Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 330: Gentle overnight

The weapon came so fast and fiercely that it was impossible to resist.

Aunt Dingxiang's face changed drastically, and she was about to shout.

But before she yelled out, those hidden weapons that suddenly seemed like lightning fell out of thin air!

Every hidden weapon was broken into two pieces!

Aunt Dingxiang was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth, she was completely stunned.

Just when she was puzzled, she heard a "bang" and saw a man waving a steel knife, breaking through the door, and flying in.

The man wore a tight suit, and at first glance he knew that he was ready for the night walk.

His look is fierce, and his movements are extremely rude and fierce, apparently from a foreign expert.

Unexpectedly, he just rushed in, and suddenly turned upside down in the air, like an invisible hand grabbing his neck from behind him and throwing it out of the room.

Immediately afterwards, I heard another "bang", the window flew open and sawdust splashed everywhere.

Another man brandished a pair of knives, roaring and flew in from the window.

However, to Aunt Dingxiang's surprise, the double-sword man flew out from the opposite window.

In an instant, his body fell heavily on the slate floor outside the window opposite, making a sound of "battle". It depends on the situation.

Aunt Dingxiang's eyes were staring now, and she didn't know how to react.

She really couldn't tell what happened.

At this time, Lu Yang actually laughed.

Aunt Dingxiang stared at him: "You can still laugh!"

Lu Yang smiled and asked, "Why can't I laugh?" His hands were not idle.

Aunt Ding Xiang gave him a few glances fiercely: "You are such a bastard, in such a situation, you are so easy, so easy."

Lu Yang smiled badly: "How about relaxed, relaxed."

Aunt Dingxiang gasped and said: "Zhan, it's taking advantage of others." Her voice was very soft and soft, as soft as water.

Just when Aunt Dingxiang looked a little confused, another person rushed out of the door.

He rushed to the head of the bed with a ghost knife in his hand.

The Ghost Sword was raised high, staring at Lu Yang, and sternly said: "I will kill you!"

This time, Aunt Dingxiang was so frightened that Huarong was pale, and she couldn't help screaming again.

But she just screamed, but it was blocked by Lu Yang's mouth, and the scream could only be swallowed in her stomach.

Aunt Dingxiang's expression relaxed, and she didn't know why, in the arms of this man, she deserved to be safe and at ease.

The man was only half talking, but the knife in his hand could not be cut off.

Because, he fell down on his own, his limbs contracted, and his face had turned black, as if he was suddenly wicked.

He bounced on the ground and suddenly rolled outside the door.

Swords and hidden weapons in the room flew around, and then a few burly men jumped out. And Lu Yang, as if he hadn't seen all of this, actually lay there, motionless.

A gust of wind blew, the door that was knocked open automatically closed again, and the broken windows were also closed by the remaining window edges.

Lu Yang remained calm, lying on the bed, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

He seems to have calculated it right, even if the sky falls, someone will support him first.

Aunt Ding Xiang was extremely surprised, looked at Lu Yang, slowly stretched out her hand, touched Lu Yang's forehead, and touched his heart.

Lu Yang smiled: "Don't worry, I haven't been scared to death."

Aunt Dingxiang said in surprise: "You are not sick either."

Aunt Dingxiang sighed and looked at Lu Yang and continued: "You, you must have been a Bodhisattva in your previous life. You have done a lot of good things. That's why you will turn bad luck into good luck and die. No matter where you go, you will have it. Ghosts and gods are protecting you in secret."

Lu Yang said: "It's not bad at all, nine heavens and ten earths, the gods and demons are secretly protecting me. I am invincible to all poisons and invulnerable to all demons."

Lu Yang showed his white teeth and smiled, but the smile was so grim.

He also knew that his smile must be very sinister, just like those people in the Western Demon Cult.

Aunt Ding Xiang also laughed, blinked, looked at Lu Yang, and said softly: "Since there are so many ghosts and gods protecting you, then I don't need to be afraid, then we are still."

Her hand stretched out under the covers and touched Lu Yang's beard.

Lu Yang stared at her in astonishment as if being electrocuted: "After such a thing, do you still want to?"

Aunt Dingxiang just smiled and replaced her answer with actions.

At this moment, the light suddenly went out, and I don't know whether it was it by himself or by whom.

The room was completely dark, and nothing could be seen.

And in such a dark room, many things can happen.

And everyone will know what will happen in this room.

Lu Yang slept very sweetly. These days, he has never slept so sweetly.

Because he knows that no one will bother him again, and it is full of fragrance, is there anything happier in the world?

He is not a saint, and Aunt Dingxiang is not.

Two people who are not saints lie in a bed, many things are natural.

When Lu Yang woke up, her scent remained on the pillow.

However, her person has disappeared.

If it weren't for the lingering fragrance, it might have never appeared before.

But in fact, she has already appeared, and the smell of the pillow and the touch of the man are all felt, and it really exists.

Lu Yang opened his eyes and looked at the roof, dumbfounded.

Another suspicious thing appeared next to him, and Lu Yang himself couldn't believe it was true.

"Could it be that she just wanted to follow after so many days?"

This matter seemed even more bizarre. The red sun has been shining in from outside the window, and it is another good weather. ..


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