Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 307: weakness

Since the last time Ximen Chuuxue voluntarily proposed to postpone it by one month, did Ye Gucheng grasp the weakness of Ximen Chuuxue?

Lu Yang was very worried, the master's battle was originally only a moment.

No matter how many weaknesses, no matter how many or how small, it is fatal. This is especially true for masters.

However, he knew that even if Ye Gucheng could let Ximen Chuuxue go, Ximen Chuuxue would definitely not let him go.

Victory means life, and defeat means death. For Ximen Chuuxue, there is no other choice.

But Ye Gucheng was different. Victory also meant death, and defeat also meant death. He had no concerns.

However, it is strange that Lu Yang is very worried about Ye Gucheng.

He had never discovered that Ye Gucheng had human feelings and love.

Ye Gucheng has always been a sword, his life is the sword, and the sword is his life.

As long as his sword is there, he has life.

And life is originally a war, wars of all kinds, big and small.

Ye Gucheng matured in the war,

For others, war may mean all kinds of gains, money, honor, nothing more than this.

But Ye Gucheng is different, war means life, where there is war, there is life, and life lives for war.

Victory is glory, it is a kind of glory, it proves that his sword, his people, this is something that no one can match.

But now Ye Gucheng, victory is meaningless, defeat is death, victory is death, he has no turning back.

Therefore, both of them have the conditions for victory and the reasons for defeat.

And who of them can truly grasp this? No one can predict.

Who will win or lose between the two of them?

Even Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng couldn't really grasp it.

At this time, the moonlight and starlight were so dim. .

Between the day and the earth, all the brilliance had been lost, because all the brilliance had been concentrated in the hands of Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng.

These are two immortal swords, two eternal swords.

Swords are forever. Although the people who make them are different, they are all the same.

It will always be a weapon.

The sword has been pierced out.

The sword that pierced out was not very powerful, and there was still a distance between Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng.

Their swordsman does not have Quebec, they have begun to change ceaselessly.

Their people move so slowly, but their blades change so fast.

Because they didn't use their sword moves, but they moved with their hearts.

In the eyes of ordinary masters, the duel between the two does not seem to be intense and exciting, and not lacking in taste.

But Wei Ziyun, Ding Ao, Yin Xian, and Tu Wan were all sweaty.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were full of breeding.

They all have a deep understanding of swords, and they are certainly first-class swordsmen. They have already seen that the changes in the swordsmanship of Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng have reached the situation where they want.

And this state is the supreme state of martial arts.

If Ye Gucheng's opponent were not Ximen Chuuxue, every change of his sword would be a sword that must kill and win.

If Ximen Chuuxue's opponent were not Ye Gucheng, then every hit of his sword would be a sure-win sword.

Their swords are already integrated with people. They are the sword of the heart and the sword of the body.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng had sweat on their hands and faces.

They had never been so nervous before, and they found that Ximen Chuuxue's sword strength changed and looked flexible, but in fact it was sluggish.

But Ye Gucheng's sword was ethereal and flowing. It seems to be alive, full of aura.

Ye Gucheng's sword was like a gust of wind outside the clouds, swift and violent.

But Ximen Chuuxue's sword seemed to be tied with a thread that no one could see.

But Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng fully understand that the line is his wife, his home, and his unborn child.

It even contains his emotions, these are the lines that others can't see.

But this line is so heavy.

Lu Yang had already seen that Ximen Chuuxue had already seen his full strength, and he would definitely be killed by Ye Gucheng's sword in less than twenty moves below.

For masters, the change time of 20 strokes will pass in an instant.

Lu Yang looked at Lu Xiaofeng, and Lu Xiaofeng could see this completely, his face was as gray as death.

All of them seemed to fall into the ice cellar, so cold.

However, the sword has been developed and no one can change the fate of Ximen Chuuxue.

Ximen Chuuxue couldn't, even more can't Lv Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

Even if Lu Yang stepped forward to stop him, Ximen Chuuxue would die, and Ye Gucheng couldn't live.

In this duel, there was no victory or defeat.

The distance between the two people is getting closer and closer.

Both swords have already stabbed out with all their strength, this is already the last sword, that is, the last sword that determines the outcome.

Until now, Ximen Chuuxue realized that his sword was obviously a step slower than Ye Gucheng.

If his sword pierces Ye Gucheng's chest, Ye Gucheng's sword must also pierce his throat.

Both people must fall under each other's sword.

But the sword momentum has been released, and both of them have been unable to hold back, they can only watch all this happen.

Ximen Chuuxue showed an unnoticeable look of despair on his face. At this moment, he even thought of Sun Xiuqing and the unborn child in his stomach.

He didn't want to accept this kind of fate, but he could not but accept it, unable to stop it, and unable to change it.

At that moment, Ximen Chuuxue suddenly discovered that Ye Gucheng's sword power had deviated a little! The deviation that only peerless masters can see!

And that deviation is only between inches and Xu, and the distance between inches and Xu is the distance between life and death.

For Ye Gucheng, how could this kind of error happen?

The master's mistakes shouldn't have happened like this.

Was it because Ye Gucheng knew that there was no half the distance between his life and death? ..


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