Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 236: The death of Aunt Gongsun

But who would this humpbacked old man be? Why did Aunt Gongsun kill Master Sun? Why did she kill this old man?

In Lu Yang's impression, there was no shadow of this hunched old man at all.

He hesitated for a while, and finally squatted down. There might be something to prove his identity on this hunched old man.

But it is also very possible that there is still a poisonous snake hidden.

He had seen the power of that poisonous snake, and Lu Yang felt a little nervous.

He lifted the old man's clothes. Without a snake, the snake would move, especially when people invaded its territory.

Lu Yang stretched his hand in and was stunned. What he was looking at was a gray-haired head! A face that was old and dry.

However, when he reached in his hand, he felt that the skin he touched was not like dry branches, but it was as smooth as jade!

Is a woman! That old man is actually a woman! It seems that the white hair is fake, and she is wearing an extremely delicate mask.

Lu Yang pulled off his white hair and lifted the mask. What he saw was a face that was stiff and pale, but still so beautiful.

He recognized this face! That hunched old man is actually aunt Gongsun!

Of course, Lu Yang knew the exquisiteness of Aunt Gongsun's disguise. He believed that no matter who she was dressed up, no one could see through Aunt Gongsun!

Aunt Gongsun's martial arts is so high, Lu Yang has also realized.

Who can strangle her alive, and use the red ribbon on her sword!

Isn't this person quite terrible! Lu Yang couldn't help trembling in his heart.

He only came to the capital for so little time, but he encountered so many strange things.

He really couldn't figure out why Aunt Gongsun wanted to harm Master Sun, and even more why Aunt Gongsun died here.

If things really don't make sense, then don't think about it, the more you think about it, the more chaotic it will become, and Lu Yang has always been like this.

However, even if he didn't think about it, he could still feel that there must be someone staring at him in a dark corner of the city!

That man must be more cunning than a fox, more vicious than a snake, waiting to kill him.

No matter who this person is, he must be a terrible opponent he has never met before, and he seems to have felt who this person belongs to.

The bleak light shone on Ouyang Qing's pale face. There was no blood on her face.

Her beautiful eyes were closed tightly, and her teeth were clenched tightly.

Lu Xiaofeng has a sad expression on her face, can she open her eyes again, can she speak again?

Lu Xiaofeng stood by the bed, standing so quietly, looking at Ouyang Qing, hoping that she could stare at him like before.

Li Yanbei and Aunt Thirteen stood behind him, the expressions on their faces particularly heavy.

Xue Bing gripped Lu Xiaofeng's hand tightly, teardrops rolling down his eyes.

When Lu Yang arrived, the scene was extremely sad.

Seeing Lu Yang coming in, Xue Bing threw himself into his arms and burst into tears.

Obviously, she was worried about Ouyang Qing.

Lu Yang looked at Lu Xiaofeng: "How is it?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "When we rushed to the kitchen, she was already on the ground. Xue Bing was so scared that she turned pale and couldn't speak."

Xue Bing said with tears in her tears: "When the snake appeared, it was originally me. Sister Ouyang stood in front of me and the snake bit her."

Lu Yang looked at Ouyang Qing's throat, there were no blood stains on it.

"Where is her injury?" Lu Yang asked.

Lu Xiaofeng said: "In your hand, in your left hand."

Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief. It must have been when the poisonous snake jumped over. She wanted to catch it with her hands like Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

But how could her reaction and skill compare to Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng?

But it will react faster than Master Sun, who drank too much.

Therefore, the snake didn't bite her vitals, only her hand.

Li Yan said: "Fortunately, we arrived in time. It was not too late. After discovering Ouyang Qing's wound, Lu Xiaofeng immediately sealed the acupuncture point on her right arm to prevent the poison from spreading."

"It seems that at least her life is saved." Aunt Thirteen said.

"Why are you here?" Lu Yang still felt afraid.

"I'm sorry, Brother Lu, I asked someone to pick her up. I didn't expect such a thing to happen and almost harmed Miss Xue." Li Yanbei whispered, like a kid who did something wrong.

Lu Yang didn't blame him, he was kind, and no one expected such a thing to happen.

Aunt Thirteen said: "It's just, I don't understand, how do you know that she will be calculated."

Lu Yang said: "We are not sure either."

"But you saved her." Aunt Thirteen said.

Lu Xiaofeng smiled bitterly: "We are not saints either. A lot of things are actually done in a vague way. If you have to ask me how to do it, many times, I don't know."

Aunt Thirteen said: "Although you don't know, it is very convincing to do it. Many people can't do it even if they know it."

Li Yanbei smiled and said, "So Lu Xiaofeng is Lu Xiaofeng."

Aunt Thirteen also smiled: "No wonder, she will love you so much."

Ouyang Qing has a deep affection for Lu Xiaofeng.

Aunt Thirteen said: "Even though her left hand was bitten by a poisonous snake," she fell down, but in her right hand, she still held the plate of buttered snails tightly and refused to let it go. Because she did it for you. "

Aunt Thirteen didn't go on, she had already said a lot, only this one thing could show Ouyang Qing's feelings for him.

Lu Yang patted Lu Xiaofeng on the shoulder: "You should feel lucky."

This time, Lu Xiaofeng didn't refute it anymore. He didn't say anything, just stared at Ouyang Qing blankly.

There was an unspeakable feeling in his heart. He absolutely cannot let Ouyang fall in love, absolutely.

Lu Xiaofeng had never felt this way before, and he felt very confused. ..


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