Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 305: Clues

Ye Gucheng said, "Are you talking about Zhang Yingfeng, Aunt Gongsun, Ouyang Qing?"

Lu Yang said: "There is also the grandpa tortoise grandson."

Ye Gucheng said: "You have always wondered why someone would kill him?"

Lu Yang said: "Now I have figured it out."

Ye Gucheng said, "You said."

Lu Yang said, "This plan was under way secretly for a long time. General Manager Wang and the people in Nanwangfu have been in contact. The place where they met was Ouyang Qing's brothel."

Ye Gucheng said, "Because they think that no one would think that eunuchs and lamas would actually visit brothels."

Lu Yang said: "But you don't worry, because you know that Master Guisun and Ouyang Qing are not ordinary people. You have been wondering whether they have discovered your secrets, so you-must kill them."

Ye Gucheng said, "Actually, I didn't have to kill them."

Lu Yang said: "It's really not necessary."

Ye Gucheng said: "But this matter is really too big, I have to take a little risk."

Lu Yang said, "That's why I discovered that there must be a great secret hidden behind the scenes of your decisive battle, not just because of Li Yanbei and Lao Du's gamble."

Ye Gucheng sighed and said, "He should always know that Zhang Yingfeng must die."

Lu Yang said, "Because Zhang Yingfeng was eager to find Ximen Buxue, and found the eunuch's den, but accidentally discovered that you were there, of course he had to die."

Ye Gucheng said, "You must already know that the third wax figure he pinched is me."

Lu Yang said: "Because of this wax figure, the clay figure Zhang will die."

Ye Gucheng said, "I killed Aunt Gongsun just to blame her."

Lu Yang said: "You still want me to doubt the honest monk."

Ye Gucheng sneered: "Do you really think he is very honest?"

Lu Yang suddenly smiled again, and said, "Although I often see the wrong people, do the wrong things, and go the wrong way, sometimes I just hit the right track."

Ye Gucheng said, "Whether you are hitting right?"

Lu Yang said: "If I didn't doubt the honest monk, I wouldn't ask Ouyang Qing, and I wouldn't find that General Manager Wang and the Lama from the Southern Palace were there that day."

Shi Gucheng said, "After you asked about this, did you start to doubt me?"

Lu Yang sighed and said: "Actually, I have never suspected you. Although I always felt that you would never be conspired by others, let alone be injured by the Tang family's poison, I still did not doubt you, because ..."

Lu Yang looked at Ye Gucheng and slowly continued: "Because I always think you are my friend."

Ye Gucheng turned around, could he no longer face Lu Yang?

Lu Yang said: "You take advantage of Li Yanbei and Du Tongxuan's gambling smoke screen, and then use this decisive battle as an introduction. You first arrange for someone to be with Du Tongxuan as your stand-in. When you appear, you are covered with flowers, not afraid of being smelled. The stench of your wound, but for fear that people will find that you don’t have a stench."

Lu Yang sighed again, and continued: "These plans are really wonderful, wonderful.

Ye Gucheng did not look back.

Lu Yang said: "The most wonderful thing is the ribbons."

Ye Gucheng said, "Oh?"

Lu Yang said: "Wei Ziyun used satin to restrict the world of heroes, but you want General Manager Wang to steal another piece of color-changing silk from the inner library, make it into a ribbon, and give it to your person, who will send it out again. As soon as there are more people in the palace, Wei Ziyun will only be able to transfer all his manpower to the Palace of Supreme Harmony to defend, so that you can carry out your conspiracy in the inner palace so easily."

Ye Gucheng looked at the sky silently.

Lu Yang said: "Unfortunately, people are not as good as heaven. Although, you are right, Ximen Chuuxue will never attack a wounded person. When that happens, no one will notice you, but you don't. Counting that there will be a Tang Tianzong who wants to avenge his brother."

Ye Gucheng said, "Tang Tianzong?"

Lu Yang said: "If it hadn't been for Tang Tianzong to secretly act as a substitute for you, I might not have suspected you."

Ye Gucheng said, "Oh?"

Lu Yang said: "After I discovered the secret of the substitute, I immediately thought of the Southern Prince's Mansion, General Wang. At this time, I understood your conspiracy, what a terrible conspiracy it is."

Ye Gucheng said: "So, the first thing you think of is, where the real Ye Gucheng is, then there is only one possibility, that is to be with Manager Wang, because of this matter, Manager Wang has always been there."

Lu Yang said: "Yes, then, the director Wang has always been there, and he used his stand-in to fight Ximen Chuuxue, and almost all the guards in the Ouchi were gathered in the Hall of Supreme Harmony because of the extra ribbons. . So I just."

Ye Gucheng said: "So, you thought of where the real Ye Gucheng is. You are with Manager Wang, who happens to be the manager of the Ouchi again. Therefore, this matter has a close relationship with the emperor."

Ye Gucheng laughed.

Lu Yang said: "Are you laughing?"

Ye Gucheng said: "Should I not laugh?"

Lu Yang looked at him, looked at him for a long time, and finally nodded: "As long as you can still laugh, then one should laugh more. No matter what, no matter what happens, laughter is better than frowning."

However, there are many kinds of laughter.

Some laughed happily, some laughed reluctantly, some laughed flatteringly, and some laughed bitterly.

And now, what kind of smile would Ye Gucheng's smile be?

But no matter what, no matter what his smile represents, as long as he can calculate it in this situation, he is a very human hero.

However, he is a dead end hero. The failed hero.

Ye Gucheng suddenly patted Lu Yang on the shoulder and said, "I'm going."

Lu Yang asked: "What else do you have to say, maybe I can do something."

Ye Gucheng thought for a moment and said: "There is only one sentence left."

Lu Yang said: "Just tell me."

Ye Gucheng sighed and said: "In fact, no matter what, you are my friend in my heart, no matter what others think."..


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