Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 269: Great power

When Lu Yang returned to the semicolon of the Tianxing Escort, it was already bright.

Zhang Yi, the person in charge of the **** branch, has heard the news and greeted him at the door.

Zhang Yi is a shrewd middle-aged man, and he knows at a glance that he is a steady and real person.

The power of the Sky Escort in the capital cannot be underestimated.

When Lu Yang arrived in the living room, he found that all the brains of the Beijing name had arrived, and he suddenly felt that something big had happened.

Not long after they were seated, Xue Bing came in, but she was very well-behaved and sat quietly next to Lu Yang.

Not long after they sat down, they saw Zhang Fang, Zhang Mu walked in, and a few escorts were in charge behind them.

And at the end, it was Huo Xiu and Jin Jiuling!

Lu Yang didn't expect that the two of them would also come.

Zhang Mu came, and everyone stood up: "Zong Dart!"

Zhang Mu gestured, everyone sat down, Zhang Mu glanced at the crowd, and slowly sat down on Lu Yang's side.

Lu Yang looked at the situation in front of him, but he didn't understand what was going on. Why, almost all the heads of the Skywalk Escort were all there?

What happened?

Seeing Lu Yang's puzzled face, Zhang Mu smiled: "Brother Lu, don't have to wonder. Today, I just held a ceremony."

ceremony? What ceremony?

Zhang Mu stood up and said, "Today, all the 20 semicolon leaders of our Tianxing Escort have arrived, very good. Now, I announce one thing."

Everyone stood up.

Zhang Mu said: "Now, I officially, the Skywalk Escort has officially changed its name to Daling Yuanzhuang, and our master, from now on, is Lu Yang! Master Lu!"

Everyone cheered.

Everyone has known for a long time, although Zhang Mu and Zhang Fang's father and son are in charge of the current escort, but in fact, long ago, they were already Lu Yang's subordinates.

Without Lu Yang, there would be no Tianxing Escort today, that is, from today onwards, the name of the Tianxing Escort will no longer exist, and will exist as Daling Yuanzhuang.

In the future, Daling Yuanzhuang will definitely become the largest power in the arena.

Lu Yang only smiled, but in that smile, there was an incomparable majesty, which has always been his dream.

Coming to this world, you must establish an incomparable authority, and it has already started!

Lu Yang had been running outside and was not very familiar with the current situation of the Skywalk Escort. He only knew after Zhang Mu's introduction.

The current Tianxing Escort has begun to operate extensively after Huo Xiu and Jin Jiuling injected all his wealth.

Not only is it only a escort, it is already a money house, cloth dealer, jewelry, and other businesses have been involved, and it has become a veritable first house in the world.

During this period, Huo Xiu and Jin Jiuling's contributions were indispensable.

Many of their ideas gradually improved the business, and they also found many talents to manage the village in an orderly manner.

Lu Yang was very happy. When he stood up, everyone applauded warmly and faithfully welcomed the new master.

They are all pride and pride from the heart.

Lu Yang smiled: "We are all friends, and you don't need to be too cautious. I am a very casual person. As long as everyone can work together, I will not treat you badly."

Everyone shouted: "Zhuangzhu Lu, Zhuangzhu Lu!"

Jin Jiuling and Huo Xiu's complexion was very ruddy, and they seemed to be blessed a lot. It seems that in the Skywalk Escort, the days are comfortable and chic.

Zhang Mu briefly reported the situation of Jin Jiuling and Huo Xiu to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang also knows that Huo Xiu is now named Zhang Li and Jin Jiuling is named Zhang Feng.

Zhang Li, leave the hatred of the past and start again.

Zhang Feng, let the past disappear without a trace.

Heralded their restart.

They have been reformed, and have been respected by everyone in the Skywalk Escort.

The two of them are really talented, especially Huo Xiu. The development and growth of the Tiandiao Escort is greatly inseparable from him.

"Very good." Lu Yang nodded, he walked up to Huo Xiu and patted him on the shoulder.

He walked in front of Jin Jiuling again and patted him on the shoulder again: "Very good."

Lu Yang said: "You are my good friends, I hope you can contribute to the development of Daling Yuanzhuang."

Huo Xiu and Jin Jiuling readily discovered that there was a flow of heat flowing through their meridians and points!

Their skills have recovered more than 50%!

Lu Yang smiled and looked at them: "Although your skill has not been fully recovered, it can be compared to first-rate masters, and it is also for you to do better in the future."

"Thank you, the owner!" Huo Xiu and Jin Jiuling knelt down on one leg, gratefully speaking, "We must fight to the death!"

"Okay, please get up." Lu Yang helped them up. "I said, we are good friends, as long as you do your best to contribute to Daling Yuanzhuang, we will definitely be best friends."

"Thank you, the owner!" Their expressions of excitement were beyond words.

They thought that this life would be over, but now, not only have they lived a life of admiration, but they have also recovered 50% of their skills.

These are enough to enable them to become the most admired figures of the generation. How can they not be so happy?

They are naturally grateful and swear allegiance to Lu Yang.

"At the same time, here, I also announce one thing, that is, Lu Xiaofeng and Ximen Chuuxue are also good friends of mine. Today they were not able to be there because of other things. However, what they said and what they did It represents me, that is to say, as long as we all work together, everyone will be the master of Daling Yuanzhuang!" Lu Yang said.

The master of Daling Yuanzhuang, the glory and wealth of his life, it is comparable to the prince!

How can you not be more grateful!

Suddenly, there was thunderous cheers!

Xue Bing looked at Lu Yang respectfully, her eyes filled with tenderness.

This man is really amazing, not only has the ability to see clearly, but also has the charm of conquering people's hearts, making people swear to follow. ..


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