Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 322: Trouble

Daniel obviously, still wondering if he heard it wrong.

But the blind man accepted the money for him. Seeing the money, even the blind man opened his eyes.

The silver bills are of course genuine. They have already seen that the person in front of them is indeed rich and willful.

The blind man smiled and said: "It's not long since dark now. Go outside and come back, we can find a few good guests for you, and accompany you on a happy bet."

Lu Yang smiled and said: "I'm just going around here now, can't wait for the casino to open?"

Daniel rushed and said, "Of course it won't work."

Lu Yang lowered his face and said: "Since you will never bet until it gets dark, why did you bet with me just now?"

Daniel argued: "I didn't gamble with you."

Lu Yang said coldly: "If you didn't bet with me, then why did you charge me five hundred taels of silver?"

Daniel kicked his feet in anxious state, his face flushed, and his neck seemed to be several times thicker, but there was no way to refute him.

When reasoning is useless, you can only use your fists.

The big cow's fist had just been squeezed, ready to smash the head of the man in front of him.

At this time, he saw that the person in front was just using his finger on the stone pedal he just raised.

It's just that random jab, the stone pedal has a small hole.

Daniel's face suddenly turned pale, and his clenched fists were quietly released.

Seeing such a situation, the blind man coughed a few times, and gently touched the big cow with his elbow and said: "Now, it's getting dark anyway, this guest is here again, if we really drive the guest away After going out, wouldn’t it be too interesting?"

Daniel immediately nodded and said: "Anyway, there are no lead dice, and there is no woman hidden. Let's let him look around. It shouldn't matter."

That big cow looks a bit stupid, but he is not stupid.

Lu Yang smiled again. He patted Daniel on the shoulder and said: "Okay, friends enough, when the gambling is over, I will invite you to the Xinghua Pavilion for a drink."

Xinghua Pavilion is the most expensive incense courtyard in the city. It is a paradise for men.

However, the style is far less than here, and the layout is far less gorgeous than here.

When I looked over, the hall was really magnificent and magnificent. Even the candlesticks were made of pure silver.

In such a place, no one feels wronged by losing a thousand and eight hundred taels of silver.

The hall is filled with all kinds of gambling tables, large and small, as long as it is gambling equipment that can be said.

The walls on all sides are whitewashed like a snow cave, and they are covered with paintings of famous artists of ancient and modern times.

The largest landscape was hung in the middle hall, but looking at the signature, it was painted by an unknown person.

The misty distant mountains are painted as if the ink tank has been knocked over, completely black.

If this painting is hung in other places, it would be better. Hanging in this hall is not flattering. compares such paintings with those masterpieces of famous artists, which is really unsightly.

But Lu Yang seemed to be extremely interested in this painting. He stood in front of the painting and looked left and right, up and down.

It seems that he is reluctant to go in general.

Daniel and the blind looked at each other. The look on their faces is so strange.

The blind man rolled his eyes and said, "This painting was painted by the older brother-in-law of our boss, and it is even worse than mine. There is a landscape painting by Tang Jieyuan, the number one talented man in southern China, which is called the real one. drawn."

Daniel immediately said: "I'll take you over and take a look, you will know that this painting is really shit."

Lu Yang said: "Then I would rather watch shit."

Daniel asked in surprise: "Why?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "You can see mountains and rivers everywhere, but **** is quite rare."

Daniel was stunned, his face flushed red again, what was he worried about when people looked at other people's shit?

The blind man winked at Daniel quietly, and the two of them quietly walked around behind Lu Yang.

The two of them suddenly shot at the same time, one left and the other right, and suddenly carried Na Lu Yang up.

Lu Yang didn't resist at all, and seemed unable to resist.

The blind man sneered: "Look at this kid sneaky, you can see at a glance, it's not a good thing, you can't keep him."

Daniel also sneered: "Yes, let's ask him out first, and we will talk after abandoning his hands."

When two people succeeded in a blow, the expression on that face seemed to have picked up a big ingot.

In their situation, it seemed that they saw a big fat sheep.

It's a pity that not only was the sheep not fat, but it was not a real sheep, but a Kohu in sheep's clothing.

They were about to take Lu Yang out, and suddenly felt that the person in their hands became as heavy as a mountain, but the two of them were lifted up instead.

With a wave of Lu Yang's arm, he heard a "boom", and the bull's head just hit the blind man's head without any deviation.

The two people's heads didn't seem to be very soft, so they fainted like that.

Lu Yang put down the two men, raised his head, and looked at the landscape painting hanging on the wall.

Lu Yang shook his head, sighed, and murmured: "You really are not wrong, this painting is really a shit."

Suddenly he stretched out his hand and tore off the landscape painting that was ten feet long and four or five feet wide.

After the painting was torn down, I didn't expect that there was a secret door behind it!

Lu Yang's eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "The painting does look quite shit, but the real **** is probably still far behind."

These pediatric tricks, Lu Yang still doesn't care.

The whole hall, the more special the place, the more famous it is. This is the eternal principle. ..


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