Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 282: Insult

Now, to Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, shark fin and wine are more important than anything else.

Sima Ziyi didn't open his eyes, they sneered while eating vegetables and drinking.

Many people have recognized Sima Ziyi, whispering to the side, they all know Sima Ziyi's reputation, and they all want to come and get close.

However, seeing the look of Sima Ziyi, they could only stop, and seeing the situation that was thousands of miles away, it would be better to stand aside and watch.

But most of them are worried about Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, this owner is not good-tempered.

Seeing the looks of Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, Sima Ziyi knew that he had made a mistake, and lost his face to others.

He still didn't change his expression.He walked over by himself, stretched out the hand that was well maintained, and clicked on the table of Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

Hu Qing immediately took out a stack of silver bills from his arms and placed them in front of Lu Yang.

Sima Ziyi touched his beautifully decorated moustache and said: "Although Jade Bi is good, it is still more affordable than gold and silver. Bu Ju is unsatisfactory. Of course, he will inevitably run into a wall."

The news in the capital spread so quickly, it was only an hour ago, and now he already knows it.

Sima Ziyi said: "I mean, I think your Excellency must feel the same."

Lu Yang nodded, expressing his complete agreement with him.

Sima Ziyi said: "This is fifty thousand taels of silver bills that can be cashed out immediately. If ordinary people have this money, they can live their lives without worry."

Lu Yang nodded, but sighed again: "Ordinary people, it's enough for a lifetime, but it doesn't work, alas, it can't be done."

Lu Xiaofeng deliberately asked strangely: "Why can't it be done? How generous is the owner of Sima, who can let ordinary people live a lifetime of fifty thousand two, it seems, how much face we have."

"Hey, fifty thousand liang seems to be as many as there are many, but you can't even raise a dog, you think, can this be called generous?" Lu Yang said calmly.

"Oh?" Lu Xiaofeng said.

"You forgot, our wealthy family doesn't like to eat anything these days, and refuses to eat. There is no way. We have to give it one hundred thousand taels, and let it eat whatever you like. It holds one hundred thousand taels. Pi Dian went out, but in less than a day, he was all spent by him." Lu Yang said lightly.

Lu Xiaofeng could actually hold back a smile: "Oh, I really forgot about it."

"Who is Wangcai?" Hu Qing asked in surprise.

One hundred thousand taels, it will be spent in less than a day.What kind of person is that, even the children of the family, don't dare to act like this.

Lu Xiaofeng laughed so that his intestines were almost knotted, and finally couldn't help but laugh, out of breath: "Wangcai, it's a dog that our brother Lu has just raised!"

"Presumptuous!" Hu Qing Tie's face was green, and some of the spectators couldn't help but laugh.

And Lu Yang, the person who caused the incident, was still drinking and eating shark fins, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

Sima Ziyi's face also changed. After all, he was experienced in the rivers and lakes, and he didn't have an attack. He signaled again.

Then Hu Qing once again took out a stack of silver bills from his pocket and put it on the table.

Sima Ziyi said: "Here is two hundred thousand taels. Only two ribbons are needed. It is always okay." Lu Yang still didn't give a sign, Sima Ziyi showed a smile on his face, as if he was ready to go, and the transaction was over.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yang suddenly said, "Then your Excellency, why didn't you keep the banknotes away?"

Sima Ziyi said: "Where to take it?"

Lu Yang said: "Take it to the ribbon shop."

Sima Ziyi didn't understand him.

Lu Yang said: "There are many silk and satin shops on the street. You can find a shop to change it. They are all very convenient, and you don't need to spend so much money."

Sima Ziyi lowered his face and said, "What I want to change is the ribbon on your body."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I won't change this ribbon."

Sima Ziyi seemed to have a radiant face, becoming so blue on the subway, and said coldly: "This is two hundred thousand taels of silver."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "If you let me finish this bowl of shark fin and drink this glass of wine, I would rather give you two hundred thousand taels of silver."

Sima Ziyi's iron-green face flushed extremely red, and the anger on his face was already evident.

The disciples standing behind him are full of anger, and their hands are on the hilt of the sword.

At the next table, someone who looked like a businessman couldn't help but laughed out loud.

No matter who sees that the Changle village owner who is all over the world is kicked, it is a very happy thing.

As soon as the man's laughter sounded, the sword light flew out, and he heard a ding, the tip of the flying sword was clamped by a pair of chopsticks.

It was Hu Qing who shot, he suddenly drew his sword and stabbed at the businessman.Unexpectedly, Lu Yang shot faster, so he stretched out his chopsticks and gently clamped it.

That Hu Qing's shot was immediately restrained, and his sword was pinched seven inches like a poisonous snake, unable to struggle.

Hu Qing gritted his teeth and tried to pull the sword out of Lu Yang's chopsticks, but the sword seemed to have rooted on Lu Yang's chopsticks.

Hu Qing's face already had cold sweat.

Lu Yang said indifferently: "There is no rule to prevent others from laughing. This is the capital city, the tavern, not the Changle Villa."

Suddenly, the sword light flashed again, and there was a ding sound, and the sword in Hu Qing's hand was broken in two.

Sima Ziyi's sword was cut out, and it was already sheathed. He coldly said: "Go back, from today on, if it's cold, you will use the sword."

Hu Qing lowered his head, looked at the broken sword in his hand, slowly backed up, withdrew seven or eight steps in a row, tears streaming out.

Lu Yang sighed, "It's a pity."

Sima Ziyi said: "What a pity? What is a pity?"

Lu Yang said: "But with that good sword, it's a pity that good young man, in fact, his sword skills are already a bit hot."

He looked at Sima Ziyi's sword again: "This sword is also good."..


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