Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 297: Two masters

Sikong Picking the Stars had already understood what Lu Yang meant.

Lu Yang hoped that Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng's subordinates would show mercy and compete with each other, not necessarily killing.

Of course everyone in the room understands what he means.

Wei Ziyun smiled dryly: "The sub-time has passed, and tomorrow will be adventurous. The two hopes that this battle can be limited to half an hour, and the time is over. The masters are competing for a move. In between, half an hour is enough."

He never talked about changing the sword again.

The decisive battle is finally about to begin, and everyone is holding their breath, waiting for the outcome of the matter.

Ximen Chuuxue held the scabbard in his left hand, and his right hand dropped to his knees. What happened just now did not seem to affect him at all.

The person from Ximen Chuuxue still looked like that unsheathed sword, cold, sharp, sharp, and so calm.

But Ye Gucheng had an ugly expression.

He clamped the long sword behind him backhand, his movements were a bit slow, and he was still coughing gently.

Compared with Ximen Chuuxue, Ye Gucheng's situation is much worse.

Ye Gucheng looked much older and weaker now, it seemed that he was overwhelmed with broken cars.

There was sympathy in the eyes of those watching the battle.

There is no need to think about the outcome of this battle.

His sword is even more ruthless!

Ye Gucheng finally held up his chest, looked at the sword in his hand, and slowly said: "The sword is originally a murder weapon. I have been practicing swords as a young man. I have been practicing swords for 30 years now. I was ready to fall under the sword at any time. "

Ximen Chuuxue was listening quietly.

Ye Gucheng gasped again, and then said: "So, in today's battle, you and my sword do not need to be merciful. Isn't it a happy thing for people who learn to die under the sword of a master? Then, there will be no regrets in this life."

Ximen Chuuxue still said indifferently, "Yes."

The people watching the battle have already begun to admire and clap their hands.

What they came to see was that two peerless swordsmen had a life and death battle.

If their swords are left with surplus power, what will this battle be worth?

Ye Gucheng took a deep breath and said, "Please."

Ximen Chuuxue said suddenly: "Wait a moment."

Ye Gucheng said: "Wait a while, how long will it take?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "When the wound stops bleeding."

Ye Gucheng said, "Who loves the injury? Who bleeds?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "You."

Ye Gucheng let out a sigh of relief and looked down at his face, his body seemed to be unsupported, shaky.

Everyone followed his eyes, but found that a little red blood had leaked out of his snow-white clothes.

Ye Gucheng was really injured, and the wound was bleeding.

However, he was a proud person, and even though he gritted his teeth, he wouldn't shrink back even if he died.

Ximen Chuuxue sneered: "Although my sword is a weapon for murder, I have never been merciful, but I never kill anyone who wants to die."

Ye Gucheng sternly said: "How come I came to save the dead? You are too underestimating City Master Baiyun!"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "If you don't want to save the dead, then wait a month and come again, and I will wait for you for a month."

Ximen Chuuxue suddenly turned around, leaped in the sky, and fell under the eaves of the hall.

Ye Gucheng obviously wanted to chase after him, and shouted: "You!"

However, just after a word was said, a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth.

His people can no longer support him. Now not only can he not catch up with Ximen Chuuxue, but even a child, he might not catch up.

Everyone watching the battle, you looked at me, I looked at you, once again all were stunned.

This battle, in everyone's eyes, should have been turbulent and brilliant.

But now it turned out to be a sudden turn, like a scene. After a long time, all the characters have appeared.

Unexpectedly, the protagonist ended up hastily as soon as he came out, so even those who beat gongs and drums would be extremely disappointed.

Sikong Picking the stars suddenly laughed.

The honest monk glared at him and asked him: "What are you laughing at?"

Sikong Xingxing laughed: "I'm laughing at the people who spent tens of thousands of taels, even hundreds of thousands of taels of silver on ribbons."

Sikong was obviously laughing too early when he picked the stars, but Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were too late to shoot!

They were originally sighing, but they didn't expect that something happened suddenly!

That Tang Tianzong jumped forward suddenly, jumped to the back of Ye Gucheng, raised his hands, and sprinkled a cloud of arsenopyrite!

Ye Gucheng, who seemed to be unsteady even on his feet, was shocked, but he jumped into the air!

He turned over as a swallow, his movements were so light and vigorous, he didn't look like he was seriously injured!

However, he was a little bit late!

As long as the Tang Sect’s hidden poison weapon was shot, few people could dodge it.

The most important thing is that Tang Tianzong is ready to go, and the position he chooses when he shoots is hard to guard against!

Hearing that scream, Ye Gucheng's body suddenly fell heavily, and there was another black cloud on his snow-white clothes!

That is the soul chasing sand that the Tang family sees blood-sealed throat. If it is close, its power is far more terrifying than the poisonous quinoa!

Everyone in the rivers and lakes knows that the Tang family's hidden poison weapon is well-known in the world. As long as one pill of arsenopyrite hits the face, half of the face can be cut off!

Even if only one shot hits your hand, you have to chop off that hand!

But now, the poisonous sand in Ye Gucheng's body is already countless.

That Ye Gucheng suddenly rolled under Tang Tianzong's feet, hoarsely saying: "The antidote! Come on the antidote!"

Tang Tianzong gritted his teeth and said with a sneer: "My eldest and second elder brothers are both injured by your sword, even if they are fine, they become disabled. You and our Tang family are as deep as the sea. Do you want me to give you an antidote? Dreaming! "..


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