaking, his people had already swept out through the window, and flashed again, reaching ten feet away!

Li Yanbei and Aunt Thirteen were startled, they didn't expect that Lu Yang's body skills were so fast!

Lu Xiaofeng hurried to the kitchen!

The sound of bamboo blowing came from the southwest, and it wouldn't be too far to hear that sound.

Skimming out of the western wall of the house, and then passing through a narrow alley, you arrived at a courtyard that looked deserted for a long time.

The night is so dark, like splashed ink.

The autumn wind is so desolate, the white poplars are dead, and a bright moon has just risen, like a jade plate.

The gloomy and desolate courtyard was shrouded in the soft moonlight, which added a bit of desolation.

In that garden, there was no one, not even a ghost.

Even if there were ghosts, he couldn't see it, but Lu Yang couldn't help feeling chilly when he faced the autumn wind that was blowing in his face.

This is the case every time. When something ominous happens, he always feels so strange.

Now he feels this way.

Without light, moonlight and starlight can't completely illuminate the courtyard, it looks so gloomy and cold.

A few dead trees swayed in the wind and under the moon, looking like ghosts.

Suddenly, in the darkness, there was another sound of bamboo blowing.

Lu Yang swept past like an arrow. This time, he finally saw the bamboo blowing man clearly.

The man is right in front of the dead tree.

Seeing that person, Lu Yang's figure suddenly stopped, and he was completely stunned.

The person who blows the bamboo is actually just a teenager!

The child is not tall, wears a ripped jacket, has a round face and big eyes.

He was shaking while wiping his nose, looking cold and scared.

However, he held a strange bamboo whistle in his hand!

Lu Yang looked at him and slowly approached him, as if he was afraid of frightening the child.

The child didn't notice at all, Zhang looked west.

Suddenly, he saw a shadow approaching on the ground, he immediately yelled, and ran away.

Of course he can't run.

He just started running, and Lu Yang had already caught him.

The child screamed immediately, and the sound was as harsh as a pig.

When he finished calling, Lu Yang said, "I am not a ghost, I am a human."

The child raised his face and glanced at Lu Yang. It was obvious that he was human.

However, the child's face was still full of horror, and his nose began to flow down again.

"You, are you really a ghost?" His voice trembled so hard that it made people feel pity and love. ..


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