Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 250: Little Eunuch Anfu

The strange smell in the teahouse seems to be stronger than the outside, and the man is also a strange person.

He had been watching Lu Yang grinning and winking at Xiao Anzi from time to time. Lu Yang felt that this person was also so unbearable.

Lu Yang came to this teahouse because Xiao Anzi must buy him a cup of tea.

In any case, a cup of tea is better than dragging and pulling with a **** on the road.

The most important thing is that the tea is really top-grade, it's a top three incense piece, and finally I saw something good.

Xiao Anzi finally let go of Lu Yang's hand: "I brought this tea from the palace specially. I can never drink it outside."

Lu Yang admitted: "I have never had such a good tea."

Xiao Anzi smiled so that his eyes were narrowed: "As long as you like, you can come and drink anytime in the future. Perhaps, this is a kind of fate. When I see you, I think we can become good friends."

"I, I will definitely come here often in the future." Lu Yang suddenly became a little stumbling, and he couldn't say clearly, just like a stammer.

Just when Lu Yang felt that his whole body was like tens of thousands of ants biting, and he was not in a good mood, fortunately an old **** walked by.

The Xiao Anzi saw the old **** and immediately let go of Lu Yang's hand and went out to say hello.

When the eunuchs walked, they were always a little weird, with their legs wide open.

But the old **** walked even more weirdly, and his clothes were more elaborate than the other eunuchs.

When the old **** spoke, he always liked to put an orchid hand.

It looked like she was an old woman, Lu Yang had no choice but to look at him.

"That's our manager Wang." Xiao Anzi turned around again and said, "Manager Wang comes back, then Brother Ma's gambling game is about to start again, do you want to play a few?"

Lu Yang shook his head quickly, grinned reluctantly and said, "I still have something to trouble you."

"You said, just speak, no matter what it is, as long as you tell me, I will do it." The Xiao Anzi wanted to touch Lu Yang's hand again.

Lu Yang said, "Could you please inquire for me if anyone outside has been here recently."

"Yes, I will ask for you right away." Xiaoanzi said: "I also want to go back and take a look at my wife and children."

He finally left, but when he was leaving, he still touched Lu Yang's hand.

Guan Er Zhao lowered his head, finally suppressing the laughter.

Lu Yang glared at him, but couldn't help but said, "How can the **** have a wife and children?"

"Of course it's just fake." Gan'er Zhao said, "But there are indeed many eunuchs who have wives. When the eunuchs and maids in the palace are boring, they will match up in pairs. This situation is called For Yi, those eunuchs who can do it will buy some little girls from outside to be their wives." Lv Yang sighed and said, "Being the wife of an eunuch, it must be a difficult life then?"

Guan Er Zhao also sighed: "It's really hard to live, but how come those eunuchs themselves are not poor people? When will their lives be better?"

Lu Yang felt very uncomfortable in his heart, and immediately changed the subject and said, "I think Ximen Chuuxue will never hide here."

Zhao Er said: "Maybe it's because he is so sure that others can't think of it, so he wants to hide here."

"In the beginning, I thought so too, but now," Lu Yang smiled bitterly, "Now, when I come here to see, if I stay here for a day, I will go crazy, let alone Simon Blowing snow."

Lu Yang has always been much easier-going than Ximen Chuuxue, but the character of Ximen Chuuxue is well known in the world.

Rod Zhao said: "But, the white horse really went out here and around."

Lu Yang pondered for a while: "Zhang Yingfeng is also very likely to die here."

Lu Yang looked at the narrow houses and streets outside: "After killing people here, it would be difficult to find a place to hide the corpse."

Guan Er Zhao said: "So, I can only carry the corpse on Ma Beishang."

Lu Yang nodded and frowned again: "But, if Ximen Chuuxue is not here, whose hand did Zhang Yingfeng die? In this world, who else can make such a fast sword?"

This question, in the case of Gan Er Zhao, naturally cannot be answered.

They drank another cup of tea, stayed for a while, Xiao Anzi unexpectedly came back, and actually found out the news.

Xiao Anzi said: "The night before yesterday, Brother Ma did bring someone back, and he was a very handsome young man."

Lu Yang's spirits lifted up and he immediately asked: "Is his surname Zhang? Zhang Yingfengdao."

Xiao Anzi said, "I don't know this too well."

Lu Yang asked again: "Where is that handsome young man?"

"Who knows where he has gone." Xiao Anzi smiled. "Brother Ma is an old man. The young man is young and strong. Maybe he has been hidden so that no one can find him."

His eyes were so greedy, he looked at Lu Yang, it seemed that the situation was to hide Lu Yang too.

These people can do everything in such a place.

"Where is the gambling game of Brother Ma?" Lu Yang suddenly laughed and said, "My hands suddenly itchy, and I want to play a few."

"Okay, I'll take you right away." Xiao Anzi took Lu Yang's hand again and said with a smile, "I just don't know if you have enough money. If you don't have enough money, just speak up, no matter how much you want. I lent you all my brother."

Lu Yang sighed suddenly and murmured: "Now I do want to borrow two things, but you will never have them."

Xiao Anzi stared at him blankly, and didn't understand what he meant. ..


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