Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 302: Reveal

Princess Jian'an exclaimed: "Lv Yang!"

"The return of a sword, a flying fairy from the sky." Ye Gucheng was so shocked.

He didn't underestimate the emperor's heart. That move was a full blow, but he didn't expect it to be caught by Lu Yang's two fingers.

Princess Jian'an escaped from the dead, looking at Lu Yang, her eyes were full of complicated expressions, there was gratitude and admiration.

The emperor had clearly seen her mood. Laughed suddenly.

Ye Gucheng suddenly retracted his sword, flashed around, and had already swept out of the South Study Room, and disappeared.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng also followed closely. Obviously, they did not expect that Ye Gucheng would suddenly escape.

He ran away in such embarrassment, without warning.

Wang An and Nan Wang Shizi were so scared that they fell into a puddle of mud and collapsed on the ground, but they couldn't say a word, even the courage to beg for mercy was gone.

If you are on the run, you will definitely not appreciate the pleasure and excitement.

Ye Gucheng likes to perform light work under the moon, flying into the wind, at that time, he was always proud.

Every time, his mood is exceptionally peaceful, exceptionally peaceful, he is always high above.

However, he cannot calm down today.

At this time, it was Yue Gao and the wind was light and the wind was boundless, but he was very confused.

He was on the run, and he couldn't figure out many things.

Where are the errors and loopholes in such a sophisticated plan?

How did Lu Yang discover this terrifying conspiracy? No one can answer him. As no one can answer, where did the wind on his face come from.

However, he felt that Lu Yang would be able to catch up in a moment, even if he tried his best, he couldn't get rid of it.

Even, he could already hear Lu Yang's breathing.

The moonlight was mesmerizing, as if it were foggy. Under the shadow of the imperial city, there was a man standing there quietly, like him, dressed in white like snow.

In the fog, Ye Gucheng couldn't see him clearly, but he saw a figure whiter than the fog and whiter than the moon.

However, he no longer needs to see who he is, because he already knows who this person belongs to.

Now Ye Gucheng has felt an indescribable sword aura.

That sword aura was emitted from this person, like an invisible mountain, almost crushing him.

Ye Gucheng's whole body muscles were tight.

This was the first time I felt boundless pressure, and that pressure came from Jian Qi.

Except for Ximen Chuuxue, no one has given him this kind of pressure.

When he saw Simon Chuuxue's face, his figure suddenly stopped.

Ximen Chuuxue's sword was in his hand, and there was a sword in his hand. Although the sword was still in its sheath, the sword energy did not come from his sword.

It was his, his man was sharper and sharper than the sword.

And the gazes of the two of them met, it was more like a sharp strike, and a violent spark came out.

Lu Yang had already caught up and stood beside Ximen Chuuxue. What Lu Yang wanted to say.

Ximen bluntly understood Lu Yang's meaning, but pressed Lu Yang's hand.

Lu Yang smiled reluctantly: "You."

Ximen Chuuxue smiled, that smile was full of confidence: "Don't worry."

"Oh." Lu Yang said.

Ximen Chuuxue looked at Lu Yang: "Brother Lu, don't worry, I will be fine."

Lu Yang had seen a kind of self-confidence and a kind of enthusiasm in his eyes.

Lu Yang understood that after taking a step back, he knew that Ximen Chuuxue had a certainty of winning.

It's not just because Ximen Chuuxue is a myth, it's invincible.

"You are all my friends." Lu Yang said.

Ye Gucheng sighed: "Are you still a friend?"

Lu Yang said: "It used to be, it is now, and it will be in the future."

Ye Gucheng's eyes were miserable, looking at Ximen Chuuxue.

None of them moved, but this stillness seemed more stressed, more terrifying than movement, and felt stronger.

A few fallen leaves floated up, between them, suddenly fell, and even the wind could not blow.

This pressure is invisible, but it is definitely not invisible.

Lu Yang suddenly felt that they were all so far away, unable to see their appearance and their swords.

Ximen Chuuxue said suddenly: "You also learn swords?"

Ye Gucheng said, "I am the sword, and the sword is me."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Then do you know where the essence of the sword is?"

Ye Gucheng said, "You said."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "The way of sword lies in honesty."

Ye Gucheng said, "Honesty?"

Ximen said: "Only sincere and righteous can we reach the peak of swordsmanship. If you are not sincere, you are not worthy of swords!"

Ye Gucheng's eyes suddenly flashed with a complicated look: "What about you?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Under my sword, I have never killed a person who shouldn't be killed."

Ye Gucheng was silent.

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Especially, I would never use a sword trick like a flying fairy on a person without a sword."

Ye Gucheng remained silent.

He was silent for a long time, then suddenly asked: "You learn sword?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Learning is endless, and kendo is endless."

Ye Gucheng said, "Since you also learn swords, you should also know that those who learn swords are only sincere to the sword, not to others."

Lu Yang suddenly said: "If you are not sincere to others, then his sword will not be able to achieve true sincerity. There is no way to become a sword if you are not sincere."

Lu Yang sighed again: "It's only a pity that the trick is to fly from the sky, it is indeed the best in the sword."

Ximen Chuuxue said coldly: "It's a pity that it was made by an insincere person, but the sky is flying immortal, but it's covered in dust."

The words are finished, the end of Lu is Tian Tianya, the end of the sea is the cape, and the end of the words is the sword.

With the sword in hand, it will be out of the sheath.

This is the extreme of kendo, and Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng are the veners of kendo.

Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng are both proud swordsmen.

However, the sword light flew up, but it was not two swords that looked like a sword to the ice. ..


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