Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 328: Being stalked

Everyone knows that Lu Yang is a prodigal son, just like Lu Xiaofeng, who is unique in the world.

Wandering is also a kind of disease, like a plague, contagious.

It is not easy for you to cure it, and it is not easy for you to contract this disease.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng just don't need to be infected because they are all born with problems.

Prodigal sons are generally not willing to abuse themselves.

Because they all like to take care of themselves, even if they have a wife, as long as they have the opportunity, they will still slip out.

For example, Lu Yang is like this.

He takes good care of himself, anyway he doesn't worry about money.

When there is a car, he never walks. There are two taels of silver a day in the inn. He will never sit in a room of two to nine.

The "Tian" room in Tianfu Inn is an upper room, and the rent is three taels of silver a day.

As long as everyone who goes to live in the Tianzifang, he will definitely not think that the two ounces of money have been spent a bit wrongly.

Large and comfortable beds, clean and flawless bedding, soft goose feather pillows, and hot water for bathing at any time.

Lu Yang is now lying on the bed, resting comfortably.

He had just taken a hot bath and soaked for a long time until he was soaked out of exhaustion.

After taking a shower, he ate dinner comfortably and drank two catties of fine bamboo leaf green.

The color of the dishes is really good, the color and flavor are delicious, Lu Yang almost swallowed the plate.

In such a situation, it should be a good night's sleep to cultivate enough energy.

Lu Yang had closed his eyes, but his mind was in confusion, and he couldn't sleep.

He feels that there are many things to think about.

There seemed to be some loopholes in this whole thing, but he couldn't figure out what that loophole was.

And as long as he closes his eyes, two women will appear before his eyes.

One of the women was wearing a light, soft, apple-green silk robe, with no rouge on her beautiful face.

But her expression is always so cold, like an inaccessible place on ice.

But the other woman is the sunshine like spring, the spring water under the sunshine is so gentle, so charming, so exciting.

Especially her eyes, when looking at you, they can hook your soul away.

Lu Yang's soul was not taken away because the woman did not look directly at Lu Yang, so naturally her eyes couldn't fall into Lu Yang's eyes.

However, Lu Yang has been looking at her, and for the past few days, he seems to be able to see her every moment of every day.

She just kept following Lu Yang, as if an invisible thread tied them together.

Lu Yang has also watched countless people and was watched by countless people.

And now there are actually two groups of people following his tip at the same time, this is the first time.

The two groups are not just two people.

The gentle girl like spring water was just one of them, and she was the only one in the first group.

There are five people in the second group. Those five people are tall and short, old and young, riding tall horses.

Each of them was wearing a fast sword and a long knife, and they were irritated.

Lu Yang can only be regarded as not knowing.

In fact, he did not know who these five people belonged to and why they were staring at him.

Everything seems to be more and more interesting, and more and more confusing.

Lu Yang felt that his heart was beating faster and became more and more interested in this matter.

The second group of people are three old and pedantic people wearing square scarfs and a little Confucian clothing. They are sitting in a cart.

The book boy who followed, but with a tea set and a hip flask, seemed to go out to visit the mountains and water.

Lu Yang could tell these three people at a glance. No matter what they were dressed up, Lu Yang could recognize them.

Because no matter how they change their clothes, there is no way to hide the indifference and arrogance on their faces.

Their irresistible expressions are indeed something ordinary people don't have.

What's more, Lu Yang had already had countless encounters with them, so he recognized them at a glance.

Those three elders who are dressed up are naturally the elders of the Western Demon Cult.

They are also the three friends of the old Han Dynasty in the Tianlong Cave of the Great Guangming Jingshan Mountain in Kunlun.

Lu Yang didn't think about avoiding them, and they just followed Qiu from a distance and didn't catch up with him.

It seems that they don't want to trouble Lu Yang anymore.

In fact, Blue Beard told them: "If there is one person in this world who can retrieve the Rakshasa card for them, there will be no other person besides Lu Yang."

Lu Xiaofeng may not be able to do it, but Lu Yang will definitely be able to do it.

For the Rakshasa card, the three monsters can only bear their temper.

After all, the death of Yu Tianbao is important, and the Raksha card is equally important. Everything can only wait for the Raksha card to be found first.

Lu Yang stayed at Tianfu Inn, did those three groups also live in Tianfu Inn?

What are they going to do? Will they do it tonight, which is not good for Lu Yang?

No one knew, Lu Yang sighed.

In fact, he is not afraid of other troubles. He can handle all the troubles with confidence.

But waiting for others to make trouble like this is not a good thing.

Just as he sighed, someone outside suddenly knocked on the door.

Come, finally come, so things are interesting.

I just don't know, which group of people will come, what purpose will they have, and what are they going to do?

Lu Yang simply lay down on the bed and didn't bother to move.

Now that this is the case, let it all go with the flow.

Lu Yang not only didn't move, but he didn't even bother to ask. He just said loudly: "Come in!"..


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